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Everything posted by Ardita

  1. Well, for me it matters that I report something which ain't right. But if it ends in noreply@whocares dot com, then I couldn't care less with doing that. They're cheating in a Free to play game, literally their lifes are already that sh*t and boring
  2. With this said, can you tell that the reports actually are being looking through? Not that I expect 24/7 but it seems the same blatant cheaters being reported over and over again. It's hard, if there's only one person reading them, I expect more people of course, but for me personally /report seems meaningless when blatant cheaters running around at same character and the development are looking into allowing crosshair overlay stuff...
  3. You mean GM's were spectating players and found them fishy and afterwards banning them?
  4. Ardita

    Headshots in APB?

    Should be a sticky post, this one ^.^
  5. Well, not much around here seems to be 'normal'
  6. In that case I can say that I thought wrong then O_o (surprised)
  7. Everyone being watched, watchout for being watched by the watchmen-dogs
  8. I have really hard believing that would be an only reason to get banned for.
  9. It's basically that the anti cheat needs to work much more proper way than now, at least fairfight banned the cheaters, instead of focusing at other things. Its the lack of anti cheat which moves people away from the game.
  10. Lets deal with the anti cheat and make it work and the amount of cheaters first, shall we?
  11. Ardita

    Headshots in APB?

    looks like a discord-formatting post.. Either way, worst idea since giving cheaters second chances ....
  12. No point of invest money in something that (obviously) doesn't work with its anticheat ..
  13. Hard to do anything to the game when you don't play it yourself, seems we agree on that
  14. Oh gosh darn... That's garbage.. I just finished a mission with this: Yep, def not the system which is the problem...........
  15. You state the fact, it's not the MM system which is wrong, but the "amount of avalible players". I met many other silver enforcers and I get grouped up like this? BullS***
  16. I've been facing full group of gold vs my group of silvers (i am silver myself) and I have nothing to say against people who's better than me, but I get a full group vs. silvers I can't understand. Even more, yesterday a gold guy in my team said, he was "done" and I asked why and he responded: "F*** all silvers". I mean, I admit that I am not what I supposed to be in this game, but this anger of silvers, bronze etc. I can't understand. - I didn't choose to play up against full group of golds. - I didn't choose to remove the threat-districts back then. - I did choose to play for fun and relax while playing this. - I did choose not to give a gosh darn, but getting flamed by teammates for being silver. The escalation is not working well, when a full group of golds refuse to escalate while we (me) struggle to get a desent backup. I know that I have been better back then, but getting flamed for being silver I just don't get it.
  17. @MageLO how is the matchmaking working going on nowadays...? (removed names etc. so no one gets butt hurted, but I got destroyed back there...)
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