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Posts posted by Nickolai

  1. On 12/28/2019 at 7:18 PM, Solamente said:

    what makes the “real” gold clans toxic other than wanting to play as best they can?


    Curb stomping literally anything that comes up in Red regardless of skill, equipment, rank or general experience and showing absolutely no mercy. 


    That kind of attitude and play style made most people leave. Hacking can be fought. Toxic behavior like that.....well that's a totally different problem that you can't fix with a patch....

    • Thanks 2

  2. This game will never survive if the matchmaking doesn't get fixed.


    Even if the HOLY Engine Update gets released, all of my old friends (who were gone for years) come back to check it out, K Up, Get the sweatiest tryhard premade group you could think of and get curb stomped into quitting again. From what I'm seeing currently I am conviced that scenario will play out.


    Git gud is not a valid argument in this case and its not helping anyone (for those who are probably gonna call me out)



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  3. 22 hours ago, Speedz said:

    Players: "remove threat segregation so we can play"

    LO: *does it*
    Players: "wtf go back"

    I was on the same boat until I figured how much of a double edged sword it really is.


    Enemy calls backup and gets 2 Max Ranks, I call backup I get 2 Trainees and the game considers that fair.....


    Still I think there should be a training district up to silver threat and R100 for people to get their bearings. 

  4. Double edged sword. On one side NA has one full District, the other is.....well.....matchmaking is all over the place.


    You get paired up with people half your skill level or you get Bronzies as teamates and the enemy is a premade group.....


    Still think there should be a tutorial district for up to R100 and Silver. After that you get booted off the training district and you have to fight with the rest of the players.

  5. I enjoy using my shredder. Yes its not the best choice but it does have some advantages.

    - 10 Round Mag

    - Decent Damage at 20 meters

    - Very configurable (From HS3 to RS3/CJ3 to IR3 - pretty much everything works)

    - Tight Spread


    I treat it as a support shotgun that requires teammates to get kills. On its own you will probably struggle.


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  6. Even when it gets nerfed, the sweatlords will find something else to (ab)use to replace it. Balancing guns in a game like APB is hard since it's a unique game and you can't look at other games and how they do it.


    You nerf one gun, people will start using the next best thing. In this case its probably the Obeya/NSSW.


    I know people love their NTECS but the meta doesn't care. People will use whatever gun gives them an edge. 

  7. I was there when G1 made threat segregation. That was their biggest mistake and I hope when LO took over all of them got fired.


    It still boggles my mind why LO hasn't removed the number one reason why the game is in a dead state and thats threat segragation.


    A lot of people left after that infamous update and event (Gold Rush Event, the OGs know it) and never came back.


    Just make a tutorial district (like in Beta) and make it accessible to people up to silver threat and R100.


    Its like putting a band aid on a gaping would, but atleast its a start!

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