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About OGHailo

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  1. you are a true white knight mess up is a mess up no reasons needed
  2. Is there a point when one runs out of excuses and has to admit guilt?
  3. Sometimes I wonder is there a point where supportive players like you get fed up too? I tried to make a comeback to this game and I understand that stuff breaks down, but do you hear about it from other game developers? And does the issue stay unresolved for as long as it did? This is the first time I hear a game be faulty that players could hardly login for 3-4 days As for weapons its a choice to buy one, but it comes with perks you should receive such as, being able to play with the said gun
  4. I am sure a lot of people complaining are also the people who have invested time and more importantly money in this game. Now I am sure you know the prices on Armas. When you are paying 30$ just for one weapon you are somewhat entitled to be able to play with it whenever you want.
  5. People started being delusional. SEND HELP
  6. Guys look at the positive sides. I feel like this outage really brought the community together
  7. The engineers are probably going back to sleep by now
  8. If LO could give us an update or post a vague time frame of when this will be fixed, would be great.
  9. Stop trashing so much they are clearly doing their best Shit happens.... I don't get why people who are so negative towards the game play it at all
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