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Posts posted by SkittyM

  1. On 9/29/2018 at 10:44 AM, Yood said:

    I liked this project, let's call it a fantastic story in San Paro . who did not know

    the source is the old forum .

    Surprised to see someone posting my old renders, save for one the Bridget made.  Looking back on it though, god there's so much cringe, important cringe but cringe none the less.


    Fortunately I've stopped doing APB renders all together though I've kept story scenes on one of my back burners.  Need to get Maya again.


    Just click on the link in my sig for my most recent car porn renders.  Can never have enough lights.

  2. Always was amusing watching people try and pass out ideas such as "anti-cheat tiers" or some other nonsense.


    I do hope there are plans on the table for doing something with the skill gap though. 

    • Like 1

  3. 1 hour ago, ThrowawayAccount said:

    Is the SPCT only limited to this or will they be interacting with the community as well? If it is the latter, then I am very concerned about a few of the individuals chosen for this position. Based on my past experiences and my friends' past experiences, the only one who has a good grip on how to interact with the entire community and not just a select few is SKay. The other SPCT members have not shown to me that they can provide a good, welcoming experience to the entire community. This could mean that I either have not seen much of them or that there have been negative experiences with them.


    As much as I hate to specifically target people, I feel that this individual is probably the easiest to describe what I mean when it comes to poor behavior with the community. Kempington is one the SPCT members who fits in this category of poor behavior. I have played missions with him and he the worst when it comes to positive interactions with the community. He is the type of individual who will bash and blame his teammates for a loss in a mission if he feels it is warranted, so basically majority of the time. The only times where he does not blame his teammates is when he is playing with individuals he knows or thinks is good at APB. From what I have seen and experienced with Kempington is that if you are not associated with certain cliques (theme makers/lovers, "good" players, or subscribers), you are going to be undeniably mistreated by him. If you have watched his streams over the years, you will notice this. Besides his negative attitude with the community, he has definitely been more than helpful with regards to information and gameplay of APB. He has probably done the most out of all the current SPCT members if we're talking from an informative perspective about APB. So as much as I am probably bashing him, I am glad to see him on this team because I believe he will be able to help connect the community and LO. Though, he has to fix his attitude.


    A member of the SPCT that does not make sense to me on why they were chosen is Skitty. I have had some bad experiences with this individual and my friends have as well to the point that they have quit the game because of said individual and his clique. He is like Kempington with regards to how he interacts with the community, but not helpful at all. If you were to try to approach Skitty prior to this, he would come off as a jerk regardless of what is being said or asked. Now, if we were solely going off of gameplay and information, he doesn't fit the qualities for SPCT either. He only knows how to use Remote Det and is not known for playing a wide variety of guns. I don't see how having this type of person will help connect the community and LO or help provide valuable feedback for future, untested content.


    @MattScott Introducing a new SPCT team is a step in the right direction, but I'd like to hear more on what the duties of the SPCT team are and whether or not they are going to be held to a higher standard when it comes to behavior and interactions with the entire community. Also, I'd be willing to provide my main to you if you so desire just so you know I'm not just a troll trying to start stuff. The only reason I have not posted on my main is because I know how vicious the community is towards people who "attack" their friends.

    I can only guess that you hsve never taken the time to actually get to know me or those around me.  Thats fine though, it is the internet after all.


  4. 3 minutes ago, Kewlin said:


    For better or for worse though, being well known does make you get noticed.


    Popular isn't the right word though, I'm not sure anyone on APB is "popular," and IDK if I'd say having faith in LO's decisions is "obvious." It's especially bizarre IMO that the members were seemingly chosen primarily if not entirely from Discord.

    I would guess Discord was just an easier medium to get everyone together on.  Weird but i guess this is the new age.

  5. 2 hours ago, -Rachel- said:

    LOL it's like a who's who of the elite. I mean, I don't have any issues with any of these people, but they are not average players, and most of them are very well known or popular. I'm mystified by this decision. I would hope there would be a larger array of players across more skill levels, and people who are less well known.


    For those thinking I'm butthurt because I'm not part of it: I have no interest in testing, Matt Scott actually knows this personally from a conversation we had.


    I'm not upset or anything, I'm just confused.

    You're right, im not average, im below average and am very well known for being a terrible shot.



      Popularity has nothing to do with ones ability to give feedback on something.  A number of us were chosen due to our activity and ability to give constructive criticism.  Obviously if that were the opposite we wouldn't have been reached out to.

  6. 8 hours ago, AsgerLund said:

    In a community as harmonious and constructive as ours, I don't see the big issue.


    However, in a game with a more toxic environment, any publicly named player participating in an official volunteer team like this should expect to be called out on every single tiny bug or any company decision, by attention seeking, self centered, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging players/posters without a smidgeon of common sense. So having a public list of volunteers in a game with THAT kind of community could be an issue.

    SPCT being public was something we kinda pushed for after Lixil had wanted to make it all private and some things we didn't agree with.  Really it was more of a "It worked during RP, so why not?" thing.  Also Matt agreed with us though his opinion on the NDA was mildly amusing.


    4 minutes ago, Lyfeld said:

    I hope that when it comes down to testing the EU, there's at least one SPCT member with a Radeon GPU or Ryzen CPU to iron out any possible bugs appearing on that hardware. AFAIK most of the SPCT players listed are using the widespread Nvidia + Intel combo (like I am currently), so if new testers have to be added, having more diverse hardware to test with would be a good criterium. 


    I have a Ryzen 7 1800X and GTA 1070 SC, would never touch an AMD GPU but im sure APB will run fine on both.  I think the main thing is kicking the rest of the graphical load off the CPU and letting it spread load over multiple cores.  That was something RP was trying to fix on console as i recall.

  7. Looking back at this thread has made me realize why Reloaded's holiday events were a bit more enjoyable.  A lot of stuff was tied to roles which just meant grinding for the special stuff, so winning an event wasn't so important.  But the problem with that is that there currently isn't enough population (On Jericho at least) for that to always work.


    I still like the idea of a winner to get truly unique rewards, but some kind of roll over system should be implemented for future use.   That way repeat winners aren't a big deal cause then 2nd place gets the reward and so on.

    • Like 3

  8. Won once out of random luck but it was rather annoying watching the same people win over and over on Jericho.  Really think that everyone who was on should just get the skin, it kinda does devalue it as a unique thing but there's other weapons skins that can take its place in the future, I'm sure.


    Before you do though, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix the skins color pallet.  The random red mixed with orange/white doesn't work at all, may as well have just left it black, or some dark brown.  Really just some autumny color so its visually pleasing like most other skins.

    • Like 2

  9. 4 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    The second quirk would be that the way to view your Loyalty rewards is a little confusing.



    The yellow arrow underneath the name makes it look like the whole line or the arrow are supposed to work as a drop down menu for you to look at your Loyalty rewards but instead you have to click "View All" which is greyed out, I suggest giving the "View all" button the same yellow color so it's less confusing and can be seen easier.


    All in all things are looking great tho.

    Really they should just make the whole line Yellow ( so it blends out from the background) and make it a clickable drop down menu instead of something that opens an overlay like it used to.

  10. 1 minute ago, Nanometic said:

    You could buy it as a criminal, so if you had the impact vest and wanted the shoulder pads only from that pack, well, there you go.

    That's only if you already own the vest.  If you don't own either, these items are useless as there's only two items in the entire game that they work with.  I'm more looking at this from a new player perspective.

  11. So, was looking at ARMAS and i noticed the Armored groin pad and shoulder pads were debundled and on sale. 


    Normally not a problem until you realize that these items require other items to be used.


    And since it doesn't say that it comes with either vest, why bother selling an item that requires another item to be worn, but the item required is sold in another pack with all the pieces so you'd basically be buying the same item twice and wasting G1C?  Or having to wait for the Featured section to cycle to one of the vests.

    Who thought this was a good idea?

    • Like 4

  12. 2 hours ago, Archon said:

    Tbh I'd like to see a checkmark for auto-resupply so you could have it either way, yeah I know it's kind of pointless, but it just seems like an interesting feature

    I agree with this.  Already trained by the old system to resupply before you reached 100 rounds left so hearing the game could auto-resupply from the get go hurt a lot.

    Viva la OBT!

  13. 19 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Didn't even realise this was stikll a thing. Thought that was stopped years ago.

    It was though i guess it was something that could still be done if you hadn't?  It never ever came up after Reloaded stopped doing it.  I would guess this means they're deleting the RTW character database to make room and such?  My only though as it was something you had to do through Support back in the day and it was never automated, i think?

  14. 1 hour ago, foolish ninja said:
    Strife TTK: 1.25sec
    JG/CSG TTK: 0,68

    you can fire 4 shots, while strife shoots 2. Where is that fine? JG and CSG are so forgiving compared to strife.
    It needs a fire rate buff and not more damage, cuz the damage is already at around 850
    Avoid comparing the SG-21 to any other shotgun.  It's not design with the idea of going head on with anything.  It's more for team support or popping out of cover.  Not to mention 858 damage is still absurdly high for a shotgun in APB, lowering the TTK could put it at S1 Manic status, and fuck that shit.

  15. Just now, Similarities said:
    1 minute ago, SkittyM said:

    SBSR IRS is fine for the most part, kinda in a position similar to the SG-21 before it's nerf.  Coroner is just something that shouldn't be.
    Ah, I've only used the Coroner on OTW and I thought it was god awful, it's just outclassed in literally every area by another gun. It's TERRIBLE.
    The IRS is an automatic sniper, one of a kind.  The recoil mechanic is its only problem but past that, even with it really, it's not a bad sniper.  The Coroner is a semi-auto rifle of some sort for no real reason so it's really just bad all around.

    Can try either from the JT store now so, wooo?  Still hate that they mad everything available in 3 slot.

  16. 1 hour ago, mynd said:
    4 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    they also nerfed the overall damage to stop the 1 shotting of fragile users

    This was a big blow to the fun of the Strife, and nothing was OP about this being a thing.  I was shocked when I realized this happened.
    Same actually.  It was already a gun nobody really wanted to use besides those wanting to be "different".  Nerfing the damage AND range just makes it even less desirable.  And you can't even put IR3 on it anymore.

    One gun that i liked to use and now there's kinda no point to it.  Maybe i sound over dramatic but it really is worse off now than before.
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