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  1. This sentence is the most honest thing about APB right now. Tigrix's input is so underrated/brutal and the down votes from the sympathizers is proof. Can't even name people with a certified history here or that mod amayli deletes your post. Amen brother.
  2. Dude. Since they implemented EAC, AutoIt and AHK scripts work again lmfao xD You play against a low rank with a sniper, shotgun or ntec, you bet your butt they running old scripts. Haha this game is a joke. Easy triggerbot and wallhack. Haha. Funny stuff my guy. Funny. Copy and paste run as admin lmfao. Ez guys ez.
  3. Original post by Macke1234 all credits go to him. Thank you. Good luck everyone and I wish you all the best of luck in life. Cookiepuss do what you do best. /smoke - d.
  4. Funny yesterday I posted a link but the admins don't like the truth so they didn't approve it. Sad.
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