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Posts posted by Nickolai

  1. 2 hours ago, ch4ncer said:

    You're interested in joining so you can feel privileged :^) just like everywhere else you go, too bad you can't handle recognition or fame that well. lmao.


    Ehhh no, i really could care less about the fame. I'm just tired of waiting 5 years for this update. I would like to help test it and get my hands on it.

  2. Kinda disappointed that the Engine Update will be postponed till April next year (if we are lucky) but I hope it will be for the best.


    Also, how will you decide who gets in SPCM? I am interested in joining to help test on OTW.


    Most of us have been waiting for 5 years for this moment!

  3. I think its time to throw in my solution into the pot here.


    Instead of having 1 UNIVERSAL MODE WITH 3 stages that have god knows what effect on some weapons why not consider this:


    Have specific weapon CLASS mods for example: OCA Mag 1, OCA Mag 2 and OCA Mag 3


    This way you can fine tune the mods for each specific weapon without breaking the other ones.


    And because you will have a lot more mods to buy, their prices will be something like 5000$, 10000$ and 15000$ depending on what level.


    I feel like this could have been suggested before and if so why it was never looked at is beyond me.

  4. One thing that was not stated when you purchased G1 and APB is that this is most childish b*tchy community you will ever face.


    People here are like fucking toddlers. They expect results NOW! They act like investors (which they kinda are) but don't seem to understand that this game never left BETA stage. Let's be honest. This game has been broken for 10 YEARS! It can't be fixed with a magic wand.


    I'm not hopping on the bandwagon but I can see what they are trying to do here. They have made more progress in 5 months than G1 did in 2 years! Also, any smart company would not invest 10 million dollars into a failing product if they don't plan on making a profit. I am patiently waiting for the revival. Rome wasn't built in a day.


    I see LO as Rockstar from 2004 when the release of GTA San Andreas changed Rockstar from a small developer into a gaming industry TITAN! I kinda get that vibe from what they are doing.


    So everyone just chillax and let them WORK! It's not like they don't have enough shit to deal with!

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  5. I like the idea. We had something like that before. Car meet up with GM's. And then a Dump truck happened......

    We never had a car meet up again after that. This community doesn't deserve it really.

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