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Posts posted by SkittyM

  1. Just now, CookiePuss said:

    It should be noted that the game, as originally designed/balanced, failed spectacularly.


    Should also be noted that that failure wasn't entirely the fault of the design but the financial mismanagement.  RTW TTK is too long and nobody wants that, people just want a slower TTK than the current game.


    Tbh the game itself probably wants a longer TTK, it performs pretty bad.

  2. 7 hours ago, Yapopal said:

    The speed of cars is limited due to the low loading speed of the surrounding space and streets. At least that's how it used to be. If this problem is solved now, perhaps it is worth increasing the speed of vehicles? Sports cars Cisco, Bishada will finally occupy their niche. Why not make really fast cars out of them?

    Has nothing to do with the game loading stuff but more to do with the size of the map and the games sense of scale.  In theory you could make cars go as fast as 25m/s (they currently go 23m/s) before you have to start adjusting missions and the map itself.

  3. 5 hours ago, N66 said:

    My issue is the HP nerf of the vehicles, what I said about bullet sponges I mean about people, not vehicles, I think a vehicle being difficult to destroy using bullets, for 1 or 2 people, giving it a chance to run is a good balance in APB, that also is complimented by the fact that you can't shoot the driver through the window.


    The old balance allowed cars like Vegas to take an osmaw hit and possibly give the driver time to exit if he's faster than his enemy, now with HB most vehicles (not even Pioneer? correct me if I'm wrong) won't take an osmaw anyway, that's also my beef and why I said Vegas is kinda meh because it's still a good choice, but it's plastic like a Bishada.


    Not to mention AV guns, especially ALIG, now eat through vehicles like butter, the concept is great, but this is too much


    Lastly, yes, Mikro and possibly Vaquero need a reasonable buff, maybe HP buff, I think that's the difference between our views, I'd like to see a buff to them, not a nerf to bring the other vehicles closer to their level

    If by Vegas you mean the 4x4, that one kinda exists in a weird balance spot.  It really shouldn't be a replacement for the regular Vegas so it should probably have some tradeoffs comparatively?  the only tradeoff it previously had was a 1m/s lower top speed which doesn't mean anything cause everything else about the car makes it better and/or more interesting than the regular Vegas.


    I could see the Mikro/Vaquero with buffs, but i honestly don't see that as being enough.  My thinking isn't more nerfing the Coywolf HP or cargo space but more adjusting its handling maybe?  The Coywolf is literally a Mikro with 4 doors and better overall performance.


    High Burn Fuel, is in a weird spot as a previous dev actually made a good point in that how High Burn works makes no sense.  Nearly every video game out there has an ability of some sort that will reduce or prevent explosion damage against a player (Flack Jacket, for APB); what games have an ability that entirely removes an objects explosive damage against everything though?  High Burn prior was just incredibly strong as it was sort of a 'get out of jail free' card from vehicle explosions.  The reason it reduces health is cause another idea we had (reducing damage output instead of removing it) wasn't really feasible.  And i do agree the current implementation is pretty dumb and im hoping that with 64bit, we can fix it in the near future.

    4 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    They nerfed other vehicle's health which makes the Coywolf's lower HP less of a downside. However, the free Coywolf comes with the high burn mod which lowers it's health. If it was an open 4 slot like the 4x4 and other vehicles, this wouldn't be an issue.


    They increased the cargo space, but they didn't adjust for the heavy item slowdown. The Micro is slower with a heavy item than the starter car. Buying a micro is a trade off, not an upgrade.


    The high burn change made it useless on all free vehicles. I used to run it on the cheaper vehicles to give myself cover, or to do remote det jumps, but the health decrease is too much. You can't outrun an smg with some vehicles. Than again, smgs probably deal too much hard damage.

    Refer to above regarding High Burn.  I do agree with the cargo space problem though, that was something i was aware of but the changes went ahead before anything could be done and stuff just kinda died out after.  Its another thing on the list of vehicle balance fixes.


    For both regarding AV weapons. 


    Do you think AV weapons are a problem, or do you think mods like Car Surfer enabling AV weapons is perhaps the problem?  My opinion though I think Car Surfer is more of the issue as vehicles and the ALIG/DMR AV/OSMAW weren't really an issue prior to it.  Been dwelling on the idea of having car surfer reduce weapon accuracy (specifically tying into the value weapons use when leaning out of a car) but with a more intense accuracy hit on heavy weapons like the DMR AV and ALIG.  In concept, it would impact the upper range of these weapons without entirely rendering them moot.  The DMR AV damage ramp up is a serious issue and its incredibly easy to just hover at 90m and destroy cars in about 4 seconds.


    More throwing ideas out there.  Biggest issue with APB is the clashing in which way balance should go.

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  4. 3 minutes ago, Revoluzzer said:

    Besides throwing more people into the pool (which is a good thing when it comes to matchmaking), it will also increase the difficulty of gaming the system. Dethreating and hiding in Bronze districts for easy matches won't work anymore. Of course the next logical step would and should be to remove visible threat altogether.

    The catch about that though is that i don't believe threat segregation is coming back.  It was incredibly bad for the game; now the issue is just the skill variance.  Main issue with the current system though is that its easy to get gold as well as become gold locked, hard to lose gold without actually trying to dethreat.  Since the 1-10 levels are still there in the background you just see that you're gold, but not what level of gold are you or anyone else.


    Already talked with Secrets however.  Sounds like they plan on doing more needed adjustments to matchmaking (group size, rating, etc) though my main issue will continue to be "being locked at gold".

  5. 17 hours ago, N66 said:

    - New Car: Vehicles and Heavy burn fuel "balance" is very terrible, I have empty vehicle mod slots and a bunch of HB sitting in inventory, I still use 4x4 Vegas, but now it's somewhat meh, your (LO) idea of balance seems to be nerfing everything to casual players and bullet sponges, which is exactly the opposite of what attracts players to APB's combat, and now to think all vehicles need to be equal sounds even worse, they're not guns, they're tiered.

    With that in mind, looking forward to see and design a new car, but not to drive it in missions.

    20 hours ago, BlatMan said:

    - New Car: I want to say the new vehicle and tweaking the existing vehicles will be a good thing, but I doubt it will be done right going by previous balance attempts.


    Actually curious, what's wrong with the current vehicle balance the game has?  So far the only changes have been upping cargo space on some vehicles and undoing some of the bullet sponge mobiles.


    The only problem right now is the Coywolf being the goat mobile.

  6. I'm guessing the new matchmaking thing means the current matchmaking will just be gutted?  My main issue has always been with Phasing being kinda marketed as a fix to matchmaking but throwing more people at the problem wont fix it, just look at the American highway system.


    The post mentions a new system but i feel it'll ultimately be the current system with a larger pool of players which simply isn't going to solve anything.

    • Like 2

  7. 18 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    Come on you've been here a while you don't remember the bronze that cheated on stream? Everyone knows bad players can and will cheat.

    I don't watch streams, so no, i don't.  Having met someone who bought cheats and claimed they got a new mouse as for why they were doing so well, i know bad players can cheat.


    All of SPCT are mediocre vets, a few of whom have some technical insight to bring to the table.   Could they cheat?  Sure.  Do they cheat?  No.  Will they cheat?  Doubtful but never say never.


  8. 19 hours ago, Thial said:

    While it might be true that people did cheat I feel like the veterans who are left and who wanted to be in SPCT are still here out of their love for the game. That's why I just find it unlikely that they would cheat. Also like I said there's really nothing to gain from it at this point unless someone would be just super sweaty. In general I would assume that the current SPCT have at least few thousand hours in the game which is enough time to cultivate fully legit god tier skill. During my prime after around 2-2.5k hours I was playing so well and I was doing such things that I would ban myself tbh. My flicks were so accurate and my tracking was so consistent that it was scary. But it was the effect of me putting a lot of effort in which I'm sure other veterans were doing as well. Back in the day people were super into being as good as possible, training in aimtastic or csgo. Improving their muscle memory, reviewing their gameplay etc. So if the current SPCT are the remnants of that time then I'm not surprised why people would hackusate them. But of course it's possible that I'm completely wrong and people are in fact running around with macros and triggerbots.

    Nobody in SPCT is particularly good though that's arguably something you'd want.  Solid chunk of 5k+ hour vets though and the diversity of all of us is good, even if some of us have potato-tier ideas.

  9. 11 hours ago, StunStick said:

    If I could make a suggestion, why not add daily challenges/log-in rewards?  A system like that could go a long way to keep the returning players and make the new player experience a bit better by providing free items.

    I suggest you use the existing JMB rewards as randomized prizes for logging in. The opportunity to get free permanent weapons and cars along with short rentals of some Armas weapons or JT packs could be helpful to keep players engaged in the game and returning daily.


    I think remember a daily challenge system was implemented a while ago, I think that it was infamous because one of the daily challenges was “kill 10 teammates” or something, which was a terrible idea, but aside from that, having the same challenge for every player for rewards would be fun. 

    Only issue with this is that i believe these systems are still broken.  A lot of them broke at some point and just haven't been fixed.  With how small the current team is i'd assume the focus is on fixing bugs and creating content.

  10. 3 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Nah, heavy weapons absolutely should not be usable out windows. Weapon weights in general need a rebalance as well. There should only be two weight classes, standard and heavy.


    Anything that is currently in the G1/RG introduced middle categories (N-SSW, SWARM, Oblivion, etc) need to be shifted down into standard, as they are pretty much universally just standard weapons given heavier weight. Meanwhile, there's a few standard weapons that need to be switched to the heavy category (like the O-PGL, for one).


    There's also some weapons that are standard weight, but disabled from car windows for no reasonable reason. Most shotguns, for example. These arbitrary restrictions should also be removed.

    Imho, other than the OSMAW, all "heavy" movement weapons (hvr, shaw, dmr, alig) should be moved down into the same movement as the N-SSW, AMG, SWARM.  They are waaaayyyy too damn clunky and are somewhat outclassed by their contemporaries.


    Also, why some weapons can be used out of car windows and others cant is partially for balance and/or some element of realism (kinda weird holding something as big as a SHAW out of a car window) but also cause they literally don't have animations for being used in a car (any non-mag fed shotgun, shaw/alig).

  11. Not super sure why it particularly matters but you can either view the APB.exe properties and look at the product version # under Details, or just open the base game folder and look at the numbers the Client(version number).xml.zip displays.


    You can also just run the launcher and see if it updates.

  12. 20 minutes ago, TYRANSIS said:

    Hello when i started playing apb, after a few mission i was crashing on the spawning map. I installed APB advanced launcher put the game in low and it fixed the issue. While playing apb otw im crashing after a few mission on the spawning map

    Think you can DM me your log files and i'll forward them to a dev?  Those will be wherever you installed the game, likely Program files > gamers first > APB OTW > APB game > Logs. 


    Just toss them in a zip file.  If you're on discord that would make things easier.

  13. On 12/26/2022 at 5:04 AM, Revoluzzer said:

    I don't think this is a necessity, as long as each weapon is accurately described in the way it behaves. Which is not and has rarely ever been the case in APB.

    But just like showing players where they stand in terms of matchmaking, I think showing them exactly how a weapon functions ultimately leads to a worse gameplay approach.


    Each weapon should be designed with certain strengths and weaknesses and those should be communicated to the player. You like getting up close and personal? These guns will help you with that. As long as description and behaviour do not diverge, players will more naturally find a weapon that suits them.


    Should the actual numbers be kept secret? No. But put them somewhere for enthusiasts to look up (like APBdb). 

    Honestly hadn't thought of this idea but now that you mention it, it sounds pretty solid.  All of RTWs weapons already have this in their description though they may need a bit of updating.  Weapons RP has added are either "functionally identical" or just have random lore, seems to depend on when the weapon was made.


    I'll try writing up some revise weapon descriptions for those that don't have them and see where that goes.

    • Like 1

  14. 3 hours ago, MonkaS said:

    I mean its still dumb idea a new player would have to stumble across this information somewhere on the forums since its clearly never said/seen in game. Also why choose 10m? is it actually exactly 10m? is it 10m from the gun barrel or from the player model or from the player camera? Its just not intuitive.

    its 10m from the origin point of the character.  Most games typically measure accuracy as  X diameter at Y distance from the player origin.

  15. 6 hours ago, R3ACT3M said:


    Only issue with presets is theres nobody to make them and it would definitely be a few months (after a pass was even thought up) before someone could make them.  I sorta only see weapons working if maybe its a variant, like the CBMPs or Raptor 45, VBR, etc.  Consumables are sorta in a weird spot though im not against having them be in the pass if their current implementation sticks around.


    New thought, what if basic versions of weapons were always free and available from contacts and customized tactikool versions were paid?

  16. On 12/16/2022 at 8:51 AM, R3ACT3M said:

    As much as I hate them, a battlepass would give incentive to logging in every day and playing. But be more loving with this if it is ever to be added because a greedy battlepass can be spotted from miles away.

    My only problem with an APB battlepass thing would be; what would be in it?  I feel that a battlepass would be entirely pointless if the items aren't unique or limited time in some way which kinda goes against what APB has been.


    Emphasis on "kinda" cause i didn't forget the older seasonal events.  Those having one time rewards was super mixed.

  17. For the record, LO doesn't "not care" about APB.  Without a doubt its impossible to get money for APB at this point from investors or anyone so it makes entire sense they'd focus on things that could earn them money (in general).   Frankly i hope its successful enough to get APB to 1.30 at least.


    The "all in" approach to NFTs is without a doubt a terrible idea with crypto and NFTs crashing at the moment.  Guessing it was a decent idea that released too late to be fixed.

  18. On 6/2/2022 at 9:17 AM, R3ACT3M said:

    scout sniper requires a very quick 2 shots for a kill. otherwise it's gonna be 3. I think the silenced scouts also aren't 100% effective until 80 or 90 meters.

    Got that one backwards, silenced snipers are effective till about 83m, then they start losing damage.  Normal snipers will lose damage at 90m save for the DMR

  19. On 2/13/2022 at 5:43 AM, Revoluzzer said:


    "Q1 2014" was a meme on an already postponed engine upgrade launch, iirc. So the whole ordeal started in Q3 or Q4 of 2013 most likely.

    Then again, it doesn't really matter.

    In fairness, i never ever took "q1 2014" as an actual release date for anything.  I saw it as a "we'll have something done internally by Q1 2014", which in fairness, they did have whatever they were internally doing done by then.


    Old blog posts i think imply that development started likely in early-mid 2013 however.  I do feel that if LO had continued development on that UE4 version of APB, we'd probably at least have a playable Financial/Waterfront by now.  Just my wishful thinking however since they'd have to start from scratch mostly.

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