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People can not get in game?????

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My self and some others in the discord are all having this same issue. Someone said it's been happening for about an hour. The launcher just sits there, doesn't do anything. Any information about this issue??? I tried reinstalling and that did not fix the issue. I tried switching from ipv6 to ipv4 which was a suggestion in a very old post where this was apparently happening, that did not fix the issue either. 


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Same, but it took me 30 minutes before I could even log into the forums without getting an oops error message. I also uninstalled and reinstalled.. Tried logging in from the APB.exe outside of Steam.. nothing works. Everything worked fine earlier this am before I logged out... but since this afternoon... that same stuck updating message as ur pic.

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14 minutes ago, DedGaem said:

Same, but it took me 30 minutes before I could even log into the forums without getting an oops error message. I also uninstalled and reinstalled.. Tried logging in from the APB.exe outside of Steam.. nothing works. Everything worked fine earlier this am before I logged out... but since this afternoon... that same stuck updating message as ur pic.

Crazy that they have said absolutely nothing about it anywhere. Even though there are like 200 players now they should still keep the community updated when an issue like this is going on. smh

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This issue should now be resolved, we apologize for the inconvenience.

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It's not fixed yet.  I still get the same grayed out Updating on launcher.  When I try to log in using the APB.exe a splash screen shows and then disappears.  But I'd glad you guys are aware of it and hopefully can fix it.

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The patch URL `http://apb.patch.gamersfirst.com` is not resolving and / or timing out, while the notes URL works fine

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launcher logs say... buncha stuff but basically:

5484 WARNING: Exception while downloading http://apb.patch.gamersfirst.com/Patches.xml after 0 attempts
9:31:33 PM 5484 WARNING: GetLastWin32Error:0

9:31:33 PM 5484 WARNING: System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()

9:31:33 PM 5484 WARNING: GetLastWin32Error:2
9:31:33 PM 5484 WARNING: http://apb.patch.gamersfirst.com/Patches.xml
System.Threading.ThreadAbortException: Thread was being aborted.
   at Hosting.cDownloader.DownloadFile(String sTargetURL, String sDirname, String sFilename, Int64 nExpectSize, Int64& nDownloadSize, cDownloadFileControl DFControl)
9:31:33 PM 5484 Setting file attributes for D:\STEAMLIBRARY\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\APB RELOADED\___.tmp to normal
9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS] APBLauncher                              0, 0, 0, 0               
9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS]      ==LAUNCHER PATCH==     

9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS] etOverall
9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS] PATCH_SUCCESS                FALSE
9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS] FILE_REQUIRED_PATCH          0
9:31:33 PM 4892 [STATS] FILE_PATCHED                 0
I donno if that helps or not.  Some people are saying they can get into the game bypassing the launcher.  I uninstalled and reinstalled, that might have affected things but going to the binaries folder to launch from APB.exe a launcher quickly pops up then disappears so I cannot log in or even try to repair files.

I might be a noob but, when you click on http://apb.patch.gamersfirst.com/Patches.xml There's a 502 Bad Gateway notice saying bunny.net Edge Network server hosting the website apb.patch.gamersfirst.com 


The server hosting the website might be unavailable.


Edited by DedGaem

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Same ..


I wanted more ..






Edited by Westford

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Woot, patcher updating and working now... Can't wait to play dedgaem 🤣

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