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Posts posted by Tigrix

  1. 10 hours ago, TheTankBal said:

    i still would like to get a reply to my tickets...

    Patience... A mod said they're dealing with 1900+ tickets since the 25th.
    That's 1 week my friend 🙂 I doubt you can expect any small company to respond constructively to 272 queries A DAY, which is what it'd take to get through 1900 in that time-frame.
    (that's even without counting the added tickets trickling in on a daily basis, adding to the numbers).

    Takes time

  2. There are some good tips and guides from veterans here

    my own tip: switch around a lot in the beginning and try to find out which style suits you the best and then stick with it for the majority of the time until you feel you mastered it.
    Then add another type/style and keep going, until you feel pretty good with a weapon from each style of fighting, while always having that primary role to fall back on that you prefer.
    (by styles/roles I mean; close quarter guns, medium ranges, or snipers/dmr's)

  3. 28 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:


    Sorry guys, had a meeting.

    " We’re not going to unban all players, for instance players committing credit card fraud, but we’re going to unban the majority of the bans."



    So yeah, unless you got banned for credit card fraud, you getting yer account back fams.

    As I read that, it says for instance and majority, meaning fraud is an example of one's not being lifted and "majority" means most, but not all.
    There were 17k bans and It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date.
    I'm very sure he intends to exclude those who would try and take advantage of his reprieve and got themselves banned in the time-frame between his announcement and BE releasing.

    Else he would have simply said "All accounts banned for cheats, but not for instance fraudulent bans". He's not silly to make such a promise and see himself abused by it.

  4. 7 minutes ago, MartisLTU said:

    And funny fact is that most of them will be unbanned .... i bet dats why they cheating even harder.

    I highly doubt any cheater who gets banned in the time-frame between LO's announcement and BE's release, will get unbanned.
    It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date and you'd know that when making the announcement.  Hence Matt's answer was "most accounts will be unbanned" ... not ALL.
    (some wouldn't cause of "other ban reasons, such as fraud" --- but you can also guess he wasn't gonna say explicitly "oh and those who cheat between now and the release of BE, since it'd be stupid to even mention this as a temptation to silly players - much smarter to just say "most accounts")

  5. 35 minutes ago, AsgerLund said:

    Indeed. I agree that’s what Lixil said, bacause that’s pretty much what she wrote in her OP.

    I’m quite excited to know more about the GM volunteering process. It’s very important for the future of this game to have good people volunteering as GMs.

    Which is why i hope the GM screening process will be thorough enough to catch any bad apples. An important part of that would be to go through old in-game chat logs to make sure, that the applicants understand what a CoC is and that they know how to adhere to one. 

    Yep, completely agree. Run a search for most common racial and other similar bad slurs or TOS violating things, then read the context of the line and make a judgement call.
    (I did that for our game server sometimes if I felt the application or the interview was either not the whole story or something was off)

    I wouldn't pretend to tell Lixil or Matt or anyone else how to run their programs or what to do (they know, or they wouldn't have the job in the first place imho, and the first wave of GM's has shown nothing but professionalism imo). Obviously each player is simply just wanting to give their input and suggestions, which probably on LO's end seem a bit excessive right now and my post wasn't meant to encourage more of "that", but just to say that you *can* run a well trained team, without paychecks involved. (so long as you have the right tools and active management using them)

    33 minutes ago, MrChan said:

    It's early days, but so far Lixil's by a mile the best CM / Forum mod I've seen. Anywhere. Gives us freedom, but no tolerance for serious nonsense.

    *This comes with a caveat that poor forum moderation was a genuine problem. I'm referring to people who would've acted like cretins anyway, and are now doing so on here where the forum is properly run.


    29 minutes ago, ch4ncer said:

    One of the requierments to apply for a GM should be to have never been banned before, for starters. Whoops there goes 60% of the candidates.

    Lmao :classic_laugh: Let's not make their jobs harder than they already are... they'd be down to like 3 candidates from the first 1000 signups. 
    No i'm kidding hehe. 

    I believed in the past that since I never got banned, nor anyone I knew or hung out with got banned... that those ppl claiming "false ban" were more or less all just lying dunces. (and obviously, many did lie about it in order to avoid some of the miscredit among friends... but since there are some false bans confirmed by an objective 3rd party (i think matt said it more or less on stream?).... well, against my good will, it forced me to appreciate that we can't treat every person the same based on a past ban.

    Though this is where i'd say LO has to make a hard decision and be a little unfair and simply say sorry, it's not worth it taking the chance to allow previously banned players to signup, even if it in theory might be a falsely banned person signing up, it is simply not responsible to allow it.

  6. 6 minutes ago, AsgerLund said:

    I agree. We should all act civil and mature both here on the forums and in-game.

    That's the point, no-one has been used to any sort of "moderation" neither in-game, nor on these forums... for years.
    In-game we now have more active GMs and they're already starting to pick-up the slack imo. 
    So let them do their job, if you over-step repeatedly, i'm sure a GM will intervene, if asked to by the "victim" (in lack of a better word).

    Here at the forums though, it's like a bomb has blown up I feel ... and Lixil is basically saying (as far as I interpret her message in this post, maybe i'm wrong), that we're acting like a bunch of children and LO is spending a lot of time to counter that, with moderation and thread management, as opposed to simply expecting that people can behave somewhat civil and discuss/suggest/give feedback without coloring everything by what their in-game allegiance is/who they mesh with and who they don't. You can still dislike or like someone's idea and give feedback for/against it, like a grownup, regardless who is the post creator imho.

    • Like 2

  7. 19 hours ago, Spherii said:

    I liked the video, the hardstyle music brought me a sense of nostalgia not everyone could get. 

    The explosion sounds were just right, are you planning on making more?

    I'd love to make a video that showcases all the unique aspects of APB, so not only the CQC fighting or vehicle gameplay, but also designing/character creation etc :classic_smile:
    It would be even better if it was a collaboration between multiple people sending video clips, so it had many different variations of gameplay and different types of designing, to showcase the possibilities of the game.
    Sadly there's a small grp in this community only looking to dislike & hate regardless what you create and that's a shame that discourage you from spending an enormous amount of hours creating something to catch people's interest....despite fact that I think there's a LOT of people who doesn't know that a game as unique as APB exist and is F2P. And no, i'm not whining about people having different opinions on a creation (if they actually had opinions and shared them constructively, as opposed to just linking something to their friend and asking him to dislike it, which in fact someone /w me in-game saying he had been asked to do ... ^^ )

    • Like 1

  8. I don't understand why someone think it's "bad" that there's a manager, that now speaks directly without sugar coating things or hiding behind vague statements ? *confused*

    a community manager isn't anyones' "friend" it's *hopefully* just someone that equally manages the community regardless who it affects and regardless if it sometimes means stepping people over their toes to call a friggin pre-school kindergarden for a friggin pre-school kindergarden (yes I include everyone in this, myself too).

    It's refreshing and it'll take time to adjust to the fact that we all should behave civil and keep in-game rivalry as in-game rivalry and community discussions as community discussions, not crap throwing contests and appreciate there's now someone speaking bluntly to us.

    • Thanks 1

  9. 22 minutes ago, Maverick13 said:

    It's not Naming and Shaming when someone gets banned... It was satisfying to see blatant ones names showing on the screen. It was like removing a burden from your back. People always cheers when an obvious cheater gets banned.

    Problem is, as said above, it also creates a feeling of "fame" among the cheater community, where you're considered a l337 dude if you get x amount of bans and so on... 

    If they are keeping the /report command and are accepting reports via support still, then they should perhaps find a way to let a player know when a report resulted in a ban.
    Many games use that vague msg setup now, where they don't specifically announce who got banned, but players who reported someone, who later got banned, they receive a msg about it. 

    It's really a subject full of PRO's and CON's, imo it's totally reasonable to not give players feedback on bans, because this way it's entirely left within the integrity of the anti-cheat services and hopefully manual reports can become a thing of the past when we get our Client-Side anti-cheat. I'm hoping that it'll catch any same things that a player could catch & report with the naked eye.

  10. 4 minutes ago, killerskull said:

    The forums havent been enforced in a long time. So people forgot that image/gif only replies arent allowed, gif sigs arent allowed and acting like idiots isnt allowed either. I think it will take a little bit of time to get everyone in order. 

    Couldn't agree more. Same goes for in-game, no-one is used to anything being enforced, myself included! So it'll take time and patience. I already saw a bunch of shawcopters tonight, clearly just wanting to test the patience of the district GM's. But it's awesome to witness things slowly changing for the better and rules being enforced, regardless who gets stepped over their toes and then I'm all for it and I will gladly moderate my own bad language to follow a reasonable etiquette that doesn't violate any TOS, when now the feeling is that everyone has to do so, unlike before when no-one was present to enforce any rules or no-one cared to.

  11. 13 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    LMAO this is madness.

    How can you spot cheaters (i know you could no take action but report) if you are silver!!!

    I doubt they intend on GM's doing cheater reports or banning (as they already said, GM's cant ban)
    I'm sure they are going to leave all those tasks to BattlEye and FF, as it should be.

    13 minutes ago, LAPDAlonso said:

    I think she is joking.


    27 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    she hasnt even formally opened applications yet afaik, cant people be patient and wait for that

    Welcome to APB, the community that discussed and had strong opinions about the proposed engine upgrade announced in 2013 and yet to arrive.... 😜 

  12. 56 minutes ago, LuzExtinguido said:

    Look our cm, already threatening openly with warnings after how many days of the new forums? Imagine 6 months later.

    Then we would have GM Squads running all over the game, no thanks.

    Idk if you're being sarcastic 😛 but if you aren't, then whats the problem in giving warnings?

    I shouldn't have double posted if this was already covered or locked. I wanted to point out to the skeptics that it doesn't take a triple A company to maintain a great staff, but its fair to have reservations when keeping in mind how G1 (the former one) managed. Though imo there are F2P games running with excellent volunteer staff and this was just an example.
    Sorry @Lixil no harm in locking if the discussion is elsewhere belonging.

    • Like 1

  13. 16 minutes ago, Thial said:

    How I feel about this post. No offense



    None taken. It's quite obvious how you respond to each of my posts 😉
    Rough havin' grudges outside a game, but hf with it! Dw, you're absolutely welcome to your edgy meme responses in my threads - at least you seem mostly mature in everyone elses. 😉

  14. 2 minutes ago, Spherii said:

    To me it seems like a healthy idea. The community needs to help out to save this game as well.  I think the name GM just sounds pretty strong for someone who can't even ban. Not that I want players to have this ability, but perhaps calling them moderators or something alike would sound more fitting.

    It does sound a bit different than when thinking of the classic game master term, but it's definitely best that way I agree

  15. (edited the post for this reason)

    2(thousand) cents about players and GM recruitment. (long msg, so TLDR: idk... tis' too long to shorten :classic_huh:)

    A lot of people feel apprehensive by the idea of recruiting GM's among players (without prior experiences, i'd probably be counted among them), 
    but that's why I wanted to shed some experience on the matter.

    (read only if you're curious on what I base my own experience and arguments)



    A long time ago in a galaxy blah blah....I used to run a F2P game that had similar number of online players as APB in better days, over a thousand often with a peak of 2500.

    We started out only myself and 1 other admin, so we quickly realized we would need help and fast.
    We had email support similar as LO and ontop of that we had an in-game query system similar to those familiar with world of warcraft, where you petitioned to talk with staff and
    a GM would respond your queries and have a 1on1 chat about your problem. The game ran for almost 10 years, solely based on a F2P model, while being maintained by donations alone,
    in which you could only get in-game cosmetics in return. All our staff was volunteer, including programmers, website admin, moderators etc etc and all recruited from the player-base,
    by two students, with no prior experience in recruitment or let alone how to run a game server with thousands of people relying on you keeping their things safe and servers up.

    In that decade we obviously went through a number of GMs and yes we definitely had our share of bad apples to filter out during screening interviews, 
    yet it was really a rare situation having to warn a GM for inappropriate behavior. In our whole time we fired 2-3 GM's for minor things and one for a severe attempt at scamming.
    A lot of people, when given some tasks and a certain amount of trust, will actually live up to it and are able to place themselves above in-game rivalries and in a rare case that someone
    couldn't, we had the tools to spot it.
    I'm certain APB has ranks among staff (I mean programmed ranks, not just a title) and countless ways to maintain staff integrity within APB and the unreal engine, especially while having a team of dedicated admins.. We had it where any higher staff, i.e. admins & a lead GM could always see what any GM was up to, and we always ensured one admin was online, i.e. taking shifts as necessary. Aside from being able to "spy" on any actions and movements of your GM's, we had a bunch of auto-security. I.e. coded alerts that would pop-off only for admins, showing certain command warnings if a GM had attempted using it, or if a GM was following the same player for extended time or bringing up a players logs without being on a query response with that player and full logs of every single move/action if ever needed to look at a GM under a microscope.



    I understand it is a big concern to imagine that players who might dislike or rival each-other in the game, could potentially be the GM you just thanked for helping you out...
    But I do trust that LO has the means of overseeing their GM's and will take advantage of it, far better than the old management ever did. If a couple of students could do that,
    I really don't see a problem in LO choosing that route, do you? LO so far seem very on top of things and very hands-on.



    Finally, if the choice falls between seeing a lot of active staff and a few active admins to monitor and manage this staff 
    versus few active staff with one very active admin (you know who);
    Well, take a look back at these last 3 years. How often did you see a GM? let alone see them interact? imho because they insisted on having a small number of in-house GM's
    who received a paycheck, which they less and less was willing, if even able to afford.

    It's a lot of resources paying GM's for a job that could be done by volunteers (under the right management). <-- KEYWORD. :classic_ninja:
    Those resources are arguably far better spent on engine development, patching new content and protection against cheats, ddos and other game-breaking things.


    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  16. 4 hours ago, Puffdragon said:

    It's a very good video and it is cut together quite well, you are very kind for sharing your tools and techniques with us as well. Thank you.

    Means a lot. I know there are some haters on my follow-list, spamming dislike without giving a damn for the content of the video or it's purpose. 
    But that's okay, as long as there's people as you, able to appreciate something on it's own and to differentiate between in-game missions, banter, trashing and then being objective for something productive and wanting to see this game back on it's feet. :classic_smile: 

    @CookiePuss too... i'm still shocked at your... actual reaction 😮😜 


    4 hours ago, weissraider said:

    nice fideo. gets me hyped to install the game. again. and again.. and again...

    I know what you mean....:classic_rolleyes:
    Hoooooopefully, if you install it this time.... I have a good feeling you'll keep it for awhile. Though you might wanna wait till you see the first patch has been released (it should come with the new much improved BE anti-cheat.) I feel their approach so far has been extremely positive and indicates seriousness and capability.

    • Like 1

  17. 9 hours ago, Sergsininia said:

    Out of curiosity, how long did it take to render and export? and if so can I know your specs?

    I got Sony Vegas 14 from a Humble bundle, and am learning it...

    It's a bit in-accurate because I was using the computer for other things the first 30 minutes while it was rendering, which slows down the process, but roughly i'd say it took on average 1.5 - 2 hours for 12 minutes of video.
    For this i'm running an i7 6700k, gtx1070, 16gb ram with m.2 drives. (i render using available cuda as well)

    Vegas Pro is an excellent program imo, very intuitively easy to use, feel free to PM any questions if you got more :classic_smile:

    • Like 1

  18. 19 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i thought it was pretty clear i was talking about vickyfox's quote


    that i quoted


    i even deleted the nonrelevant parts to my response

    that's fair, i thought you were speaking in general about the idea OP's idea, my bad.
    i agree that ignores should never affect who you can meet in missions. It should remain as it is now, just with the added effect that collisions don't work with ignored players (except when in mission vs them)

  19. 6 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:

    i like derailing


    it would essentially allow you to choose your opp and potentially artificially inflate your threat, since you could just ignore any players who beat you and only have repeat matches against people you beat

    That's a bit far fetched. 🙂

    Just because you got someone on ignore-list, doesn't mean the system can't put you in missions vs one another (it already does that) and why would that need to change with this proposal?

    If you make it so that collisions don't work with ignored players, it's like 1 more line of code to add that "if in mission with ignored player, collision effect = active".

    Why would that be a problem? 🙂 IF you're in mission with your ignored opponent, then you expect to fight him.
    But you don't need to accept that a random bored player outside your mission, can block your objective.

  20. I think it's a great idea.

    The game keeps it's unique aspect of chaos during missions, but at the sametime you can remove the grief elements when they're obviously just trying to mess with your mission.

    Win/Win imo. 👍


    Plus I believe Matt said they're extending the ignore list (without players having to pay, as in the past). Shouldn't be much trouble to maintain one's own ignore list and purge inactive names from time to time. There really aren't THAT many solely playing to grief (besides, with active support&gm's, there might be more consequence now, if you purposely grief)

  21. 13 hours ago, Ldy_Natalia said:

    how many clips was in total used? 😮 
    if you do it again will you take clips from other players too? 😇

    ugh, i don't have a count on that, but you can look at the timeline picture i edited into the main post=)

    15 hours ago, ❤BR)))❤ said:

    Tbh I expected Defqon.1 and not Qlimax xd Can't say I listened to Hardstyle in a long time but that voice lmao

    Just classic innit xd

    exactly hehe, from 2011, from the era of the first iteration of APB, before the "reload". Now this LO era has given me a lot more hope.
    They seem to much better understand this wounded beast 🙂 and they already communicate a thousand times more than G1 ever did, even if you count the time when G1 had not yet completely messed up. (I wish they had re-branded gamersfirst though or used their own name in its place, simply because many veterans will always think: old miserably bad times = G1 era.

    • Thanks 1

  22. 5 hours ago, MrM0dZ said:

    nice video,just don't mute the game sound next time,watching guns fire without sound is a bit depressing

    Yeeeep, I agree - I actually had planned to add the gun sounds, but doing the video, all the in-game explosions and weapon sounds get distorted a lot, as you are clipping, extending/shortening a lot of clips.
    So I planned doing it sort of like a movie, first fix all the video clips, then add effects and audio sfx. But I ran out of time in the end getting it all done, so I reached to do what I found most important (the explosions and a lot of various effect sounds etc) -- but definitely the idea was to reach to also re-add all gun sounds. (That'll have to be next time;p)

    6 hours ago, Westford said:

    Video editing the final cut, is a pain in the butt.

    Curious what you used.


    But yeah, the editing in you video was top notch.


    I stuck with sony vegas pro for everything, apart from custom sounds (audition) and oh god yes... 😥 😜 
    ... a screenshot of my mess of a timeline when I rendered final version (or..what became final due to how quickly LO works 😮 from takeover letter and to the announcement of May 25th 😎)


    • Thanks 1

  23. Just now, Chinook said:

    Since BE is a CLIENTSIDE anti-cheat, people would have noticed that. I mean, it's propably going to be the first real patch the game has seen in like 9 months (the patches we've had within that timeframe have just been in and out phasing of recycled holiday events).

    The ones takin' notice of *oh, actual patch content being downloaded 😮 * and the BE window that may appear shortly during first install yes 😜 I think many people don't pay much attention though =P

    Oh well, *next time;p

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