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Posts posted by iRawwwN

  1. 1 hour ago, Archon said:

    Then fix that too while youre at it, it needs to be fixed,

    xd LO fixing something haha 


    still waiting for that car radar fix ;; not just the fact that they dont show up, but also the fact that people who spawn in range of the radar tower never actually go off the map until it's destroyed/repsawned hahahaahaha

  2. 12 hours ago, MattScott said:


    However I also don't think players realize the sheer volume that we deal with on a daily basis.

    APB isn't a very popular game right now, but it still does have its fair share of players.

    - We have 3 platforms (PC, XB1, PS4).

    - Each platform has 2 worlds (NA and EU) + RU PC

    - Each world has a minimum of 10 districts and often more (4 threat levels * 2 action districts + social + FC).

    That's 70+ districts. It takes 210 GMs for us to cover those districts for a single day in 8 hour shifts if they work every day of the week.

    I'm sure it wont be a surprise to anyone to know that we don't have 210 GMs on staff.


    I'm aware that there are other worlds/servers/platforms, but you don't need to have GM's on a constant basis in each district. You don't need to have GM's doing everything, micromanaging GM's to get them to do random XYZ tasks, such as GM1 joins financial districts on say Jericho for a bit to see how everyone is and if anyone is getting heavily hackusated. You don't need that GM going onto the Xbox/PS4 servers looking for cheaters. GM2 can go into social on Citadel and see if there is any TOS breaking things happening there. 


    We don't need a constant watch on us, but just someone checking in every once in a while would make things better I feel.


    Anywho, thanks for the reply, it didn't come off as defensive but I can see where you're coming from. 🙂

  3. 1 minute ago, CookiePuss said:

    Lol... Not even trying to hide it are they? 

    I mean, if they're advertising their site of course they won't try hide it haha

  4. 11 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Any decent cheat is going to go give you the option to choose that value yourself. Couple that with varying latency and sub optimal netcode and you can see how catching tbotters isn't as easy as any of us would like. 

    Yeah, but the blatants I speak about have their delay set to 0ms or a bit more. 

  5. I've seen people blatantly advertising their cheating websites in game for the past few months and they are still not banned. High rank characters who are blatant with triggerbots who probably have tons of reports on them already.


    How are players that blatant still able to roam districts destroying the fun for others? 


    How come we don't have active GM's with the ability/tools to deal with these players? Is it that you guys can't figure out easily enough as to what constitutes as cheating? At least with FairFight it supposedly logged all sort of data (example:) time between shots and crosshairs going red which in a way would detect tbotters. If the client-side anti-cheat cannot detect those cheats, and the staff isn't trained well enough to spot it, how will those players get banned?


    24 minutes ago, ilikecake said:



    For example, what is your opinion on client side file editing, like people changing the mission files to know the next stage and the next objective.

    What is your opinion on using 3rd party software putting a crosshair overlay on the game so it's easier to aim certain guns?


    1st point; anyone can just load up apbvault and see what the missions/objectives are. 

    2nd point; my monitor has a built in crosshair, how are they going to ban for something that isn't even on my PC? (not that i use these ugly crosshairs ||f u asus||)

    • Like 2
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  6. 2 hours ago, Ketog said:

    Hey hm , don't explode okay but ...


    Waits go from three weeks to months



    nice to see 11 days ago they were solving tickets about 300 away from my first ticket.

    1 hour ago, Jazeker said:

    I'm kinda curious as to people who have to wait 'months', like, kinda made it a habit to spam support with (duplicate community) questions?  🤔



    Probably silvers reporting cheaters, and stuff about account getting unbanned. wonder what will happen with the new report system in game and how that will affect ticket times.

  7. 31 minutes ago, Arska_ said:

    I was just wondering if there is anyone handling support cases.


    i sent them a message 5 days ago and havent heard anything from them.

    hi gamer




    3 months between my first and last with less than 3k tickets submitted between ;; still waiting :^)


    2 'general' tickets ;; 1 cheater ticket

  8. 20 minutes ago, VickyFox said:

    The Terms of Service says basically any manually done changes to the APB game folder is prohibited.

    The exception would be to send copies of the log report to staff. Reverse engineering of APB is a No-No.


     A rule of thumb: if you feel like you have to ask a moderator or the forum if something is against the rules, then it is better to safe than sorry and chances are that it is against the rules anyway.

    ya zzzz game devs cant make their game playable but wont let us make edits to allow us to play it without major hiccups. im gucci imma go play something else 'til they fix shit

  9. 34 minutes ago, Havana said:
    34 minutes ago, Havana said:

    Sime of us have jobs and lives. 


    You don't need to be a no-life to be half decent at a game. 

    34 minutes ago, Havana said:

    But the problem starts with Golds not playing where they are supposed to. 

    No, the problem starts with there being zero incentive to play in the Gold districts besides arranged or ram-raiding. Gold pop is dead because of segregation dating back to the Gold Rush event, and probably before that due to the amount of cheaters that would get placed in Gold without any active moderation or decent anti-cheat.


    If they were to somehow recover the Gold population to where it would be easy to have more than 1 gold district then maybe people would go there and make there be an incentive to be actually good at the game e.g. boost to XP/apb$ gained and have active in game moderation with admins that can kick/lock accounts and push the accounts to the top of the queue for an investigation.


    Zzz enough of the "it's golds fault for not playing in their district". It's the fault of management from previous years for not catering to the "better" players and instead milking the casual silvers/bronzes.

    • Like 2

  10. 14 hours ago, MattScott said:

    I would not describe what we are doing as "future-proof". A large portion of the code will be exactly what is running under Unreal 3.0.

    The goal is make the game better, but also to consolidate the codebase so we can upgrade everything again.

    Do you plan on doing anything to advertise the game further when the upgrade is complete? 

    • Like 1

  11. 10 minutes ago, Kiida said:

    silver playerbase is so toxic towards them
    5 years on and dethreating is still the biggest problem with this game.

    "Golds are all cheaters! They're ruining MY fun! >:("


    yet they want to ruin the fun of others. ya skill gap between good golds and bad silvers can be massive, but some times if you care about getting slammed you need to put a little effort into it, or else just be a casual gamer.


    silver base most toxic. 100%

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