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Kevlar 3 need 40% HP

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16 hours ago, FakeBungo said:

i think all the problems are

In my weak opinion if the developers want to rebalance and make an interesting alternative for the gameplay, the current base default HP regeneration shall be updated at least to the CA2. Undirectly it will benefit all other green mods... and maybe SEVERAL THINGS ALLTOGHETER !! 


Anyway, in this way I think We RESOLVE the 80% of the PROBLEMS about the unbalance of the green mods and especially the rightfully complains of new players having problem right at the start of the game competing against higher rank Players

16 hours ago, FakeBungo said:

low yields are just cancer designed to be spammed. flak removing 1 nade just makes dealing with cars/car spawns miserable. etc

also i dont remember what the game was like before sprintshooting nerf happened.

I am probabily going countercurrents, but between making Low yields the completely jokeShit they are or the past still having an interesting grenade alternative, honestly I've had prefered LO didnt make nothing, Lowyield were fine FOR YEARS, especially until there were a lot players and a lot of people of the same level playing against each other, in my weak opinion they play a part on making the gameplay more aggressive, mobile while making campers or cheap crowd area control strats less viable by premade or oganized teams.


the reason they nerfed these last years, it was mainly  drop of old players and the complains of new players still not having them available, this was just another of the CLUMSY  attempts for resolving the gap between the unbalanced teams in missions... OFC it didnt changed nothing and it just favoured more premade teams, ofc AgaiN nothing reverted and nobody check for other alternatives until very RECENTLY because no new stupid contents since forever for give a reason to players continue play this game, again they've just Forget and keep another bitter changes  as always happened for others before.


Sorry long post, About sprintshotting you can make a idea reading the hate and opinions about sprintshotting in older threads live below.. HF 😂



Edited by PingOVER9000
For clarify, Since G1 to LO owner switch case includ, the request to update the base default HP regeneration doesnt come out from my brain but suggested for YEARS from Tons of players in the gamesuggestion tag and as always ignored by DevS.. SIGH

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never change

after all those years


still the same awful suggestion

CA3 is overused


but it's not imbalanced

kevlar ist fine and annoying to play against as is


todesklinge is so funny




On 1/4/2024 at 8:21 PM, PingOVER9000 said:


your formatting is awful


oh post merging got disabled whoops

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19 hours ago, neophobia said:

your formatting is awful

Whatever If it may console you, I care about it just a little less than you.

What I've said for resolving the matter of green mods unbalance, the base regeneration delay and speed it too shallow with the TTK we have, it shall be updated to the actual valor of using CA2.

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