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Posts posted by Walk

  1. Bro im done making post yall know financial is down and you guys arent trying to fix it yall keep saying its getting worked on but we we are the only console with it down i cant even rank my player up because its down its about to be 2Months since its been down we cant even do the Christmas contact because we need financial up i don’t understand its like yall only worried about xbox and pc are graphics are still not fixed @MattScott  @Amayii@Lixil

  2. When your in gamechat you cant mute anybody even if you block them you still can hear them im getting tired of hearing people blast music in social an we cant block them 

  3. I bought a character slot and i when i tried to make an an name it says you reached the maximum amount Of players Error code 30006 at this point im just done with this game yall cant fix it no matter what happens something is always messing up you guys say you will look at it but it always occurs 

  4. When you delete an name u cant claim it on here this guy is glitched out an needs to be fixed my friend recently deleted his name for me to have and when i try to claim it it says he still has it but he deleted the player this wasnt until the servers went down this has happend

  5. I Recently Deleted one of my apb names on my other account and then when i went to claim it on My other account it says its not available but when i look to type it in to see who has it it still says my account has it its been 2Days now but i deleted the name and i still cant claim it on my Main account please help me 




    @MattScott can u fix

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