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Weapons buffs/nerfs

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The new content update is around the corner, with that and seeing some changes to weapons, I wanna take the time to discuss about further changes to weapons that would bring a more varied experience to gameplay and bring a bit more fun to missions, im not too familiar with apb terms of weaponery so im going to use some terms taken from other shooters.I'm not even sure this post will be taken into consideration but if the team could give it a glance and strike a discussion amongst themselves about it, then that'd be enough for me.


I'm going to start off with giving the dev team a bit of praise on the obir nerfs. It was needed as it was the dominant long range option and amongst the 4 best/most used weapons.

With that said, im surprised nothing was adressed to the .45 AP, the gun is just simply better than every primary in the game rn and the go to secondary, shoots to fast for its ttk. I'm going to get criticized for this by all the vets out there but to me, it's just facts. the gun beats AR/SMG/shotties at close/mid range by those using third party progr.... ahem, i mean good at the game (obviously). If it was me i would inflict severe nerfs such as dmg/rate of fire. it shouldnt be a copy of the fbw or FROG's so retain it's range and higher damage output but not straight up easily contest primaries.


Next up is the ntec5 and its cousin the cr5. Timeless classics. My only issue with them right now is their accuracy when not ADS'ing. there is no way he gun should be that accurate hipfiring at close range with hs3 and ir3. There are legit scenarios when even players without scrip...ahem i mean, not being cracked at the game, will just spray and pray and land all shots accurately before i even have time to fire a shotgun/smg spray. I get that AR's are to be versatile, but beating up close range weapons without using marksmanship mode (which is the point of close range weapons), shouldn't be that eazy.


that's pretty much it for the most needed nerfs (in my opinion) as for the rest of the guns, they are balanced as they are or in need of a buff. So i will get to those in need.


first up is the ALIG and its reskin, CASE, desperately in need of big buffs. Yes, i get that its meant to be a vehicle wrecker, but this is just too nice of a scenario imo. Why not take a DMR ? the DMR on top of being a very good vehicle wrecker, is also able to hold its own against infantry and not in a bad way. The ALIG legit just shits the bed against weapon in the game rn even the snub, that doesnt justify bringing it on the table for vehicles, you're just gonna spend the whole mission on your secondary. Idm nerfing its hard damage capabilities (even though its very unwarranted and unnecessary but if its what it takes...), but it really needs a serious boost to be able to kill foot players, buff the damage and also it needs a horizontal/reticle bloom reduction, without an horizontal muzzle, the gun goes all places, and after firing 3 shots, the reticle is already all over the screen. i like lmgs, all of them are good at they do, but this one is in need of salvation.


next up is the colby M1922. another gun fallen from grace. It used to be crazy good, caught so many nerfs that it made it unusable as of today. I'm not saying to bring it back to its former glory, but, give it a little boost. Because rn, its recoil is too hard to control (might be a bit easier with vertical muzzle coming up), as for its damage values, i cant say for sure, it has a good ttk if you hit the shots, and its selling point is the high capacity magazine, but rn hitting enough shots for it to have a decent ttk is near impossible no matter what attachements i slap on it.


moving on, the ATAC. Yes another gun that used to be crazy good. On this one, im not advocating for big buffs, it was always meant to be a jack of all trades gun, but in the current state, its a good at nothing gun. It's supposed to be a very good mid range contender with some close range capabilities. Atm it doesnt feel like it, the gun should have some long range capabilites like the ntec imo, it already does peanut damage. so having to equip a magnum secondary just to fill that long range niche for an ar, is a bummer. reticle bloom feels like its too high (even without ir3, and with hs3). So a little buff to help it out please ? (not bring it back to its op days)


then we have the juggernaut strike pack weapons, more precisely, the frenzy and the manic. Rabid feels like it's okay for me and not in need of anything. they both suffer identity problems, manic is qualified as an smg/ar hybrid but honestly ? doesnt do shit at both roles. it has to be played cqc smg style to do anything impactful. recoil is way too high, range feels literally the same as an SMG, damage is ok for its rof but same issue as the m1922, the recoil goes too much places for you to reliably hit your shots, there is a stability function as you fire, but it feels like it comes into play way too late into the gunfight and by that time your'e already dead or 85'd by a .45ap.
I didnt played much of the frenzy, but same issue as the manic/atac, the rof is good for an AR, but the recoil is shit even fired in bursts, damage too low, range not long enough. buff pls


a small buff to the ISSR snipers (dog ear and idr the other one). gets outmached by every other semi auto snipers. simple small buff would be for the bloom to kick at like the 2nd or the 3rd shot. since it kicks pretty much instantly, if you dont pause your shots to reset the recoil or reposition, you will most likely not hit the 4th bullet required for the kill and your opponent would have already smoked you with their final obir burst/cr76 spam/scout shot.

and finally, another small buff to the COBRA damage range. gets outclassed by other options in that domain, but is very accurate and fast firing when not in mm mode which makes it extremly versatile in any scenario. Im conflicted about this, but ultimately i feel like it should be a long range contender, so buff its damage at ranges and nerf its accuracy at close range.


i think that's about it for my personal buffs wishlist. It was pretty long but i feel like i had to give detailed insights. If anyone feels like there should be additions, then by all means. Im gonna give a few closing words (more yap)

to (hopefully) wrap it up.


Fix shotguns, way too inconsistent. Everytime i have to empty a CSG/TAS clip on someone at 3 METERS or when i shoot someone and i see 10 blood stains on their body and when they go down i get a +60, i wanna chew on nails irl. i get it's a hard task because of how the gunplay works in here, but still, they need consistency.


to end it all, either nerf concs hard damage or add a vehicle perk that provides explosive damage reduction. It's really a bummer to get blown up instantly by a conc/smaw (outside of vegas) right around the corner when sommebody you just offed, respawns. Add to that when you're right in the open in a standoff with no covers, your car just get blown instantly, to counterbalance possible car abusers (free out of jail card) the time to get into/outisde of a car should be increased.


that'll be it for me.



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4 hours ago, DymonX said:

some changes to weapons

I will try to be Brief. 

 First off, the perception of the abilities of any weapon are misconstrued by any Legit player.

And You might say Mack is crazy and I am, but that's beside the point. 

 These weapons are manipulated by hackers, in accuracy, recoil, and hitting power. 

Said hackers have some sort of health buff or God Mode. Although this thread isn't about hax it plays a role 

in the perception of a given weapon, that said, I will begin with my perception of a few.


  Most of the shotguns need some buffing, in particular;

The New 20 gauge slug shotgun is possibly the biggest piece of 'Trash' 

I simply don't have the words. This gun has less hard damage that a jg.

We are talking about a Slug a solid chunk of lead.

This gun in the hands of some is a ez 2 stk. For me, I put 5 slugs in 

someone at a range of 15 feet or less, and he din't die.


 The other not as new heavy shot gun, the 10gauge pump.

has no range, and fires way too slow.


The .38 with cj3, I mean U people do know this is a double action revolver in real life. 

Ya shouldn't have to pull the hammer back for each shot for one, and two it fires way too slow, and

needs a slight buff in kill power


The Alig types all are highly inaccurate with the exception of the swarm types


The cone of spray for your Ogre is hilariously wide, and do away with the trigger timer


The Auto shotguns all need serious buffs.


The .45 is crap now, has no hitting power.


Your basic starter 9mm is like a crappy bb gun 

and the starter Star is way too slow.


All of the nades are crap, 


buff all the subs, the Norseman, and oca types


Buff the Obeya hit power 

and make the carbines more accurate. 



Edited by MACKxBOLAN

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3 minutes ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

I will try to be Brief. 

 First off, the perception of the abilities of any weapon are misconstrued by any Legit player.

And You might say Mack is crazy and I am, but that's beside the point. 

 These weapons are manipulated by hackers, in accuracy, recoil, and hitting power. 

Said hackers have some sort of health buff or God Mode. Although this thread isn't about hax it plays a role 

in the perception of a given weapon, that said, I will begin with my perception of a few.


  Most of the shotguns need some buffing, in particular;

The New 20 gauge slug shotgun is possibly the biggest piece of 'Trash' 

I simply don't have the words. This gun has less hard damage that a jg.

We are talking about a Slug a solid chunk of lead.

This gun in the hands of some is a ez 2 stk. For me, I put 5 slugs in 

someone at a range of 15 feet or less, and he din't die.


 The other not as new heavy shot gun, the 10gauge pump.

has no range, and fires way too slow.


The .38 with cj3, I mean U people do know this is a double action revolver in real life. 

Ya shouldn't have to ***** it for each shot for one, and two it fires way too slow, and

needs a slight buff in kill power


The Alig types all are highly inaccurate with the exception of the swarm types


The cone of spray for your Ogre is hilariously wide, and do away with the trigger timer


The Auto shotguns all need serious buffs.


The .45 is crap now, has no hitting power.


Your basic starter 9mm is like a crappy bb gun 

and the starter Star is way too slow.


All of the nades are crap, 


buff all the subs, the Norseman, and oca types


Buff the Obeya hit power 

and make the carbines more accurate. 



Hey man thanks for your reply.


i will indeed not develop further on hackers/scripters/ users of any 3rd party program to give them an edge ( the latter is the most common)


I agree with most of your points, though:


i need some clarification on your .45 statement there, no hitting power ? as if player wise damage ? because if so, i do not agree. there is a reason it has been and still is even after a mag nerf, the most used gun in the game.


ALIG and SWARM are different breeds, the swarm is meant to be (imo) a shaw/nssw hybrid with a sprinkle of alig. the recoil kicks horizontally, the rof is faster than nssw but it deals less damage to vehicles,harder to control when spraying, and has less range (although im not sure about that). with the nssw i think its in an okay place rn.


norsemen smgs got a buff recently which made them actually usable and not so crap. I've only tested the odin so far which seems to be the most average of all of them, tho i think with the right modifications, the one that provides recoil reduction should be the better one.


i havnt touched the star in ages but it's far cousin, the spearhead (or any fars). they just seem to be worse ntecs/cr5 basically.


nades are imo in a good spot, concs are just a tad too strong against vehicles as i pointed out. but against players they fill their role perfectly, which is to flush out players playing corners and waiting for you to make a move, allowing you to push forward. concs have less explosion radius but still fill the same purpose.


idk which obeya you are talking about


starter pistol aka fbw, is indeed a bit lacking in the damage departement, but imo its as balanced as it can be. the mag size is large enough and so is its rof and stability. It's a secondary after all.


carbines, are also in a good spot, they require some skills to make the most of them as spamming mindlesly in hipfire will just result in you missing shots and getting offed. their damage output is already high enough with some mid range capabilites, buffing their accuracy even more, would bring them instantly on the top spot. note: slapping anything more than hs1/reflex sight 1 on them is kinda a mistake since it guts their respective accuracies. Other than that, i agree with your shotgun take

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24 minutes ago, DymonX said:

no hitting power ?

The 45. and norseman both are good at real close range but the health hitting power drops off too early, 

which i can understand in the case of the norseman but the .45 should still have solid full power hits out to a med range. 

 The Obeya Rifle I use the Broadside and it seems to take more stk than it used to. 

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1 hour ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

I will try to be Brief. 

he lied as easily as he breathed

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2 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

The 45. and norseman both are good at real close range but the health hitting power drops off too early, 

which i can understand in the case of the norseman but the .45 should still have solid full power hits out to a med range. 

 The Obeya Rifle I use the Broadside and it seems to take more stk than it used to. 

The Obeya Rifle. They nerfed it's range by -5 meters, and reduced the over damage, which indirectly affects it's damage at range.

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13 hours ago, MACKxBOLAN said:

The 45. and norseman both are good at real close range but the health hitting power drops off too early, 

which i can understand in the case of the norseman but the .45 should still have solid full power hits out to a med range. 

 The Obeya Rifle I use the Broadside and it seems to take more stk than it used to. 

Yeap as i mention originally, the 45 should retain a mid range weapon identity. Not a magnum like range, but something like ACT44 range. it's cqc abilities need to be nerfed tho there is no other way around it. i think the most fair nerf is an ROF nerf, but if it was me i'd also hit the damage.


obeya CR762 and its variants (broadside in your case) is a meta weapon aswell, idk why it takes more ttk for you but everytime i went up against someone who had good aim, that thing shredded me faster than an obir at range.

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7 hours ago, DymonX said:

idk why it takes more ttk for you

Well, I think I'm just too old, too slow for shooters like this. 

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