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Gamersfirst support?!?

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After i got hacked and lost all my shit, 10+ years of collecting, Gamersfirst decides its neccesary to tradeban me, so now i cant send items to my own characters and buy shit.

on top of that they wont answer any tickets i make...


 Does support even exist these days?

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I've gotten tradelocked many times too. For me I think it was triggered by windows updates or something like that, but I've had it happen several times.  

Edited by ColorBauss

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21 hours ago, lud0x said:

 Does support even exist these days?


But usually trade lock is about for a 3 days or so.


LO Support ignoring every single ticket, i guess i can buy Jocker Tickets and cancel transaction in my bank app so they will finally respond me.

(I can do it, lol, cuz we have a policy that saves u from scammers, and LO looks like a scammers when selling u something but its not working how i should)


Cuz it's crazy, they ignoring every ticket about any question even Armas problems. So if they receive 200$ but transaction will be canceled after they will finally do something, and they will not respond, they will just block account without any response to previous tickets LOL  


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