Xegethra 22 Posted December 23, 2018 APB ideas Another set of game ideas I have for APB, more in the way of gamemodes. I am aware that they may not or will not happen because of X,Y, Z but they are just ideas and not expectations (I should know, been here since the closed beta). Everyone has imagined their own kind of APB, well here is mine. More ideas may come, some I have posted before, others are new. I know the ideas aren't foolproof but nothing is. I know things can be changed for better or worse. I realise that a lot of these will require new animations, assets, maps, physics and functions but this is how games develop, I can only hope APB does so in some form. Maybe another game will do them. This will be a wall of text. Turf Wars Action districts have multiple take over spots for non mission criminals and enforcers to fight over. A blank or held spot when in first contact with an enemy will start a timer. The defenders or attackers have to own the area by the time it runs out. If the attackers don't manage to take it over, the other side keeps it. After a few minutes the attackers can once again try to get it off them. If the attackers do manage to get the area, they "lock" the area and the previous owners can't fight for it after a few minutes more. The areas will be changing hands through out the game, the more areas a faction has the more NPC characters will walk the streets. Like say the criminals have a minority of the spots, around the district there will be few criminal NPC characters to shoot at non mission players, the more spots they gain the change in NPC's happens and less enforcer NPC's will walk around. Each owned area will also have a good chunk of the appropriate faction NPC type. NPC's can't initiate a take over nor will they really take part in it much. If a faction manages to take over all the areas (even if one is currently being contested) the whole district goes into "lockdown" and changes to represent which faction owns it. If criminals own the district then even more NPC criminals walk around and the NPC enforcers run around trying to fight them. Wreckage and anarchy from the criminals will ensue, more things on fire. If the enforcers have lockdown the streets are full of roadblocks, NPC enforcers arresting people and so on, sort of like marshal law. Whoever owns the lock down gets bonus money for ALL players of the current type for their missions and activities. If the criminals have the lockdown, they will get "protection money" and the enforcers will get "city funding" for the remainder of their lockdown. Once in lockdown no areas can be taken over for a while. Not sure how long lockdown should last, maybe a long time like 12 maybe 24 hours? Then when it is cleared the district goes neutral and the majority of NPC faction characters clear out of the map and the streets clear up over the course of a few minutes. The areas to take over could be the little neighbourhoods displayed on the mini map. the map now would have neighbourhood lines marking the boundaries of them, changing colour depending on who owns them at the time. Missions can also change in places too. The criminals get more chaotic crimes to commit, maybe more graffiti, more arson missions, assaulting police/public buildings for money, enforcers have to try and counter act these. Criminals can get little race missions, where they drive around for first place and get bonus objectives like drivebying and causing damage and so on, the enforcers could join in but they aren't racing, they are chasing to stop the race. Enforcers could have more car chases in general as different missions result in them. Criminals have to try and breakdown/past road blocks. Enforcers go on search missions for hiding criminals. Enforcer lockdown is very stealthy for the criminals with sneaky crimes as opposed the chaos of their lockdown. Likewise, a lot more enforcers are sneaky in the criminal lockdown. Enforcer lockdowns could have search helicopters to rat out criminals on missions and their mission changes to escape it and keep whatever they managed to reap before it found them. They don't go to a drop off point like in ram raiding, they rather have to run and hide...if they hide for a couple minutes successfully their mission is won that way and then they can drop off the stolen goods. Players could be in the search helicopters if they go into one of them. there should only be about one or two per lockdown. Helicopters could also be in the criminal lockdown trying to quell the chaos going around, getting missions of chases and shooting the criminals in a more frantic fashion. Helicopters can be damaged and taken down, they are then replaced shortly after. Attacking a helicopter doesn't hurt it if the attacker isn't on a mission, and only criminals on missions/committing crimes can provoke it into going after them. In the criminal lockdowns, criminals can get missions specifically to attack the helicopters, some of these could be as a form of backup to other criminals. Criminals and enforcers alike in their respective lockdowns can fight each other in certain instances. Like criminals can be called to steal from others out of greed or decide to join them. Enforcers could group up to arrest/kill some criminals or decide to steal the glory for themselves and kill off the other group of enforcers. Same side attacking can only happen in their respective lockdowns. Like criminals can only do it in theirs, and likewise for enforcers. Not sure if this should take their "gang" into account. Like if the criminals can't fight each other if they are both on a Bloodrose Mission, or maybe they can. Same for Enforcers. It could be a chance for the warring gangs to set their differences aside and a G-King will send a group to help a Bloodrose group, in both lockdowns. But their respective lockdowns is where betrayal could happen. As for people who don't like mass amounts of chaos, then there could be one or two districts where this doesn't happen. Turf wars may still happen, but no lockdowns. Ram Raiding Ideas Make it a little less bare bones. The concept it the same though. Criminals still smash shop fronts and enforcers still witness, but with some differences. The first difference, dirty money can't be witness....I don't know why this feature exists, it takes the detective work out of enforcing and gives them easy cash. So the new ramraiding shouldn't let the enforcers see ANY dirty money at all...none. To witness a ram raider they HAVE to catch them in the act, then they can chase them down and they both fight for the money for their drop offs. If it's work for the criminals, it should be work for the enforcers too. This is so the risk vs reward is just as uncertain for the enforcers as it already is for the criminals. The enforcers see a ram raid in action and can then only witness and they have zero idea how much dirty money they will be fighting for, just as the criminals have zero idea when an enforcer will pop up. The actual game could be a little more involved too, having to open and close the boot/back doors of your vehicle in order to place items inside. Item capacity is increased to at least 25 for cars and least 50 for vans, this is because if a chase ensues and the criminals forget to close the doors of their van or the boot of their cars the items will fall out one by one and be damaged on the road. These can be ignored or picked up for a little extra "evidence" for the enforcers, but this risks losing the criminals tail. They could also be picked up and put in the back of a van by other criminals who find them, for reduced cost due to the damage but also for half the capacity space. During a witness chase, the dirty money and items have to be brought to the drop off, although delivering the dirty money is required to win, the items are just a bonus and will be added to the mission pay off. As always when there is no chase, the items are dropped off at a contact for some dirty money. There should also be at least 3 other money launderers for the criminals...to reduce the camp happy enforcers a little bit. One in the middle of the map and one at either end. Not sure how the chase should end for criminals in order for them to win. Enforcers have to capture the dirty money and/or stolen goods and take them to the evidence locker. But maybe for criminals, there is no drop off, maybe for them they have to literally escape the enforcers and hide while a cooldown happens....if not seen they have escaped. They can continue to fill the van or drop off at a contact and then launder the money at the risk of being seen again. Perhaps criminals could have both options, it is up to them to choose to hide or launder the money there and then and also exchange their goods. Highway/Motorway Chases Another entirely new mode, where criminals and enforcers chase a moving lorry with goods falling off the back continually throughout the race, avoiding traffic. The game takes place on a long motorway stretch and is composed of two vehicles, a criminal one and an enforcer one. Criminals doing it for theft, enforcers collecting evidence, just to help out the lore a little. Both driving a special van for this mission only. The chase is very fast, each car driven has equal speed so if it is their personal car then this mode temporarily changes the top speed to match. Both the enforcer and criminal have to catch falling items off the back of the lorry and put them in their vehicle, storage capacity is unlimited for this game. They race each other to put as many items in the vehicle as possible before the lorry reaches it's destination or until the timer runs out. There is NO gun fighting here, at all, only car combat and both cars are invincible but they can crash into each other to slow each other down. Each vehicle has a driver and a player on the roof who catches the items and places them in a hatch on top of it. So two players on each side to make a total of 4 are playing. The game can be played in rounds with spectators watching each match waiting for their turn to play, after the set rounds are complete (the players decide how many they want to play) the good gathered over the course is added up and the side with the most picked up good wins and gets the most money and/or joker tickets or what have you. This could also be an opportunity for more scenery to play in. On motorways and country roads alike, ranging from the forest on the city outskirts, the desert on the city outskirts, or a long beach drive on the city outskirts. The beach/forest/desert has two varieties, one with a small narrow road and one on a wide motorway. The city maps are just set on wide motorways, there could be one or two of them going through swaths of urban scenery all while financial district looks at you from the horizon. Perhaps a map could incorporate the Golden Gate bridge like bridge too. Maybe even a map set within the tunnel system of the city. For added variety maybe a couple of maps chasing a train through city and countryside. Fighting/Cage Mode This would require a lot of new animation, simply what it says. Fight cages are a place your bets type game where it can be criminal vs criminal or enforcer vs enforcer or the usual two opposing forces. Special little enclosed maps take place in various back rooms and warehouses where they fight each other until knock out. Some take place in outside lots that have been copy pasted from the main map and enclosed, similar to fight club. The amount rounds to be played is once again decided by the players. Another one with player spectators, although this time they aren't in line to play right off. They have the choice of betting or playing a fight. They spectate as physical people running around the cage. Fighting/Brawl Mode Brawl mode is something else entirely, structured like a beatem up. A criminal has to make it to the end of the street/alley while fighting off hoards of enforcers, or an enforcer has to fight off hoards of criminals or a free for all where a lone or two players fight off a mix of factions. Players in the hoard have unlimited lives, they keep respawning and they have to stop the others from reaching the end. The players trying to reach the end, can replenish their health (their health bars are also a lot bigger) by the tradition of picking up food that comes out of bins. Weapons could also be used, picking up street items and such like that have a use before they break, special moves and can be thrown. If they reach the end, they win, if they don't, the hoard wins. Arcade Something for social, various arcade activities to win joker tickets and minimal money amounts. Ranging from pool, darts, basket ball, mini golf, volley ball, tennis, rip off arcade games. There could also be a dances offs played like a music game. Bets could be placed here and player made tournaments could be held. Dance off Like the dance offs in social, although this case they are open world and anyone can play if they want too. Outside of a mission a player puts down a radio and you can either watch (within range your character moves to the beat while spectating) or take place. Enforcers and criminals choose to play inclusively or play faction only. There could also be an option to cheer the person you want to win, just for moral although your character will do this automatically in some cases anyway. Various styles of street dance can be done, only music that comes with the game can be danced to, to make sure everyone is hearing the same thing and can play fairly. Shop/store hold ups Requiring new interiors for the shops and petrol stations found around the map. You walk in through the front door and hold up the cashier, shooting, holding off any potential NPC security. Can be done alone in in teams, criminals only. If the enforcers see this, they can give chase. Or if the alarms go off a timer starts as you gather the money, if you don't get out in time and haven't been witnessed yet, the enforcers will be called....get out now and get a head start or stay and have a shootout at the vicinity. Escaping means you do what you might do in ram raiding, run and hide from the heat if you can, or drop off your stolen dirty money. Enforcers have to get ahold of the money for their evidence locker, no charity in giving it back to the shop..... Racing Taking place in financial and waterfront and in new street races on new maps. The physics aren't race friendly but that won't stop players from taking part, as they race in their own time anyway. Different car classes with different vehicles can be raced, if you have a vehicle that belongs to a particular class, you have the option of racing it or choosing a car to race. If you don't have a car that is in the class race then you have to pick a car to borrow. Some races again could be in the tunnel network. Graffiti This is pure frivolous activity. Criminals can tag up any wall they wish, any building, even parked vehicles. They get notoriety for doing so. Enforcers can also spray on any wall they wish, enforcer propaganda gaining prestige. If a player come across enemy graffiti, they can spray over it for some money from their respective contacts (if not pledged, then a random contact will pay them). If caught spraying, a criminal or enforcer can witness you to interrupt you and you just kill each other then "mission" over. More fight club maps Pretty straight forward, more fight club maps. Helicopter chase Functions a little differently to lockdown helicopters. This is an entire game mode set in copy pastes of waterfront and financial. An enforcer helicopter is tracking a criminal vehicle, or maybe even a couple of them as the criminals race to complete various tasks, rob/ram raid certain shops, kill certain targets, vandalise certain places/vehicles all popping up in random places around the map. There is a time limit and the criminals must complete all tasks within that time to win. The enforcers in the helicopter have no weaponry, their job is to follow the criminals and guide the enforcers on the ground to the crimes in which they have to stop. Everyone has unlimited lives like in mission districts (however a toggable option to give criminals a set of lives can be chosen) and shootouts may happen if the enforcers are guided to the crime successfully, the criminals still have to complete the objective under fire and run away once it is done hopefully losing the enforcers and also hiding from the helicopter. To give them a chance, the criminals have no name tags at all so the helicopter has to actually look for them and has the potential to lose them for a bit. Same for the enforcers on the ground. The enforcers also have no name tags in this mode. At night the helicopter gets a search light and a timed night vision mode. The helicopter cannot be destroyed, although gun fire will slow it down, knock it off course. Assassination This is a simple destroy the vehicle mission, it could take place in mission districts or in it's own. Criminals have to chase down and destroy vehicles with witness in them while the enforcers protect them as best they can, and the enforcers have to destroy vehicles with high profile gangsters in them and the criminals have to protect them. The vehicle has a destination which will change each time it happens to keep variety. If it reaches the destination, the protectors win, if it doesn't, then the assassins win. There is no time limit and the vehicle has lots, lots of health. The vehicle is driven by a player who cannot get out, but passengers may get in to shoot out of it if they wish. Clan/faction/player Housing A feature that has been wanted for years since the beginning. A social spot for your criminals and enforcers to hang out that isn't the marina (I think the marina should stay, but have these as an option too). For criminals, a server that's a set of apartments, I imagine kind of a ghetto like thing or something luxury for those who want that. Either place you choose live in, it is your place to mess around and be social without the pressure of money or real competition, you can do lots of customisation here. A garage for your cars, a clothing shop on the street, a graphics shop on the street,a music shop on the street and a market place....place. Enforcers get the same but in a different setting, more suburban perhaps. They can both share the luxury apartments/mansions server though. You can customise your living space with decor and furniture, placing the furniture where you want. Radios for music, and T.V. to see what's going on in the game districts. The car garage has your vehicles on display at all times, only about 3 or 4 but you choose which ones to display. In the flats the underground garage has parking spots, 4 of these are designated to the players so they each get their own personal 4 spaces to display their cars. The server could house a hand full of towers each with underground parking and some with above ground parking. Criminals get their own separate room within a towerblock. Enforcers get their own whole house, with a driveway capable of holding two cars and an open garage that holds another two cars. Players can drive their cars around the map and drive them to a service garage to customise. To show off clothing and outfits, you can go in the clothing shop and put any outfit you wish onto a mannequin. There can of course be several copies of these servers to house all the players. When player is "out" (logged out or on missions) their flat/house is locked and cannot be entered, their vehicles however are still on display to show the house is still occupied. Places with no vehicles are empty and can be bought, players can only own once place at a time but may to choose to move if they wish. A connecting road that leads out of the map can be walked down or driven down to transport to another server where other players live. You can mess around, customise and play games for fun in these home servers. Actual shops to buy stuff While it is nice that you can buy stuff from contacts or buy clothes from the clothing customiser, it would also be cool if you could go to places to buy these things. Both mission districts and social ones could have car showrooms that display each type of car you can buy...you could even test drive them within a perimeter. Only the basic car is displayed, you choose the slots you have unlocked when you buy it at the cashier, mods can be bought at the customisation garage which also exists in both types of district. The special cars that contacts may have can be seen when the buy menu pops up so they can be selected there. There could be clothing shops to buy clothes, tattoo shops for those and hardware shops for equipment. All existing in both types of districts. Contacts could still be there to sell things, but not all the common stuff as that is now in the shops. Maybe they are used to get to the market place, both armas and the normal one. Or maybe just be the equivalent of joker stores in the mission districts. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xegethra 22 Posted December 23, 2018 Ah, can't edit posts. But I had a brief idea for threat levels and ranks. Not sure if like it but here it is. Matchmaking is off (wonky), we all know that. Time and time you're put up with people that you have no chance against, rarely get opposition that is a fair fight that could go either way. Maybe make it so max rankers get put into gold rooms that they are bound too, it even binds their other characters to it. They can still be open for everyone to go in but the other rooms are free of them. If max rankers really care about practising what they preach about playing others who are equal or better then they should have no problem playing together and won't complain that they can't stomp newbies and non godly players. Or better yet, do away with threat servers altogether. Have everyone play together to increase the pool of players so the game can look for better matches. Reduce the amount of districts open and increase the player limit to help. Yes, bad internet and computers are a thing which might struggle...but why should they hamper everyone else's experience? The player base is low yes, but putting them altogether can't hurt, it'll just increase the chances of a better match up between the varying levels of players. Even matches do happen, but not enough. there's nothing like fighting hard when a match can go in favour of either side at a moments notice. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NinjaXGamerNL 0 Posted December 25, 2018 On 12/23/2018 at 2:44 AM, Xegethra said: Ah, can't edit posts. But I had a brief idea for threat levels and ranks. Not sure if like it but here it is. Matchmaking is off (wonky), we all know that. Time and time you're put up with people that you have no chance against, rarely get opposition that is a fair fight that could go either way. Maybe make it so max rankers get put into gold rooms that they are bound too, it even binds their other characters to it. They can still be open for everyone to go in but the other rooms are free of them. If max rankers really care about practising what they preach about playing others who are equal or better then they should have no problem playing together and won't complain that they can't stomp newbies and non godly players. Or better yet, do away with threat servers altogether. Have everyone play together to increase the pool of players so the game can look for better matches. Reduce the amount of districts open and increase the player limit to help. Yes, bad internet and computers are a thing which might struggle...but why should they hamper everyone else's experience? The player base is low yes, but putting them altogether can't hurt, it'll just increase the chances of a better match up between the varying levels of players. Even matches do happen, but not enough. there's nothing like fighting hard when a match can go in favour of either side at a moments notice. So you are willing to sacrifice about half of the current players, just so the other half can have a better experience? that'd make a lot of old players who love to play apb adn have been here trough the years to leave aswell, and i don't think that's what they want to do with the game. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xegethra 22 Posted December 26, 2018 No, it was just an idea, not a set in stone desire. I did say that was the case. My second idea is far better if you read further. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vsb 6179 Posted December 26, 2018 2011 join date and unironically suggesting helicopters, you should be ashamed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xegethra 22 Posted December 26, 2018 Forgive me for wanting variety. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
_chain 176 Posted December 26, 2018 5 hours ago, BXNNXD said: 2011 join date and unironically suggesting helicopters, you should be ashamed All I want is a tricycle from which i can shoot my smg while driving. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites