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Posts posted by Ritual

  1. (Thread moved to the General Discussion)

    As for your issue @ASVPSips, I do not know whether or not you received support's response yet, but please do not send more than one ticket, because it will only cause more issues. It does nothing to get you across the waiting line faster. If it is really needed, rather bump the ticket you have sent already. I hope your issue is resolved!


  2. Hello there!

    As you know yourself, VPNs are legitimate to be used working on-line. As always, if it is related to the ban evasion abuse, then certainly not. For everything else, there are certain complications related to their usage, so in case your account gets compromised or anything of sorts resolving the issue will be hard, therefore you would be using it at your own risk. But no, the usage of the VPN itself will not get you banned.


    • Like 1

  3. Hello there!

    Please do contact our support with this request, and they will be happy to help you out! You simply need to send in the ticket explaining the issue, and they will get to it as soon as possible.


  4. Thread locked due to repetitive subject and hostile tone. Please search for similar topics already existing on our forums before creating one of your own. Make sure you take into consideration other people participating in the thread, and refrain from using disrespectful language.

  5. Hello everyone,

    As noted in the opening post, this is an information thread regarding the Q&A itself, so please limit your discussion and ask constructive questions. This will enable us to perhaps properly address them if needed, instead of going through rows of unnecessary discussion regarding side things. Further posts that might get in the way of thread's purpose will be removed. Thank you in advance.

    • Like 3

  6. Hello everyone!
    I'm happy to announce that we'll be hosting our first Q&A session with @Nysek and CEO @MattScotton Saturday, the 8th of September at 10 AM PT. Due to Matt's traveling schedule, we have moved the stream date.

    We encourage you to post your questions for them in the forums here.
    Questions that were asked in the thread below will also be part of the Q&A.

    This Q&A will take place on Little Orbit's mixer channel: https://mixer.com/littleorbit
    If you have more questions you can post them here until be able to post questions here until 28th of August! It's going to be an amazing time, we hope you'll join us. 

    • Like 2


    5 hours ago, Tech-San said:

    I am the OP of the removed post. I have been contacted by a Mod telling me to contact Lixil about it with proof. I see it unnecessary to remove my complete thread for a reply to someone stating a name. You could have just removed the reply and leave the thread. As I said before I did the /savechatlog command and still can not find the chat log in anywhere. Would not be surprised if that got broken since last update too. Now for the funny part, the GM her/himself told me to "take it to the forums or support" if I still have an issue with that punishment. Now who am I supposed to listen to now? If I do what a GM suggested me to do and then get my thread removed by another mod? How poorly revised does your rules have to be to be so damn contradictory?! Everything I've seen until now is just rules interferring with eachother. I'm not even gonna bother mention the scam ticket support abandonment before even pushing a trading system live. Please LO,THINK before taking actions. This is boring. I am not going to spend my time or money on a very poorly managed game that is definitely from ,what I see, is going in a very dark direction. 

    Thank you for your updates. We are doing an investigation regarding this case.


    1 minute ago, Nite said:
    13 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    but it does worry some of us that calling out abuse isn't allowed

    Isn't Ritual making the point that abuse should be called out, but to the supervising staff directly instead of some random public forum thread? Or am I missing something else here?
    Thank you Nite, that is very much the point of the whole thing. We absolutely encourage reports of such behavior, but in a proper way.
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