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  1. Ammount of cheaters increased a lot since LO said that they won't ban people anymore with the last saard update.
  2. I was trying the gun with my enf and noticed i cant use chrome skin because it requires cop 15 instead of gunslinger like every lethal secondary
  3. would love to see the ntec7 adeen as a loyalty reward
  4. agree with this i think missions should start 3v3 at least
  5. .45 is fine, i got it for free long ago account wide with the friend referral system there was. Useless gun pile is too big in APB so i think it should be better to start making those more viable instead of adding more guns to the pile.
  6. Prototype gungame seem fun BUT ITS NOT, because its unplayable and if that isnt enough its lasts an eternity. Now i dont have any interest in playing this event.
  7. That prototype weapon gungame is making event unplayable when everyone has the ogre fireworks and im sure im not the only one that dropped from 80-100fps to 5-15fps. This aniversary event is good but that gungame really ruins the game and make players rage because it feels like your pc is going to explode with a 10 year old game. Played 20 minutes and then quit because that gungame really ruins the event experience, i thought smaller district would fix gungame lag but u made it more laggy with those laggy prototype guns.
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