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  1. Man i cant understand what happened to this community. I played on the Falange(Brazil) server for 3 years and i never seen anyone complain about the weapons like people do here. People from Falange played with every weapon in the game, shaw/alig, ntec/cr5, oca/pmg, csg/jg, etc etc... For us the only "OP" weapons was PMG and Nfas because the great dmg both weapons do in CQC. I never seen anyone complain about HVR being to "strong" or that you can kill anyone at any distance, or NTEC being the main weapon. We just played the game the way it was. Ntec was popular, yeah it was, because its a good weapon, everyone can equip it and play, just try to learn how the weapon works and you are gonna be fine. Thats why talking about balance here is wrong for me, if i said something people dont like, they are gonna rage at me like im wrong.
  2. Theres difference on each sniper, i liked the way HVR was because i was able to help my team in close quarters. But i cant have the same gameplay like i had on Falange, the ping for me here is more than 190ms all the time. This is just one random video i recorded, most the time i did some hardscopes too.
  3. Man i dont want to talk anymore about weapon balance in this community, everyone is so salty when we talk about "balance" here. I just wanna say i miss the HVR before the aim nerf. Theres a video i recored on Falange server, just watch and you see the type of gameplay we had on the server(The video is in portuguese, you can mute the sound and play a music if you want): LINK
  4. Kempington did a Q&A live with the owner of Little Orbit, heres the link if you want to check it out whats coming: LINK And theres the blog post about it, its the same content from the stream: LINK
  5. Man i was playing on the Falange server when they implemented this on the server, it was a mess. Players dethreating to silver to change districts all the time they got to gold again. Maybe the old RTW system could fix the problem.
  6. The only changes are the staff and Little Orbit being the new owner of Gamersfirst. The game still the same, but theres some changes coming soon.
  7. Thats the problem, we alredy have many rush weapons. Ntec, oca, shotguns, carbine/oscar, theres so many weapons you can rush a sniper in close combat. Maybe im salt because i cant main the HVR anymore, or even get a kill. What about a slow time for consecutive shoots for HVR? nerfing the amout shoots you can spam at your enemy?
  8. Calm down man, like i said: "About the macro for fbw and carbine, people can still use it, even with the firerate the way its." I never said i use macro or anything, i just pointed the firerate lock. For me, the old FBW was good, carbine too.
  9. Ntec was good before, it was no problem to fight good players with ntec the way it was before. About the macro for fbw and carbine, people can still use it, even with the firerate the way its. Scout got a unique mechanic back in the day, where you could fight close combat with the weapon. And the nerf on HVR is the worst, making the weapon a "support" weapon. You cant fight people up close anymore.
  10. Oh boy, here we go: Scout with the jumping shoot and fast switch. Remove the firerate lock from FBW and Carbine. Reverse the Ntec, HVR and CSG. @edit later if i miss something.
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