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Request Regarding Roles and R&D weapons, and making more armas bought items account-unlocked

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16 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

i’d rather they added most of the armas exclusive weapons to the role tiers, imo that would make leveling roles more rewarding

i like this suggestion to a point however it would invalidate the joker store in its current iteration


IMO just let us buy a 1-2 slot of any of the "premium" weapons like we already can with the m-1922 and oscar, and put 3slot / exclusive preset stuff like the whisper in the jt store

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So I see both sides of this argument and here's my compromise.

When you max out a role, apart from the chrome skin, you get a 3 slot permanent weapon selector. Like the one you get when you finish the tutorial at the beginning.

This would be a one per role thing so while being rewarding, arams would still be attractive.


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3 hours ago, Pedroxin said:

So I see both sides of this argument and here's my compromise.

When you max out a role, apart from the chrome skin, you get a 3 slot permanent weapon selector. Like the one you get when you finish the tutorial at the beginning.

This would be a one per role thing so while being rewarding, arams would still be attractive.


Good suggestion.You could also have to pay a fair amount of money in order to get that permanent 3 slot, similar to when you buy 4 slotted Bishada/Cisco/Vegas/Mikro..Having to grind both for enough money and max role would make getting a free permanent weapon hard enough to keep ARMAS sales almost untouched



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