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TaKing weapon mods out of expired trial weapons?

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I was testing out an OCA from armas last night, threw some mods in that sucker. Later on in the evening, the trial expired and I forgot to take them out. Since it's expired I can't select it, and so I can't get the mods out. Did I lose them shits forever or do I gotta buy the damn gun to get them back?

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1 minute ago, basedpraetorian said:

I was testing out an OCA from armas last night, threw some mods in that sucker. Later on in the evening, the trial expired and I forgot to take them out. Since it's expired I can't select it, and so I can't get the mods out. Did I lose them shits forever or do I gotta buy the damn gun to get them back?

The mods should have been returned to your inventory.

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9 minutes ago, basedpraetorian said:

I was testing out an OCA from armas last night, threw some mods in that sucker. Later on in the evening, the trial expired and I forgot to take them out. Since it's expired I can't select it, and so I can't get the mods out. Did I lose them shits forever or do I gotta buy the damn gun to get them back?

Jebaited by G1... loll



Fun apart, what Cookie said^

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Sadly you need to re-lease weapon and then you can take mods out.


Also check weapon to which you lost access again... are slots full with your mods? If yes... then re-lease. If no, check mail.


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58 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

The mods should have been returned to your inventory.

Hmm ok I'll have to check again, because the reason why I noticed this is as a problem was because I wanted to use those mods in another weapon but they were still being counted as inside of the trial OCA

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2 minutes ago, basedpraetorian said:

Hmm ok I'll have to check again, because the reason why I noticed this is as a problem was because I wanted to use those mods in another weapon but they were still being counted as inside of the trial OCA

If thats the case, contact support and they should be able to help you out. 

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I've had this before and usually after a day or so the mods are automatically returned to your inventory.

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