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About iSymbolic

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  1. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    I have 2 accounts both with a crim and enforcer i have 1.7k hours i can screen my steam if you want me to? Its not a point of how good or bad you are at it. which i explained, and i wont explain again. ^_~ P.S. are you another piece of mud?
  2. iSymbolic

    Looping emotes?

    /Poledance /Flash /DamnDaniel /TurtleClub /LTLMe /Spank /PigNoise /HangMan ...
  3. Or just make it so u can level all the contacts in 1 dis because i fuckin hate WF.
  4. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    I'm just going to quote this one because that would be easier. Has everything to do with how u say something, not what you say, and ur just a rude cuck. With that said, if u shoot someone with LTL maybe 3 times? then throw a nade at the floor they are down, goes with some launchers. There is more then 1 way to stun someone, I know, hard to believe. However they can, now u have to add the fact ur taking time from someone on ur team to try and free you, taking time from now 2 team mates. while u spawn (most of the time closer to the objective) i have to be free'd, find a car, then head where i'm going, assuming i'm not close. Now lets do in objective room talk, if i'm doing a point and someone LTL's me lets assume, there is 2 people on each team (which this just gets worse as you add people) I'm LTL'd, I can do nothing and my partner now has 1 of 2 options, flank or protect me. If he flanks, I'm dead and it just took longer, if he protects me he runs the risk of dying and i get arrested which then takes me out of the game for longer, they don't have to worry about watching me, my team mate is dead. Lets go to another possibility, 3 people on each team, the 3 enemy players are running Full LTL 1 launcher and nade LTL, and 2 with stubba. Lets say it's a small room objective. 2 of us are in objective room and 1 is running around about outside. the nade launcher shoots into the objective room and gets 1 of us. Now the 2 left have a couple options, the other guy inside can protect me or flank, outside guy in most cases will try to flank regardless, so now its back to the same thing, protect me while i get up, or let me die and try to flank. The problem i'm talking about has nothing to do with how good or bad you are. It's they have an unbalanced mechanic that we do not have. Regardless of you telling me "oh well it has a higher TTK" they have something that does something i can't do. which is an unfair advantage if used CORRECTLY. I'm not here to have a conversations about what it does and how well it does it, I'm here to find out when we will have something that does the same thing or. Will you take it away from the cops. And if you are adding it what will it be like in the new engine update
  5. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    I havent played in like 1 year, and i'm not going to search for an issue cus i'm sure there is more then 1 post about it. but instead of being a prick about it you would prob get better luck with people listening to you if you were polite. no one listens to an asshat.
  6. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    I'm going to assume u donno wtf u saying and not respond to that.
  7. I just want jiggally tiddie physics in the new engine update
  8. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    Yea yea it sure has, then everyone says "but you crims can make money by ram raiding" which is another issues completely. You cops just try and condence it into the same issue which it is not. Don't matter, cops can take crim's out of the game for an extended period of time, there for they get a time advantage, which is a big advantage depending on the mission you're doing. Read the above.
  9. iSymbolic

    LTL for Crim?

    Uh, where is my crim LTL? A little balance would be nice.
  10. iSymbolic

    Lock gold to gold

    I say lock the dis anyways >.> if the new compant can market the game correctly which it seems to be doing, we have nothing to worry about, the golds will be where they should be, the silvers will also, and the bronze will be free to lurn the game, i'm not saying do it now but the engine update should change enough and if they reset everyone back to level 1 (which is possible) everyone will start off as a newb. i believe they just need to add 1 or maybe 2 more threats, so platnum or whatever. which will keep the current golds locked out of silver, and the silvers will be free to play with people of there level. I believe the threat system is at fault mostly, because i can go into silver and rekt everyone, but in gold i feel like i'm getting aimbotted. There needs to be a in between place there because the silver players and the gold plays are just to far away from each other.
  11. Shouldn't be over 10$, i can buy a full game for 30$ and making 1 gun 30$ is a spit in the face to those games.
  12. 30$ for 1 gun is to pricey. you would make more money if it wasn't so spency D:<
  13. iSymbolic


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