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Charge Mikro Raptor and Cheetah Kits

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I'm trying to purchase the Raptor kit for the Charge Mikro on my enforcer and I noticed that the only kit available was the 2k G1C kit that includes the car, but I'm only looking for the kit as I have the car and I don't really want to waste that much money for a car I already have, especially when I noticed that the Cheetah kit (for criminals) has a 2k kit which includes the bodykit and the car and also a 767 G1C kit which only includes the bodykit. Am I blind or is there just no 767 G1C kit for the Raptor?

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How did you obtain the Mikro on your enforcer if you did not purchase the Raptor bundle? I am not seeing any other variants of it available for enforcer on Armas.

Edited by Flaws

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U are right there is no raptor kit only.

I guess the safe way is to ask the Support if the Cheetah kit will give ur enforcer the raptor kit.

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5 hours ago, SunnyMonroe said:

U are right there is no raptor kit only.

I guess the safe way is to ask the Support if the Cheetah kit will give ur enforcer the raptor kit.

He can't purchase the Cheetah kit on an enforcer character because Armas doesn't let you do that. The only way I could think of is definitely through support still but he'd need to ask them if there's any other way. I recommend just contacting support about this.

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I don't think there's any way around this except buying the whole pack.

Making a standalone kit wouldn't make much sense because the only way to get a mikro on enforcers right now is to buy the whole pack, considering the RAF system has been yeeted a long time ago.


It'll probably arrive in the joker store at one point.

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1 hour ago, GhosT said:

at one point.

could say that with a lot of things 😞

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