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  1. any plans of introducing cross faction match making? it would double the player pool
  2. it'll make the mm better even if it doesnt fix it. Also, sometimes servers get in a weird situation where one faction is full gold and the other is silvers and bronzes, cross faction mm could really help in this regard. And forget about it being temporary, it should be perm, if they ever do the multi server (?) mm cross faction will still be better
  3. going to keep this up because i keep seeing 20 lvl bronzes rage quit during matches and dont think they will ever give another chance no new player is going to play this unless mm is fixed
  4. or just remove factions and give us cross faction mm
  5. cant find matces solo and player count declining again, why not do this cross factin mm already and maybe we'd play with less cheaters idk
  6. Matchmaking is and has been a pain in this game for years and we all know it needs to be fixed asap. Playing solo as a gold is difficult due to the game matching you against premade golds and silvers beside you (don't blame them it's the game's problem), let alone being a newbie in this game. So, wouldn't it be the best to disable factions and have 100 people pool instead of 50, 'till we get a proper matchmaking? I know it is highly unlikely, but still wanted to ask.
  7. I’d not like premium to get removed, even if i don’t buy it, so LO can get some financial support by it, yet i’d like to get f2p updated or premium nerfed a bit (removing customizing limits for f2p, etc.).
  8. Jumpshotting mostly ends up with dying if the one getting jumpshotted can track them on the air
  9. You have to put your crosshair on their chest or you’ll miss a lot of shots, yet i still feel rng is too hard on these guns
  10. You’re totally right. It’s not even fun playing against new players and some clans’ players are dethreating everyday. It f*cks up the game for new players, their teammates while they’re dethreating and the players matched against them, so it’s a bit f*cked up situation going on here and maybe banning them for 1 week could decrease it a bit. I am getting matched with low ranked players in silver district recently, so dethrating shouldn’t be the excuse for bad players ( they can get matched with silver players in silver district ) they have to try harder not bang new players
  11. I think active GMs should check dethreat reports frequently and ban them for 1 week or month, so they won't harass new players and gain exp easily
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