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Posts posted by iRawwwN

  1. 45 minutes ago, Westford said:


    Thank you.

    So we have an idea as to what a player may experience with the same question in district.


    Considering the tutorial is enabled by DEFAULT and is it's OWN UI I don't think any newbie would ask for the tutorial, unless they're braindead. If that's the case then maybe they'd be better off on Club Penguin (rip that) or else some other child friendly game.


    The games tutorial isn't actually that bad. People who have a problem with it just have a problem with reading/understanding.

  2. 2 hours ago, DeadPixels said:

    I agree and disagree. You know some people don't have good PCs and can't really improve as much as others can. Also high rank silver players also get stomped by gold but you are telling them to go play on silver district, so why don't we gold players do the same and go play on gold? 



    Forgive my crude paint skill.


    Golds should be in Gold Districts but due to the lack of population it's just not feasible unless we want to play the same 15 people over and over. Which generally happens in the Silver districts anyway. Yeah, the games performance is terrible but if you can't get more than 40-50fps in a shooter-game why would you put yourself through it? I use to play on 40fps with a low res/qual config and I still managed to maintain Gold with friends. (back in 2013 this is)


    Just because Silvers *might* not have a good PC, doesn't mean they should be allowed to bully newer players. There are certain players that are actual Silvers/Bronze with well more than 500hrs but those are few and far between. They still know how to play and are able to adapt to the game, but whether they do or not is a different story. Games are meant to be fun, and fun for a lot of people is seeing improvement in skills and winning. Winning fairly over other players is an accomplishment, beating players that are better than you is a great feeling. Stomping new players over and over is just a sad show of character, all because someone doesn't want to 'improve'.

  3. Any player with more than 100hrs-200hrs should NOT be in the Bronze district. High rank Silvers are more toxic to new players than Gold's are to Silvers. Stomping new players to a game is what stops the game from growing. Refusing to get play versus better players stops players from improving.


    (When I say Silvers I mean the ones who play in Bronze their absolute hardest and then come to Silver districts and just 'play for fun'.)


    The matchmaking in this game is poor, but it's amplified due to the low population we have. At least before if a player kept getting the same opposition they could just change district, no not so much. (I mean 100% not on NA, and EU is lucky to have 2 Silver financial's and a Silver WF.)

  4. With a larger population where 'lesser' players could move around districts so they don't get opp'd vs the same better players over and over I could see threat-less/non-segregated districts being a thing. With how few players there are on NA (even EU really) I don't think the current Silvers/Bronzes would last if they got opp'd vs Golds more than once a day.


    It's been a while since we had the locked down districts (before this we had the lowered bonus' etc) and players are probably too use to it. I see the majority of Silvers leaving if they get put into the same district as the average Gold.

  5. 1 hour ago, GhosT said:

    Just releasing armas content that isn't JMB would be much healthier for APB.

    If they released a healthy amount of regular content for purchase and then every holiday/special event for there to be a JMB release then maybe it'd be okay. Although there probably should be more incentive to purchase the JMBS, as majority of the stuff in the boxes are useless for many of the players. (eg. 3 day weapons that most people have perm)


    If they could replace the weapons with a weapon selector and then maybe an clothing/emote selector for higher tiers etc then it'd be great and worth the money/'risk'. 

  6. 3 hours ago, SillyBear said:

    So we are agreeing that it gives you an advantage.

    not really, just that if ur unable to do something most others can do then maybe it'll help you out, but in the long run it does not give any advantage over someone who has actually mastered the ROF of weapons.

  7. 1 hour ago, SillyBear said:

    If it doesnt, why "people" use it?


    Because people are too dumb to learn firerates of weapons and think that shooting fast = more bullets hit, when in reality most people poorly configure their macros and such and just go full bloom. 


    either that or they have no fingers and play with their feet

    • Like 2

  8. 3 hours ago, VanilleKeks said:


    Can you make a comment on human countermeasures for cheaters? I don't know how BattleEye messed with you behind the scenes but from a players' perspective, a big issue has been that the people who manage to slip through can just rampage forever. With /report or GM interactions seemingly not yielding any results.

    I didn't get GM accepted so u know there will be still cheaters running around. :^( 


    On Topic: Nice to add more stuff to the JT Store, it's been a while. Will there be any GM made player events to add things to the JT again? Also, any increase to the JT rewards of FC? It's harder to save for things on Jericho due to the lack of population. :^(

  9. 38 minutes ago, SillyBear said:

    New content is barely useful.

    New content most likely bring back players who found the current game stale due to there being nothing else to do. People love the grind of games and the sense of achieving something. (whether or not it's worth it is a different discussion) Just because APB gets an upgraded engine does not mean that it will be enough to keep older players around for longer than a honeymoon period. 


    With the update of the engine, if it even will happen, LO needs to focus on content. They type of content that made people come to play APB in the first place. Not some BR rip off. 

    • Like 1

  10. On 5/22/2019 at 4:24 AM, Ydiss said:

    Well, that's embarrassing.


    Matt got back to me and helped me "remember" that I'd used another email address to set up my original account way back. So it's this one. Hi again everyone.


    I even have 325G1C on the account haha. Bonus.


    Played again last night for an hour or so on my new character. Again, had fun. Even popped my head into a silver district when the bronze Financial got too quiet. Faced some tough gold groups that seemed pretty good (seemed everyone was gold, but I expected that after reading here); lost a couple (I got beaten hard in one) and won a couple (mostly 2v2s). So it seems there's still a nice spread of skill ranges playing, which is reassuring.


    Edit: 4.7k posts... Ouch. I guess I was pretty active.



    Not too bad, very nice of them to help you out so fast. Usually Support is slow, but you got lucky or else support has caught up with their huge list.

    • Like 1

  11. Just now, BrandonBranderson said:

    Matt said a few months ago that the performance had a much more stable and consistent, but slightly lower average frame rate.  I don't know about you but I'm willing to sacrifice a few frames off the top as long as it brings stability and gets rid of all of those micro-freezes.  But that was a few months ago, maybe they fixed the slightly lower frame rate since then.

    Yeah, stable frames would be great but I'm not interested in a console experience. I want high frames and performance to match it, as I'm sure everyone wants. Very few people will continue to play if this game plays at 30fps but stable, Shooters/Competitive games aren't all that fun at that frame rate.

  12. If you played before the server merges happened (both EU together and both NA together) you probably missed out on the character merge part. I have a feeling that they still have all the correct information on all accounts from before that time as you are unable to take certain names as they are 'taken' but also not taken. 


    Not sure if LO even know how to read their database 

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  13. APB has been the most enjoyable game I have played over such a long period, even though it has its frustrating moments. I can't make myself spend any more on this game though until I see concrete proof that LO are actually improving the game in a positive way.


    (No, I don't think RIOT will be positive until they sort out the mess that is the current engine upgrade.)


    It's been said so many times over the 9 years this game has been running, there is so much potential with the APB IP, but RTW and old G1 squandered it. I'm afraid that LO will meet the same fate.

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