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Posts posted by MICFILLER

  1. Unless they committed legitimate fraud give all who apply a second chance. Unless Tiggs and co suddenly started keeping good and strong records and what not of why people got banned then all should be unbanned. I get the concern for fe's economy but FE's economy has always been shit. 90+% of the money ever in circulation through FE is likely due to an exploit. Hell even when harvesting was huge it was during a time when numerous merchants had bugged social requirements and harvesters required zero investment. FE's economy was a joke from day 1 lol:

    An exploit that has a  potential income of 2 yellow an hour?

    Meh we will take a year to fix this and do the most basic change of removing the nodes and a 1 week ban when people spent 6 months bitching about it, and then add in nodes with bugged mats that sell at 10 times their expected value and don't ever directly fix it.

  2. 14 hours ago, Prometheus2011 said:

    Way to give the new owners a chance. Saying the game is dead but also mentioning that it has new owners and there is a hope something could cone of it.



    I wonder if this guy played after release and has actual first hand experience of these "bugs and rubberbanding"



    Ill actually defend FE as it was when i played in 2008-2010. Rubberbanding was a thing for the first month or so but icarus fixed it for the most part.



    I can safely say as a hardcore FE player that played the shit out of the game, the bugs were few and far between and werent game breaking in the slightest.



    Bugs and rubberbanding didnt make people stop playing. The lack of pve group content at endgame did that.

    This guy does basically surface level investigating and has a tendency to get things wrong or not know what he is talking about. That's why you could essentially sum up his video in 30 seconds:

    -Isn't Fallout 76(which has no gameplay)

    -Plays like a decade old game so could use an engine upgrade like APB is getting(APB's was scheduled for about 5 years now)

    -Has bugs



    At least with APB he went into some depth with rtw and how rtw ran, but this he misses many points and says very little. Very little especially for a 17 minute long video. More was said in this thread in regards to its issues than the video really.

  3. On 6/22/2018 at 4:57 PM, StubbyClaps said:

    Really? Have fun pvping with cheaters all over again

    I'd agree if an actual anti-cheat had banned them not all manual bans. Nevermind with Tiggs at the helm there was plenty of overreaching bans that didn't do anything legitimately worthy of permabans. Plus this is likely an APB topic as scammers were rarely if ever a big concern in FE but were a concern in APB.



    Alesia try filing another ticket maybe? Or message LO staff on discord.

  4. 40 minutes ago, FoxFox said:

    The only one leading PvP to die off is the: I'm going to outnumber you, gank you 24/7 and not give you fair fights because i don't like xyz or i don't like how you play the game, Grow up.


    (Not saying nysek's idea is good)

    Ehh this doesn't even kill off pvp though. This still caused pvp if the opposing side will suck it up. It's when active denial happens, people run when similar numbers appear or in this situation if people can throw ragtag teams together. I'd say outside the old 'pvp denial' nyseks would hurt current pvp the most as currently numbers are only brought within reasonable amounts by pulling people together and nyseks idea would crush that(hell itd prob of crushed pvp outside of direct clan vs clan fighting over the last 8 years).

  5. 10 hours ago, Nysek said:


    Waiting for a video where I've pulled "more" and then left. The only times I've been on where we had more was the garage incident, numbers did not change until we attempted to even numbers. But yes, the council system can lead to some silly nonsense.


    But inner-faction conflict has never been an issue for me, you must be thinking of someone else. Even then, the only one I can think off-hand who has an Enforcer is Cenfozz who rarely is involved in PVP involving keeps.

    Lore actually covers use of specific mutations and certain skill lines, but I'm not pulling up NPC/mission dialog as well as general descriptions. Most of which are null after so many combat builds. But indeed lore also covers internal faction conflict, but "shockingly" is an odd way to put it. Even in games with complete faction restrictions there are parts of lore where individuals or parties go against the "agenda".

    Again, adding other trinkets which would relate while allowing passive ones which have some relation to one another. Which could mean a scav, nature, or geo boost to at least give an edge to each... rather than trinkets which give benefits give no value in the current system (More than 6 years in some cases). The logic behind ignoring additional trinkets, or more options, would be like accepting the current consume table... which is another story.

    1. Actually only 4 members are actually "full time" enforcers, the rest are scattered across factions.
    2. Kinda pointless to cover this as it's an agreement.
    3. Active and passive trinkets that could at least stray away from VFC/Muscular Regulator/Armor Trinkets/Bola (only to dismount) and maybe blightwolf for going "max HP".
    4. N/A
    5. N/A
    6. A passive system which we've both agreed in the past would never work properly or simply be used as a grief mechanic in some way/shape/form.


    You're reading far to much into this, fact is that FE is quite niche and streamlining a system actually creates a safety net that MMO players tend to accept. Which if factions had no relation to PVP zones, this would not be of concern. I would be more about PVP zones being clan based, rather than faction, but alas I doubt this would change.


    I know you've been itching for a salty debate, or rather slandering, but if any of the nonsense you have said was true I'd be in a lot more of this videos of you being "outnumbered" or "zerged". Even then, a few "TNO" shouldn't even be a threat if they can't field 2+ groups themselves.

    Ahh yes inner faction conflict wasn't an issue for you in a thread with:

    Attempt to make a "council" system to help control "griefers" within their faction which would be selected by the staff rather than vote... this is due to potential abuse via mass-voting on multiple accounts.

    Wow I can't imagine what 'faction griefing' falls under. Really gets you wondering, but yeah you have no issue with it. The only other instance where faction griefing could be considered to exist is keep cloners, but that's a poor design in general(all these should have a port out to a nearby neutral cloner).


    Yes and it is a rather important part of FE's. This is why it is a wheel and historically factions have been grouped in triads by players.


    This seems closer to something that should then be addressed when/if trinkets/consumes get overhauled/updated to the current system. Even still the better format would be to stick to where it currently is and have the factions excel in certain areas and be poor or nonexistent in others. As people can go into 3 factions there is no real reason to not allow some uniqueness. Active trinkets are an odd case in general(should prob be expanded and all share cooldowns, or categories share cooldowns or remove them all together).


    1. Then explain the logic behind this suggestion. As currently it does little but push towards lopsided factions with grinding required to temporarily balance them out compared to historically where people would band together against a common enemy. When omni was an issue factions would join together and when 1 was too powerful the others would band together. This happened with foe, wolves, exile, saints, heretic, poker etc. Allowing people the option of working together adds more than removing that. This suggestion only seems like it would be to the detriment of pvp.


    3. This just like consumes is beyond the faction system and requires a more indepth change. Factions should be a minor point here anyways as this group of things again is typically outside factions.


    6. The main issue is FF tagging with passive systems and this seems like a nonsense thing to bring in anyways for 'faction griefing' when there would be far better mechanics that could be brought in. Unless you are thinking of particular instances or something it seems like an excessive system, and even then a passive system with it opting same team/raid members out of punishment would be a better one(if trying to prevent exploiting make it so this is decided by greater than 50% total damage done in the last 10 seconds or so). This is assuming it's possible in the first place. Sure if it was the only way then I'd say no passive system as it will always be exploited in some fashion, but if I had to choose between passive or 'trusted members' I'd take passive every time.


    Sure I can agree on that, but removing healing between different factions is an odd change to 'streamline' things. This isn't alliance/horde style factions you can be chota 1 day then enfo the next if you so choose so a hard restriction seems stupid. Especially as there is no balancing mechanic between the factions so this is always played by ear by pvpers.


    Itching for one? Nah. This was the only real topic that bothered me as it screamed one trying to stack their own deck, especially with your guys clan at the moment...how overprotective they are of it and how bizarre the first suggestion was and the last one. Even more so considering your previous influence in G1. So that was the only reason this topic irked me. Like I said though most of the stuff outside that is agreed upon and trinkets like consumes should be overhauled in general.



    Meh outnumbered or not I couldn't careless at the end of the day. Pvp is pvp and as long as the numbers are capable of being fought I'm game, but when something comes off as trying to change others being able to balance the scales then it bothers me. And numbers in pvp have always been empty banter.

  6. 6 hours ago, NysekZePope said:

    Interesting points but simply hostile. Let alone claiming zerg when the only time you got "zerged" was by choice after peeps left. So that is neither here nor there.


    But I actually expected that claim from JD seeing as numbers have never gone above 12 in said "zerg". Especially considering we usually only have to bring more when someone else does since everyone is hyped for "any" PVP.


    As for the comment about council, I've actually played a few dozen games with this mechanic and it keep greifers in line. Notice how I only covered faction and not factionless, but definitely understand you were itching for one of these responses as it's been awhile.


    That being said, yes there have been instances of abude which would be handled via staff rather than the players simply griefing one another through said system.


    The argument behind "lore" would also cover restrictions to specific skills/mutations based on faction. But thus why friendly fire is covered here.


    Armor/trinket/weapons, yes some value is lost vis "cloning" buy obviously others would be added (at least trinket wise) in their place. And would give an option to individuals to earn these items through a process that wasn't just PVP or Dome... Let alone Outpost which is a pretty decent shit-show.


    Well ya, faction grinding is painful and truthfully has very little options available.


    But you'd think by now there would be something like a "raid" against the enemy faction gain a decent chunk of rep that is repeatable.

    Yes let's ignore the fact you consistently bring more until you win and leave. You like to pull the ol condemned strats. And your 'well people wanted to pvp'. I'm going off in general. So don't give me this 'was by choice when people leave'.


    Again you are ignoring the point of factions in the first place. You are ignoring subfactions and those things. If you want to put in a system like this pick one where it is passively enforced by the game then sure. Thanks but no thanks to putting this sort of thing in the hands of other players.


    Ohh stop getting your panties in such a bunch because you died to same faction people. This is stuff that has more discussion and depth of discussion than you care to give it. This is the sort of thing that can and will be reinforced infaction as it always has in pvp. You don't need a special council system and that would be literally 1 of the worst ways to do it.


    The point of the 'lore' discussion is the layout and working of the factions, which shockingly all have traitor subfactions. That work against the general factions goal or in spite of it. That is the reference here. Also only mutations are vaguely covered in factions with skills amounting to slight weapon preferences.


    No the value is completely lost. The focus on bringing passive buff trinkets to every faction ignores the nature of the game and the other buff trinkets that counteract those. All passive trinkets for factions have similar neutral ones. The only things that don't are activation trinkets and these are gimmicky at their best.



    In general the only decent ideas here are 4/5 and that was more or less accepted long ago before they were fielded by nysek. 1 is an awful idea with no purpose and has no usefulness and screams selective bias now with his current pvp group...it is only about to do harm to pvp. With 2 well friendly fire should always be on with the exception of bloodsports. 3 is a derpy point that serves no real purpose, but just sounds like they want the gimmicky chota active trinkets. 6 is an idiotic system that would have poor reasoning here due to how grey area factions are and would be better served by a passive system.

  7. Clean up the drool please it's fucking everywhere.


    Nice let's 'make factions matter' by ignoring lore and the basis of factions in FE because the toddlers in pvp, who have historically laughed in it's face, decided that now that it will benefit them it would be good to add.


    Restricting off faction healing would do nadda. Faction wouldn't matter anymore than it did before. You would merely add a shit ton of extra headaches and kill off what pvp there is. I get it you guys like being able to call on a cute little zerg and force the other people to form mishmash parties to have similar numbers, but forcing this wouldn't fix anything it would merely break shit. This is also ignoring the intrinsic point of the 6 faction system...grey area, murkiness, betrayal etc. That's the entire point behind it and handholding the pvpers because the ritalin kids need a gold star will cause more long term damage than you would stick around to see the patootie end of. That's also assuming it works even half as expected.


    Friendly fire is moot and shouldn't ever be questioned. At least you got that checkbox right.


    Trinkets are minor things and should be thought about later. Plus the boost trinkets were typically mirrored on the other side and/or have neutral trinkets of equal effect. Activation trinkets are odd, but these are gimmicky at best typically. Also wouldn't make any faction matter more than another. Also cloning shit removes faction worth...hurr durr.


    AP/gt tier would be good, but nothing that special again. Also wouldn't make factions matter.


    Council systems are idiotic. I get it you wanna pull an idea from aroa to help em fit in but this is idiotic. If you were to add anything at all it would be a rogue system not some trashy out of place system that further ignores the factions and will easily be used and abused for peoples own devices. There are far better ways than trying to force faction nanny's in...THE WASTELAND.




    Can you paint chip eatters maybe go through archived posts and old forums so as you can rip some half decent ideas rather than some moot points with some hamfisted 'this benefits me now gais pls add i know so much and think long'.

    • Like 3

  8. On 6/18/2018 at 11:16 AM, d47 said:

    Reinstalled and run around some. Thank you Scott for the update.


    You are right about open world pvp being as fast as bloodsports, IF you could get it. We were throwing large harvester parties to get that open world pvp reliably, and it SOMETIMES worked. 5 minute fight and 30 minutes trashtalk (and, of course, waiting for the tent buffs to go up taking another couple minutes).

    I remember finally quitting the game BECAUSE I couldn't reliably predict if I even get a single open world pvp fight in 2 hours between working and sleeping (also timezones ^_^).

    I hated bloodsports with a passion due to lack of immersion. There are plenty of games that do this better, for me it was just a cheap shot and grabbing some attention deficit kiddies and alienating patient immersive players.


    I joined around gore so for me it was always there. Holding cities with max social chars camping vendors gave you nice chips on the marketplace, was my main source of income (since I hate bloodsports and otherwise dt not that reliable) until I discovered dye event. Harvesters were also pvp oriented, aside for occasional pvers trying to sneak one in inside the district/terminal woods. For me it was fun since we had solid lineup and could expect decent pvp before the lbs got the zerg ball rolling (sometimes waiting for the zerg before starting pvp, but hey, you gain some you lose some).


    You got me with that p2win armor, there really wasn't any. Partly because gore weapons made armor less of a priority and reduced average fight time, heavily favoring burst damage over sustained dps. At similar level of skill you couldn't really win without them, I call that p2win. Sure, you could win against gore scrubs as a vet yourself, but you could hardly ever win with a gore vet without being one yourself before the nerf.

    I also have MAJOR PSYCHOTIC HATRED of RNG  like gore in f2p games, introducing gambling habits in people, detrimental to society as whole.


    I call the store bought vehicles p2win simply because their maintenance and repair was cheaper, they had higher health and speed, and made the difference between winning and losing a claim. There was no point in using the crafted ones (and fuel and repair kits), killing the economy, as you got the initial investment back pretty soon and never looked back. Not mentioning being always a couple seconds late to the fight when the rest of the team couldn't wait for you to get that claim, throwing the teamwork out of sync, making pvp less organized and enjoyable for me (until I saved up and watched other poor souls arriving late to get killed or run away and wait for everyone to regroup).

    To sum up, people with store bought vehicles had more pvp, made more chips, and could win more fights with a comeback, until everyone had them and people stopped crafting vehicles altogether aside immersion/achievement kind of thing.


    By utility items, aside food (if you didn't use adrenaline in pvp then meh, maybe corporal ped's, also really large choice between moist green paste and fried cola), I mean grenades and poisons. There was larger variety of them, less and less usable the closer you got to the end game. Again punishing the economy and crafting FE was centered around, not cash store. Don't get me started on whales, dolphins and minnows synergy/lack of since heavily favoring p2win and the store. Gamerslast simply milked the game for what it was worth then.






    Yeah in low times it was always when you were on and a lot of IFs. I figured you were pre-gore when TC was properly active, but yeah post that stage it was a shot in the dark. Agreed I avoided bloodsports like the plague myself.


    I'd agree on gore weapons as their entire purpose was to garner themselves money as they couldn't pay people. That'd be why they came with such borked initial stats and ignored people. Nah I didn't play during round 1 of gore...that was during 1 of my complete break periods, but I stopped in on when they were showing them off and saw the numbers...not something I'd want to play against. Was rough even past the initial nerf.


    I never saw vehicles off the store as a big deal and fastbacks were put ingame as craftable. Other than that it was all the same statwise to my knowledge just with different designs/dye patterns. Can't say I've seen too many fights decided on dismount though...well at least until it was figured about hiding in cars then people wouldn't dare engage on cars to avoid that headache.


    Well injector slot was the big one in choice. Drink was moot from like level 15-55. Food varied slightly like you pointed out(forgot porcupine was ignored when power/precision was mapped out more by nysek). Well poisons/nades have always been pretty iffy and had a lot of mediocre overlap due to scaling and scaling hp.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Wildcat Strike said:

    Its funny that this topic is called Fallen Earth’s Potential, then bicker about 4 years ago, the old pve vs. pvper nonsense.  Yes, a lot of potential........

    Well I think usually this is called the 'the cycle of life', but maybe Fe's potential is actually pve vs pvp region shit talk.

  10. Handcannon pistol is redundant though. As pistols were always light/med/heavy and it's the only weapon with all it's variants. Also what's it's purpose? It has a reload and is worse than dildos. If anything normal pistols are the 1 weapon that doesn't need something.


    Elephant gun is a burst weapon which follows a 2.0 weapon delay setup typically with the longer reload of 4.5. The thing is the sir shotgun is a hybrid as nysek said and the suggested one here doesn't really hold a role as it's barely better than the elephant gun due to the 1 sec reload. Unless the sir shotgun was changed this would just be weird and redundant.


    Auto-shotty should follow the lemke arms design in all honesty. Lower cooldown of 2.5...higher clipsize. Dps should be 150 or so minimum considering you are talking a dps weapon(150 is prob about good due to circle reticle). This would still be mediocre, but at least it would sort of be worth it rather than you know a 165 weapon with some regen.


    Yeah the Tickle should have higher damage due to them being the dps variant...similar to how lights have higher dps for this very reason.


    Crossbow is weird. It's regular crosshair by default I'm fairly certain and OP? It's a weapon that has to go on radar(i think) for burst and has a 2.4 refire. That edges out the normal sniper in damage. It should be like 250 or something and maybe bump reload to 3.5(follow the sparky design) so it has a burst purpose at least.


    Smg should probably go to 50m/55m and it would prob come with higher dps as it's a dps setup and similar weapons are at 200. That or give it other perks. Reload shouldn't be higher than 2.5(should maybe be lower)...ammo should be like 30...pistol bonus should be like 20. It's an offweapon so make it somewhat interesting. Maybe even 0.3 refire instead of the standard 0.4 for similar.


    Assault rifle should prob be similar to the one below it...refire etc. Weapon bonus shouldn't go above 10.


    1 hand medium melee weapons should be like 1.1 or 1.2. Should augment to like 95/96 dps.



    Ehh can't be bothered working out the math, but skimming them and comparing ingame a good chunk are redundant or are like 165 weapons pushed to 180 weapons with ap augmentation.

  11. 15 hours ago, Aroa Croft said:

    reading all points you writed can you  say:


    1 Why outpost map ( released for exclusive pve population) or citacel/alpha/ or other events  are always Abandoned with no buildings, with nobody takibng care of?

    2 Why actual pvp is done by Omni teams againts omni teams?

    3 Why the most people is avoiding to do pvp ( i am talking people who likes do pvp but dont want do actual pvp)?

    4 why populations was so low?


    i just did a suggestions for improve game, butin my opinion the most necesary now in game is to have a " anticheat working", server stability and repairing/fix bugs.

    no anticheat, no love for updating + gms ban waves are who killed game in past, idea is not repeat the same history because we all know where it will go...

    1 - As stated it's because even when FE was far more active you typically had the common raid leaders and the same handful of people building so likely you just have less people building stuff and due to FE's low activity it's a much lower concern to keep it built. Having mostly pvers or nonpvpers on doesn't mean it will magically be maintained just like having a bunch of pvpers on doesn't mean they are going for conflict town capturing.


    2 - Necessity of numbers. PvPers will put their own groups/priorities first, but if they need more people to compete(3/4 are not about to be able to take on 10+ in any reliable fashion for example) then they typically put those aside to fight them. This was even true when it was early FE and you had faction clans vs omni clans...faction clans would temporarily peace to fight omni clans due to number differences.


    3 - No idea what you mean by this. You could have any number of reasons, but it would depend on specifics as if they wanted to they would. Most don't last I checked or they may not want to fight particular groups for who knows what reasons.


    4 - Time and lack of updates. Populations in every game gradually decrease and without reasons to keep players around you will not stem the tide or bring people back. Much of FEs population loss is a gradual loss of interest and due to it's rare or purely repeated updates there wouldn't be anything to stem the tide.


    Anti-cheat is pretty minimal imo. Cheaters have always been a low amount.  Sever stability is the main concern and secondary are critical bugs like duping. Then it would be quality of life fixes or pve additions. The only real big 'ban wave' was probably RA.

  12. Also make all destructible objects in a keep destructible when it's immune to capture.


    Maybe if possible make the wall beside the cloner destructible and/or add a door or weak spot that can be destroyed. Have it have the defences of a 100 or 150 keep door but health of a 60 or 80.


    Maybe just have later areas have all older mats as well as newer mats.

  13. 20 hours ago, Aroa Croft said:

    point by point better, is dificult to read all that you writed and do a proper reply:


    1- I dont know if your dog name is " einstein" or if your dog is a "police dog" called rex, but if your intention is call me a dog maybe you need psiquiatric assitance ;D

    2- There is more than 50 people online, and it doubles at weekends......... I dont know what you mean there is " alot of pve players" ................ seriusly you saw outpost? or citacel? always is NO BUILDINGS, so it can means PVE players dont take care about game for RESTORE outpost or citacel....

    3- I have not prejudice about nothing, i think in my post i say game is oriented for both pvp and pve population.

    4- I dunno what "EXPERIENCE" have you in game, and i am not olders players in game, but i started playing in 2011. From my experience the main cause people left was " WAVE BANS" ( and its FIRST thing new company are taking care about........... must be a reason...... think about it)

    5- See point 4, and you can see " steam charts" too, and see Population numbers in years/moths........ ( you can take attention last "ban wave" in December 2014) http://steamcharts.com/app/113420

    i was in that last wave, misterious "harashment" direct permaban wave..........

    6- Nobody is "forced" to do PVP, i EXPLAINED about a crafter can CRAFT (cooking,medicines, cars....) using AH selling items, in other case pvp player do BLOODSPORTS and OBTAIN (dt items) using AH selling that items.

    Game is about TRADE items,  Auction House Exist!!

    7- When i said about "having diferent chars" i was refering to "PVP", Loyality is very important in pvp world. If player is not pvper is same faction is using, my mistake if i not writed words " correctly"

    8- Actual pvp is trash, i cant deny it................ actual fights are clans vs clans.............. there is not love from players to a faction as in 2014 it was ( last time i was pvping)

    My all opinion i did is for " USE MECHANICS IN GAME" to FORCE this changes, i think its posible to force players use " FACTION CHAT"  and is same if they are pve or pvp players.

    9- Faction leader is solution for make a " control" of faction in game, as in past it was done by stronger leaders clans of diferent faction....................

    example: RED ALERTS clan (stronger LB clan) controled lb activity, and they helped other lb clans ( pve or pvp or rp asked them for help and all they believe in their faction)

    CHOTA faction had some many clans but CONDEMNED always was their reference, VISTA had CROUCHING TIGER and after that HERETICS.... enforcers, tech.... all they had a strong clan who worked as line to follow for others in same factions.

    this is my point of view, probably you dont played in old times, but in this case i can say to you, to " WATCH" videos in youtube, there is alot videos making reference to all i saying-


    Have a good day!

    2 - You are lucky to hit 50 people at cap level and even incorporating all ranges you barely pass 50 and weekends it goes up maybe 20% or so. Most people online are not pvpers therefor they are likely pvers. Well cit was typically kept up by the same few people and as it was their general gathering place.

    4 - Nope. Most people who left, left due to boredom. That's pve and pvp. Although other games typically replaced fe for them if they were still playing games.

    5 - Nah that timeframe is actually around the release of outpost. So that drop in numbers is due to people running themselves through it already. Sorry most of FE's numbers on steam are a gradual decline with most spikes being able to be attached to patches.

    6 - That's great and all but you forget FE has never had consistent money generation ingame. Quests give barely pocket change and most drop trash that typically is worth less than a quest. If you want to earn money you use the money exploit of that time, grind easy mats that sell high(typically pvp zones after faction nodes were added) or you harvest/farm. Plus the big mat that was pvp exclusive was rothium which was idiotic. If rothium didn't exist or had a high respawn field(multiple people can farm it consistently) or 2 somewhere in pve then your point would be valid.

    7 - That's still idiotic. A better system would be killing your own faction gives turns you into a rogue or something of the sort.

    8 - You didn't care about faction lol. You grabbed anyone and everyone as well lol.

    9 - This is called politics. This is how it goes in many games. Faction leaders don't really address or add to this.

    • Like 1

  14. On 6/14/2018 at 5:20 AM, Prometheus2011 said:

    @Dracio Indeed. On release and for several years after, pvers slightly outweighed pvpers. Unfortunately pvers also quit a lot sooner than pvpers.


    There was a time when the player populations were almost split evenly between pvper, pver and Rper with crafters making up the remainder.


    Personally i am an even split between pvper and raid leader pver with a small bit of rper thrown into the mix.


    After release, i had no group pve content at endgame, so 100% of my content was from pvp. Ill tell you that the large scale group pvp was as fun as any mmo. But eventually everyone got burned out doing the same thing day in day out for months and numbers steadily dwindled.


    What you see now in pvp, the 2 v 3 circle jerk is a shadowy mockery of the greatness of what it was.

    Please we still get team vs team fights, but alas it is no TC.

  15. On 6/14/2018 at 2:11 AM, Dracio said:

    I really enjoy reading your nonsense. It makes my day to know my dog is smarter.


    There is around 50 people online atm. Of those maybe 9-10 PVP. The rest are PVE players. You could stand flagged for hrs in the middle of Embry right now and not get attacked.


    Work in facts honey, not fiction. Or perhaps it is you that harbors prejudice beliefs.


    Most people that left in the last 3 years did go because there was lack of care from G1. No events, missing rewards, no Gms, etc. Not because there was no PVP. Its been the same people PVPing pretty much all the time since then. Not much has changed. And when those handful of PVPers log off, guess what the main body of players left are still in the game? Yep thats right PVE players. FE has a few people returning because of new owners, which is great but numbers have not increased that much.


    Lack of PVP hasn't killed the game. Lack of content, oversight, LAAAAAAG, boredom and many other reasons. That is why people left.


    As to thinking that people who do not ever wish to PVP suck it up for the risk of materials in PVP zones, do you ever stop to think that them having to do something they never ever find enjoyable as being an issue for them? Do you realise it ruins their fun in the game for being forced into PVP when they don't enjoy it? No one seems to like it when non combatants enter Bloodsports because they feel it ruins their fun, not having an opponent fight back. The same goes for PVE. Why should pvers be forced to fight when it isn't their idea of fun? Many pvers are happy crafting, exploring, gathering mats and would never ever enter a pvp zone if they could avoid it. Its a game and we all play games for enjoyment. What one finds fun, another may not.


    Having characters in different factions is fun. Allows for players to experience the game in its entirety. The added bonus is being able to collect faction only nodes for materials. A lot of players with toons in many or all factions do it for the storyline, to immerse themselves in all the lore. The removal of such freedom of choice would be disastrous. Making it so you couldn't do that anymore is kind of pointless and would make many players angry.


    I can't remember a time in the years that I've played that there wasn't omni clans going against each other. Considering you don't get DT for killing your own faction, think a lot of it was just for the fun of the fight. Isn't the point of a game fun? Why stop people from doing just that, considering it isn't harming anyone nor the game? Population is so low, making it that you have to have Faction only clans etc would lead to an imbalance within Factions. More so than what there is now.


    Faction Leader? Really? Just no.


    Well you also likely wouldn't get attacked as everyone knows everyone and there is little animosity and killing crafters/pvers flagged up although at times kills some boredom temporarily it is rarely interesting. It's basically like doing any pve. Then again just like any other time in fe's history it depends on when you are flagged if you pvp.


    Ehh I agree for the most part with the rest. Pvers shouldn't have to enter pvp zones...pvpers will typically suck it up and do pve for pvp, but pvers don't ever really want to enter pvp zones and it bothers them. Different factions shouldn't be limited as the fun part of the faction system is it's muddiness. Factional clans and faction leaders shouldn't be forced and if systems to that effect were ever entered they should be centered around pve stuff and with no actual control over other players.

  16. 2 hours ago, Puku said:

    Obviously it were the devs, who ultimately made the decision, thats why I wrote this as last: "So, basically what has lead Fallen Earth here, has been extremely poor management, where those in charge didn't know anything about their customers and just let them direct by a vocal minority on the forums. "


    You guys may have disliked the outcome, but that doesn't change the fact, that you guys were always complaining about the current state of the affairs(be it before the changes, or after), most vocal was Wolves of War leader (Subzero-something? details are bit fuzzy, its been almost 10 years by now), of course because of that whole clan of theirs was cheering for everything he said. 🙂 The combat was mostly complained about, how dodge sucked and how it was not shooter-like.. how there were too many skills. Guess what, it was changed.. coincidence? Then there were people, who joined Fallen Earth, but couldn't let go of the previous shooter they were playing, Planetside was one of the games, which was always brought up as example, what direction FE should go. You guys were complaining, how those pesky PvE crafters were roaming around freely getting all the goodies and how it would benefit the game, when some best materials were exclusive to the PvP zones. Because apparently it would be fun for the PvErs to come there and try to get the mats, while PvP-ers try to snipe them down.

    I'm still standing by you are saying it was from the influence of the pvpers, when in reality the devs tended to be stubborn and have poor planning capabilities and tended to go the lazy/bandaid route rather than address the situation so it was for their own decision making rather than anything pvpers said.


    Yeah zerogravityse complained alot and I wouldn't be surprised about dodge being changed, but likely the devs nerfed this because old dodge was more detrimental to pve than pvp. Although maybe old dodge trivializing all content at the time was a good thing? Ahh the good old days of agroing entire camps of on level mobs and staggering dodge continguency plans to not take any damage, and if you are against a boss just debuff their weapon skill and buff your dodge and watch as el cadejo never hits a single time. You also forget that although zero cried incessantly he had large amounts of opposition who defended the combat system(then again this is likely where prom's ""high up" clan leaders" come into play).


    Also too many skills I believe the general complaint was there was too much redundancy so depending on the type of skill there was only resource risk rather than value risk due to the number of clone skills(like stuns).


    I don't remember any large discussion thread about how 'valuable mats' should only be in pvp zones to lure pvers. If anything this wouldn't be seen as beneficial by most functioning members of the pvp community due to this not only hurting their own crafters, but ultimately doing little to help what they were aiming for. There were discussions about how to make conflict towns valuable or more valuable, but these tended to be based around factions to my memory and didn't veer into 'exclusive material' territory. There is the chance this was another situation of a random suggestion the devs decided to implement even though it's a trash idea, but that is iffy.


    Then again let's just ignore that every single one of these situations were typically changed poorly and in a lazy way that could also be tied to larger issues to make it easier on the devs. Dodge and that system with pve. Too many skills as that would require tweak balancing which they never did. Mats being moved to random generators is easier for them to control or not concern themselves with. These systems in every situation were degraded rather than improved in any real way.

  17. 7 hours ago, Puku said:

    On old Icarus forums PvP-ers dominated. Most of the changes were pushed by them. All the combat changes, changes to the factions etc. In the endless chase for "balance" devs ended up removing all the diversity from the game tbh. I remember I even tried to cope with the combat changes, but worst change, after which I know many crafters left, was the change to the resource distribution. Making that random, meant wiping all the knowledge which people had gathered about the map. I had so many notes, about what resource was spawning where. To discover that took a LOT of travelling around.. But that knowledge was instantly gone.. and after that change to get some resources, you HAD to go to the PvP zones(before nothing was exclusive to the conflict towns, but you could get it quicker there). I and several others refused to play target practice for PvP guys. Even though on the forums everyone assured, that if you make PvP unavoidable, every PvE guy will go to PvP zones. The hell they did, it is entertainment, when it doesn't entertain you, you look at competition. 🙂 The resource fiasco they tried to make good with those points of interests which appeared randomly on map and spawned goodies(can't remember how they were called), but that was pretty poor solution.


    So, basically what has lead Fallen Earth here, has been extremely poor management, where those in charge didn't know anything about their customers and just let them direct by a vocal minority on the forums.


    Wow yeah pvpers pushed all those changes they disliked! That poor old combat change that drastically effected pvp and in basically every instance was disliked by pvpers. Yeah those changes to factions when most pvp groups wanted factions to mean more not less...but it was those pesky pvpers not lazy/incompetent devs. Yeah that resource change that pvpers also disliked as they also had node spots but that was pvpers as well because apparently all we want to do is fire at fish in a barrel...like citadel lol, but yeah it totally wasn't the devs at the time starting another 'part 1 of 3' project.


    Yeah man those pvpers actively being against all these changes in some form, but yeah they rallied for them and loved them all! Ahh how wonderful it must be to be that out of touch and disillusioned.

  18. 14 hours ago, Aroa Croft said:

    here is the problem:



     Fallen earth had no rival, never had, but now it apeared a online game who can face us.....


    In this moment posibly game would be totally dead with gamefirst company,  lucky we have  new orbit are profesionals and fallen earth is more advanced and finished game, as i see this genre start to have a big potential.

    That's rumored to be a 'battle royale' game akin to pubg and fortnite. That's not competition for FE.

  19. 1 hour ago, Prometheus2011 said:



    Questionable claim. Look...I dont play this game anymore and maybe never will. Im trying to impart a little knowledge of what has come before.


    What possible reason is there for me to "attribute malice" about stuff that happened a decade ago. 


    Lets put it this way. We had direct contact with members of icarus staff. They conversed with us (the playerbase) personally about where the game is headed and what we would like to see. Other "high up" clan leaders at the time could confirm this fact.


    When icarus laid off 90% of these staff members, the discussions became very frank. Pvp was the main focus. Pve at endgame was not in their sights. Give me one instance where you remember icarus releasing a piece of endgame pve group content.


    Believe me or not, it doesnt matter either way. The games development record under icarus speaks for itself. A shift must be made to include both sides of the coin if the new heads of state want the game to succeed.



    What possible reason? Bias. A good example of this is 'there is a pvp section but no pve section'. You looking at something from an angle that fits your current position while ignoring the more likely position in front of you.


    Yeah and that's great, but so have players with devs up to now and they have all been icarus remnants. The interesting part being they plan 1 step ahead and not much further. What was a relative concern with FE from it's launch is they didn't really have a plan(or at least this was a large complaint past the layoffs as people saw lee hammock as having the 'vision'). They always did fairly large changes and never tweaked things, and rarely addressed old projects. The interesting thing too with this timing is that the layoffs happened just before their next patch...bloodsports. So this sounds just like the same mo as usual with them only focusing on the next step while not knowing the race track. See maybe why I'm doubting you with this timing and your focus and bizarre claims in this thread?  Also wasn't there a general argument within the community between solo pvers and group pvers with what people would like them to focus on? This being 1 of those ongoing battles like the 'HPC' argument people had?


    See this is why I attribute bias. You are framing it as 'pvp versus pve', when that is not the proper framing of it. The proper framing would be 'their understanding of sustainable and continued pve in the mmo genre was poor'. As yes going by your framework pve has never gotten love and is the dead redheaded stepchild in FE's basement, and for the general activity of pve this could seem fair. Although this would ignore progress towns, terminal woods, dome, most area of every sector, outpost, their general attempts to provide for both pve and pvp and the fact central systems of crafting/scavenging are largely pve focused. So rather than framing it as a 'pve versus pvp' situation frame it in the proper light...they did not understand this aspect of pve or couldn't come to a proper way of implementing it. Feel free to rally against pvp all you want, but there was rarely any actual bias until they were out of money and wanted to try to make enough to pay people, with gore. You won't reach any proper solutions that way though.



    Also note this is from me talking with and observing the devs like nysek above. Incompetence is a far higher factor than actual bias in many of their development decisions. This can be observed with how they patched and changed the game from launch to g1 acquisition as well as past g1 acquisition. I agree it should be added in some form(progress town is all they got and it was initially framed as much more), but it should be focused on how rather than trying to spin it as the result of pve vs pvp decisions. What nysek has stated about rebalancing older pve is entirely true as well.



    Also yes there was group raid content. It destroyed exile.


    It was actually fun though.

  20. 14 hours ago, d47 said:

    *Takes off rose-tinted glasses. Might have mixed quite a lot of things along the way, it's been a couple years.


    Open world pvp was about as fast as bloodsports if you could get it. The issue with group dt gain was addressed and that was the real killer for dt gain. BS was just a way to pass the time or reliably get less dt.

    Boss grind was basically gore until they decided to add dome. Before that you would scavenge mainly in pve zones. PvP wasn't huge for resources but had the potential for some rarer mats.

    p2win armor? Ohh shit brass goggles broke the game like it was said they would! The only 'p2win' was gore, and that's barely on the spectrum of p2win. Also what p2win vehicles? Most were crafted and the store ones they added down the line were same stat redesigns.

    Utility items? You do realize the only thing you listed that was mandatory was brandy as its best in slot with zero competition due to being dual stat regen. The other 2 are both optional depending on build needs. If you made nothing else or requested nothing else you had little knowledge of your build or were a generic gt/dual offense 129 emp glassboy. Earlier sectors had a similar consume setup depending on your need, but in these you would use a lower tier brandy.

  21. 4 hours ago, Prometheus2011 said:

    This guy gets it. Exile fought the same battle with the devs my friend. I was personally told by Icarus content developer that it wasnt even on the books. They wanted FE to have a pvp centric feel.

    Also his point about solo pvers is completely true. Let's look back to the removal of dodge for pve. This caused some of these types to quit FE due to how laughable dodge made pve and the developers were changing it so avoiding damage chance was level based. Comically a quality of life fix for pve pissed off pvers.


    As to the comment from an Icarus content developer I doubt it was phrased or implied that fe is for pvp. This is questionable as a claim at best, and goes against their general changes and focuses across FE's existence. You seem to be attributing malice to where it should be ignorance. As otherwise pvers would of been railroaded far earlier than they eventually ended up being. It wouldn't of taken 5 years and empty wallets to cause it(2.4 being the start of it followed by cash grab 2.5). I'd suggest you sit down and analyze things a bit more thoroughly and maybe step back and try to examine them with a bit less of a bias. Was pvp that favored over pve? Remember pvp can fuel itself off of just any people fighting and drama, where as pve could only fuel itself off of crafting and scavenging and there was a finite amount of that. There's also the fact pvp content was't particularly well developed/balanced just as pve content wasn't.

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