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About CryzTheKitsune

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  1. Welcome to the XONE Recruitment Forum post! About XONE: This is a fairly new Clan within APB Reloaded, I created this Clan with the idea in mind that I can provide players with a place to belong and also have people who are ready to help you out or just team with you in missions or just to give new players a collective of people which can help them out or give suggestions to them to get better weapons and tactics within the game when combatting with the other faction. What Faction is XONE? XONE is an Enforcer Clan, one I like Police and two... ne noor nee noor. How do I join? If you message me via Mail in-game or whisper me if you happen to have me in your game with the Subject "XONE Clan Join Request" and the Contents with your Discord username and ID and your IGN. You'll be accepted into the game Clan and when the Discord has been created you'll either see the link in the MoTD or you'll be added via Discord. My IGN: CryzTheKitsune Faction: Enforcer Does XONE have a Discord? Currently, we don't have a Discord but I'm working on that and I'll update the post when one has been created. Is XONE mainly English Speakers? Yes, since I am not blessed with the ability to use multiple languages or just more than the English Language, English is required to converse with other Members and me, but you don't have to have perfect English though long as you can understand people and you are moderate with English you'll be fine. Clothing and Vehicle Icons: Clothing and Vehicle icons aren't really needed if you've already got a set design on your character and cars that you like but if you wish to sport the Icon of XONE they'll be shared via the Discord when it's created. Threat Levels / Ranks: Don't need to be a set Threat Level or Rank to join anyone's free to join. Clan Community Rules: DONT BE A BAD SPORT. DONT DISCRIMINATE, HARASS OR CAUSE DRAMA FELLOW CLAN MEMBERS. (Stright up kick from the Clan DONT AFK MID GAMES (Both not cool and just abusing the games XP and money mechanics.) DONT TK 'Team Kill' (Both not cool and you'll just be harming yourself in the long run.) AGE CANNOT BE BELOW THE AGE RATING OF THE GAME I.E MATURE That's the end of the XONE Recruitment Forum post long read, right? I'll change the format up every so often if it's too lengthy along with updating information about the clan. Hope to see you in the Clan!
  2. I couldn't find a HELP part of the Forums so I'm putting it here but how does one insert an image via HTML or another way into forum posts? It doesn't really make it clear on how to do that.
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