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Posts posted by Shui

  1. 9 hours ago, áž´áž´áž´áž´áž´áž´áž´ said:
    Crosshair overlay is not an advantage, it is personal preference. In every modern game you have one which can be customized directly in game options, hope to see it in APB too if engine upgrade happens.

    Bad players love to blame everything instead of fixing their own mistakes. It is easier to cry that enemy is cheating, macroing, using shader crosshair, guns from armas, have better ping, fps and so on.
    Yep, no advantage at all to have a crosshair while running.
    You are so right my little average gold scrub.
    • Like 1

  2. 12 minutes ago, Seedy said:

    i play PC...
    Game was made for PC. G1 made it CASH COW for Consoles. If they had just swerved the console we would have the upgrade by now but no.. TechMEch is a greddy fucker who wanted to milk more than just us PC players.. and so we have now 3 disgruntled communities instead of one.

    And you dont deserve anything else than a shutdown forever ffs.
    We suffer because of you console r..

  3. G1 sold for 5$ G1C.
    They paid their taxes with these 5$.

    LO add their taxes on these 5$ extra.
    So they get more money.

    So you could say:
    The old 5$ prices are from G1. There are aleady taxes included.
    LO added again taxes.

    LO is more money hungry than G1.

  4. 15 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:
    Imagine not understanding how the world works.
    15 minutes ago, BXNNXD said:
    there were

    and if there weren’t then g1 was breaking the law, which doesn’t seem very nice to me
    Here in nice language;
    It seems like you 2 nice people do not understand anything. Please do not reply again.

  5. 1 hour ago, Majiik said:

    The additional $1.00 would be due to your local sales tax rate, typically VAT for EU players. There is a box which provides this information on the right side of the screen where you took the screenshot. We did make some configuration changes last week where we’re required to collect sales tax now under Little Orbit where previously Reloaded Games did not, so that is likely why the price appears to have changed.

    So G1 was actually the more friendly company

  6. 14 hours ago, MattScott said:

    Hi there,


    We did get a couple support tickets from players who said that as of our Tuesday patch they were seeing degraded performance (worst frame rates than before).

    Would you mind running /latencytest in the game and then emailing that to support@gamersfirst.com along with the server and region you were playing in?

    That can help us diagnose the issue.



    Since the EU is almost finished, were you able to increase performance and reduce stutter issue?

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