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Posts posted by Shui

  1. 2 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Just for clarity, I think we've designed something that fills the spot that FC was intended to from a gameplay / reward stand point.

    The problem with FC is in the implementation. It's using a small corner of an existing district, and frame rate will always be a problem till we fix it.


    Ultimately we'll let the players decide.

     If they really like FC and want it to stay, then I'm 100% fine with that.

    We can run the new mode in place of OC, but I'm super excited to get players feedback on something entirely new.



    Keep FightClub Asylum and just add your new mode next to it ...
    I dont care about Baylan tho

    • Like 2

  2. 22 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    Wtf are you serious rn ?
    If you delete Asylum I wont play this game anymore. Srsly.

    This is a really dumb decision, many players like it.


    Only scrubs hate it because they dont have enough skill.


  3. 16 hours ago, Thelnformer said:

    I think /report should alert TGMs they could go invisible and check / spectate the flagged player, if they feel the player is cheating, they could escalate it to actual GMs who could spectate the player and do what's necessary... 


    15 hours ago, MattScott said:

    This is generally where we're heading with a couple differences.

    3 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    As has been said many many times already, GMs will not have the power to ban players  

    Yes, they dont ban, but seems like they will tell Lixil or whoever to ban the player after spectating = same result.


  4. 1 hour ago, Saxtus said:



    Matt said that the idea is that when the "bronze kid with no skill" reports you, you get flagged, then a GM inspect your actions without your knowledge and if you are guilty of a bannable offense, then you get banned. But probably because you don't read everything that is been said here, the following should be enough:



    tl;dr: No, there is no such thing as false ban anymore.

    Seems like you didnt understand me.

    The GM is the "bronze kid with no skill". (But the player who reported me too)

  5. On 6/24/2018 at 9:51 AM, Lixil said:

    My requirements for GMs have nothing to do of how many posts someone has on the forums, nor if someone has 1000000 hours in the game. 



    I will not be taking any names given to me for GMs, if they applied they will get a fair chance like everyone else.

    Its anyway bullshoot to make random scrubs GMs.

    These  are not neutral, they are probably some pathetic bad players who were hackusating everyone in the past or even cheated themselves.

    95% in this forum think they are good players, but they are not.

  6. 2 hours ago, Nymphi--DoubleDee said:

    What makes the Whisper more OP than the standard OCA? If you say range, try going up against an HVR at 50m+.


    DMR-AV is the same as the DMR, except it is Anti-Vehicle.


    .45 vs FBW is debatable. Also, ask anyone, and the FBW is probably the best all around secondary in the game.

    1. You compare a SMG in a range fight with a HVR ? Nice shit dude, lets compare the HVR vs NFAS at 1m distance

    2. You want to say the FBW is in any situation better than the .45 ? No. 45 does more damage, has way more range and is more consistent.
    FBW is just easier to use, because you can spam and pray and compensate missed shots with a bigger mag.

    1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    Whisper 3BMpx2K.png

    CSG yGxHGVS.png


    Fang Ok, the Fang does have 7m more range than the in game RFP

    .45 AP iaW2t1N.png

    DMR- AV rAU4Li0.png


    As far as the Yukon Nano UL3, there is the in game marketplace if for whatever reason you actually prefer these.


    If you want to play hundreds of hours to be able to buy 1 legendary weapon. Ok.

    For JT-Store Weapons you have to play active for 1 entire week to be able to buy 1 weapon for only 1 week. Nice, totally worth.

  7. 1 hour ago, Fyre said:



    I saw that this game had been taken over by a new company so—excited for the future of what I considered a criminally underrated game—I downloaded it again and hopped onto my old level 170 toon for a bit of cops vs robbers action.


    In my first game, a rank 200+ gold (we were in a bronze server) PM'ed me to call me a "stupid arab" for killing him. As far as I know he had no way of knowing whether or not I was an arab. Then he switched to LTL so he could chase me down and emotespam me after arrests, and referred to me as "kebab" in district chat from then on.


    In my second game, I did quite well, my success tempered only by the rank 255+ gold (in the same bronze server) PM'ing me to send the same message every time we interacted:

    "2v1 noob, ahahahahahaha"


    Note: I was the one 1v2'ing he and his friend, not the other way around. I have no idea how that makes me a noob or how the minds of these people work.



    Nice to see that nothing's changed.


    Edit: I feel like you guys think I'm having a go at LO, I'm not. Just poking fun at some dumbasses in the community is all.

    So the real question here is:


    Are you actually an Arab? 

  8. 1 hour ago, CookiePuss said:

    I know Im going to regret asking this, but what weapons are you talking about?

    Is this a serious question?

    Directly in my mind are:

    Whisper > OCA

    CSG > Thumper > JG

    .45 > FBW

    RFP Fang > RFP

    Yukon, Nano, UL3 > NFA, PDW

    DMR AV > DMR


    Wanna pretend these weapons are not better? Would be pretty pathetic.
    Also if you want to say "you can buy legendarys ingame" please dude, dont even bother ...

  9. Fact is there are armas weapons which are way better than the ones you can obtain ingame (including JMB weapons).

    Fact is premium is also p2w.

    Fact is a big part of the game is behind a paywall. Customization and weapon variety.

    Fact is every person who says there is literally zero p2w are scrubs or lie to themselfes and are big Gamersfirst investors.


    But however, at the end I will own you with any weapon.


    btw Engine Upgrade when?

  10. Sup LO,


    could you PLEASE give us an ETA for EU already? Even if you only say a year (with quarter maybe).

    But don't use the word soon™ 😧

    Also, when will you change armas pricing?
    Should not be a lot work to change numbers and you will get free cash


    I know you try to fix the lag/ddos and shit, but it will anyway not get better, so just focus on other more important things :3

  11. 48 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    We are unbanning players caught up in the KTTC and FFA issues. We aren't in a position to do refund anyone prior to Little Orbit taking over. But I will grant G1C to players who paid on or after May 10th to unlock their accounts.


    PLEASE be patient with Customer Support. We have just unbanned thousands of players, and they will be swamped even more than they are now. If you paid for an unban, please open a ticket and we will get you sorted out.

    Nice that you unban all the poor KTTC boys ...
    But why on earth would you unban FFA exploiters as well ?
    Also I would have deleted all legendarys on every unbanned account too.

  12. On 6/4/2018 at 10:50 AM, Rade said:

    You can fix it by creating the registry entry detailed below. 



    The registry fix worked tho ...

    Dont understand why but w/e ._.


    Edit: So I just looked up the standard value on my notebook where I don't have this problem with directx. It was already


    With the registry fix I changed the value on my PC to this one (04.18.2011) and it fixed the problem.

    I didn't look up the value before I changed it (I'm stupid..), but I guess it was a different one ...


    Just type in windows search "regedit", open it and go to this path

    "directX ShipDate"="04.18.2011"

    Then you can look up your value.

    • Thanks 1
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