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auto kicks

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is there no way to set auto kick once u hit gold or silver....that way would stop the fake gold DTers from being such a..wipes.. today saw nothing but max rank fake golds farming low ranked players... how can a newbie enjoy the game.. they just get pwned..


yes i bet this been said loads ..but nothing been said or done.... 

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This ridiculous notion of everyone being blatant dethreaters NEEDS TO STOP. Just because someone is Gold in a silver district doesn't mean they're dethreating. Just because they can hit gold, doesn't mean they're 100% Pure Skill Gold 10 gods. When playing against other REAL golds, they lose it and drop to Silver. Same with Silvers who drop to bronze. 


Just because someone is better then you, doesn't mean they're intentionally trying to get "Easier" opp. 


Dethreating used to be an actual problem, back when you could click "Return to lobby" after you got opposed and you'd instantly drop from Gold to Silver, and could do it again all the way to Green in a matter of minutes. That's much, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH, MUCH harder these days. Sick and tired of this excuse, over and over again.


EDIT: A lot of these posts also include the "Max Rank" statement. Rank literally means NOTHING in this game.

Edited by TheAceNinja

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ok so there is a clan claled >> madness << they DT everyday... there allways in bronze farming newbies... this is what im on about i dont care about golds in silver.. its golds in bronzes im tlakin about ...


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LO will try to fix this dethreat problem ... just give them little bit of time , they just got here ... need to get rid of cheaters first. I know its annoying to play vs ugly players ... just dont lose your strength.


( It may sound stupid ,but for a short time imagine this is a ingame training or something .. till LO fix it)

Edited by MartisLTU

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Yes. Let's punish actual people that sit on the fence of gold/silver.


Get gold, get kicked from bronze district and forced in to silver district.

Get stomped and drop back to silver.

Go back to bronze district as a silver and get gold again.


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6 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

Yes. Let's punish actual people that sit on the fence of gold/silver.


Get gold, get kicked from bronze district and forced in to silver district.

Get stomped and drop back to silver.

Go back to bronze district as a silver and get gold again.


Your groupmates will LOVE you!!

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