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  1. It's working for me now, but this message apears when trying to join the marketplace. "unhandled exception" Merged. Now it's working xD
  2. Try to play on the bronze district, most of the gold players join to the silver one.
  3. If i was gold and join to the game after a long time, and now I play much worse (dethreat), could it be a reason for banning?
  4. https://thedrugclassroom.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/6-APB-34.jpg
  5. I introduce myself. I play this game since 2013, im a south american player that speak natively spanish, anyways this game is really good and can enjoy it even with 180ms ping (at it's best xD). APB is a unique game of its kind, i hope some day we can have a server with low ping in South America, and more players come. Cheers. . .
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