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Posts posted by MattScott

  1. Hi all,


    PS4 login and districts are back online.

    1 hour ago, AlishaAzure said:

    Just to let you guys know something is not working properly, or you just need to change something in the Server Status.

    This is because Nekrova servers are offline now, and we need to update that system to remove those checks.



    • Like 1

  2. Hi everyone,


    We just made some changes, and we are seeing players on the PS4 NA districts.

    Can you try again?

    If you're getting a login error, then you may need to open a ticket with support, so we can collect more details.


    EDIT: This just came back up about 30 minutes ago.



  3. 15 minutes ago, Uhtdred said:

    thank you.


    Since i have now better latency on citadel, i decided i will keep playing citadel while it's hosted in NY. Had to start a new char and it's really painful to lvl up without premium..



    To be clear, you should have had Premium since 11/28. There is a display bug on the site that shows the wrong end date.
    If you're not getting the benefits of Premium, then open a trouble ticket. We are escalating those tickets to figure out if there is something else going on.

    • Like 1

  4. 28 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    make sure you actually activate it for everyone this time :^)

    Right now Premium is turned on globally, so it should effect everyone.

    We tried individually assigning Premium months ago for the last compensation period, and it turned into a nightmare of waiting for days to let the database job finish.


    We are still investigating why some players aren't getting it based on tickets that were sent in.

    EDIT: Looks like its a display bug that shows the wrong Premium end date for people who already had Premium. We are in the process of fixing this on the site.

    EDIT: The new ARMAS sale will stack with the Premium for a total of 40% off on select items.

    • Like 6

  5. Hi there,


    We have been experiencing nonstop DDoS attacks, which disrupt our authentication systems.

    We are in the process of bringing online new protection systems (from our new provider).

    So hopefully this will be resolved over the coming days.


    Please post here if you continue to see this issue.



    • Like 1

  6. Hi there,

    We have been getting hit with constant DDoS attacks since EU came online.
    Due to the rush to get back online, we hadn't yet fully implemented all the protection systems or finished training the new hardware.


    Hopefully this will smooth out over the coming days.

    Please post here if it continues to be an issue.


  7. Hi there,

    Can you verify this is still happening?
    We have been getting a strong series of DDoS attacks all day, and we had one earlier during this period when you were having trouble.



    • Like 1

  8. Hi everyone,


    Only three working days this week, and lots of interruptions with the terrible network move.


    I don't have a comprehensive update today, but I was told that we are finally "done" with all the major blockers.

    However we need to make a build and get our test environments put back together, and then we'll see how all the fixes hold together.

    I'll likely update later this week once I have more information.




    • Like 31
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  9. Hi all,


    I missed these stats from yesterday, and its a short holiday week for us, so customer support was mostly shutdown Thurs and Fri.


    As of this morning we have:

    434 unanswered tickets

    683 total tickets


    We are answering tickets from 11/11.

    If your ticket is older than November 11th, and we have not reached out, then I recommend updating your ticket and asking for status.




    • Like 8

  10. 3 minutes ago, Acornie said:

    Thanks Matty. So uh, when are we going to get LA servers? My ms to NY is disappointingly bad.. I really hope it gets better maybe in the future >.>

    If you're playing on Jericho, I think you're playing on LA servers for now.

    If you're playing on Citadel, then you're playing on NY servers for now.

    As soon as our EU servers clear customs, then we'll do some moving around.

    • Like 5

  11. Hi everyone,


    All services are back online.

    We are fine tuning district server assignments to get us through the next couple days.

    Please note that we are missing all EU-based servers, so Citadel is temporarily running off the new East Coast servers.


    I'm going to lock this thread for now.



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