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Posts posted by Nickolai

  1. On 11/4/2019 at 2:02 AM, Bambola said:

    I simply love when they pull out the Showstopper and the show ends with them dying to N-FA9 before they even realize what's going on.

    What a convenient name. 

    Agreed. I own both. The greatest trait of the N-FA9 is that nobody expects it.


    N-FA9 = TTK Beast

    Showstopper = Packs a mean punch.

  2. I really don't like making a thread about this (unlike another individual who's name is associated with footwear) but it would be nice to know if a Server Merge is still on the table. 


    They said the upcoming weeks but it has been a month and they are pretty hush hush about it.


    Can you clarifiy on this @MattScott?

  3. I agree 100% with op. 3 of my real life friends tried this game. They only lasted a few hours and never came back. Game is just too hostile to rookies and gives them 0 chance to win. I despise dethreaters who do this and I show no mercy when I'm up againts them. If Matt won't fix this or atleast address this problem then it won't matter whatever update they put out. This game could attract thousands but they will be slaughtered at the gates. And again we are stuck with the sweatlords/tryhards.


    On 10/26/2019 at 12:12 AM, Noob_Guardian said:

    We used to have several programs that did so, but I think SPCM? disbanded? (correct me if I'm wrong) and most "Vet's" don't care enough to mentor new players to begin with.


    I disagree here. I went out and I tried to help R30 Enforcers. Shockigly all of them refused help/coaching/training, said they "don't need it, I can handle myself". 


    If only they knew.....so I gave up on the coaching part and I have left them to fend for themselves. However If I face someone who is brand spaking new I don't whip out my seal clubbing bat. I lay off the gas, let them kill me even give them a win so they could believe they have a chance. I don't want to part of the problem, but be the solution instead.


    Unfortunetly the vets egos are too big and  they stomp everyone into quitting (including my veteran friends who stopped playing due to tryhards/sweatlords).


    I still have hope though......



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  4. Nerfing the Strife will fuck over everyone who purchased the overpriced pack (lets be honest most people bought it because of the Strife). It's a hard gun to use and if they make shotguns 3STK then they will be complety useless. Everyone will switch to PMG/OCA and we will again forget shotguns existed.


    Also I agree with the Oblivion absolutely sucking. It feels a role that the ISSR beats it in every category (except range)


    There is also an accuracy bug. When using HS3 the gun is more accurate when moving then standing still. 

  5. 9 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Yeah, has nothing to do with APB being an outdated and poorly performing game that was never popular to begin with.


    When all of my APB friends (who have invested hundred of dollars and thousands of hours) tell me that they refuse to come back because of the toxicity, the sweatlords/tryhards then you know you have a community problem.

  6. 14 hours ago, Flaws said:

    Won't replacing IR3 with HS3 on Fang render the standard RFP superior due to less accuracy loss while hipfiring in CQC? Thought about replacing it with like IR1 or 2 instead? I agree that it's bad design to give it IR3 but it also shouldn't have to necessarily fall out of relevancy like most nerfed weapons do in APB when the next best thing suddenly outshines them.


  7. 2 hours ago, illgot said:

    "golds" that are in bronze are really just low threat silvers.


    Actual gold threat players rarely lose their gold status and can not move down to the bronze district.


    Is it fair?  Only in that rank 255s have access to toys real bronze players rarely have access to thanks to the rank 195 mods.


    Drop all rank requirements to rank 85 and the game will become more fair for everyone.  Their rank is meaningless as some posters here claim to have been playing the game for years and still can't play well against silver players.

    Ahem, in the Colby NA Best days we called the Yellows. That was a legit insult back then.


    As for the Golds hiding in Bronze I ain't got love for you. 

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