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Posts posted by Senodus

  1. 4 minutes ago, TheJellyGoo said:

    So you want to revert back to 2013 times (sadly pics are gone already)!

    Also your example of the current spread is wrong. The "cone" is basically a grid with a fixed number of pellets (maybe was one? dunno how many) in each.
    However the location of those pellets is random.

    Not exactly back to 2013 times cuz it had that ridiculous exact center god pellet.

    My point still stands. Because the location of the pellets is random stuff like in the first example can happen.

  2. 2 minutes ago, TackoGirl said:

    the JG dont need a change i love this shotgun just the way she is.

    Jg is for close close range (if your aim is not good enough do not take shotgun) and the Csg's have more range so you make more dmg if the opponent is further away.

    I think that's good as it is so there are shotguns for melee but also for farther away opponents.

    Yeah but the problem is that everything that JG can do in its little range, CSG can do exactly as good + on top of that do it up to a longer range. Which makes running JG pointless.

  3. So right now we have it so the pellet pattern inside the cone of spread is completely random. Because of this the patterns on the JG often are very unfavorable when you for example shoot with half of the spread cone on the target, but the pellet patter put 90% of the pellets on the side of the cone that is not on target. Example pic.
    You should have hit with 50% of the spreads damage but you didn't because of bad RNG. This is also why CSG feels so much more consistent. It has more pellets on a smaller area so even with bad pellet RNG you still will have a good portion of the pallets on target.
    To fix that I think the shotguns spread patterns should be predetermined and evenly spread inside its cone. Example pic.
    This would add way more consistency to the shotguns and those recently propose buffs would not be necessary.
    This is just my view on it though. Feel free to post what your ideas are to increase shotguns consistency or what you think about mine. 😃

  4. I think that csg is way superior because when my aim is on point I can 2 shoot much much more reliabley and at much further distances as with the Jg. Jg, because of it's bigger spread, is almost always a 3 shoot for me regardless of how good my aim is or how close the enemy is. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi all,


    Just for clarity, I think we've designed something that fills the spot that FC was intended to from a gameplay / reward stand point.

    The problem with FC is in the implementation. It's using a small corner of an existing district, and frame rate will always be a problem till we fix it.


    Ultimately we'll let the players decide.

    If they really like FC and want it to stay, then I'm 100% fine with that.

    We can run the new mode in place of OC, but I'm super excited to get players feedback on something entirely new.




    EDIT: Nothing is getting removed till the new mode is ready, and we'll likely beta test the new mode long before that.

    I just hope it's not a Battle Royale.

    • Like 1

  6. 22 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi guys,


    Spoiler: I am going to get rid of Fight Club and Open Conflict.

    Besides the awkward FPS problems, I don't feel either of these are fulfilling their role in the game at all.

    We're 100% focused on cleaning up the lag and server performance right now.


    But as soon as that's done, and the game is playing smoother, then I'll announce the new mode that will be replacing them.



    YES. Thank you Matt. ❤️

  7. Imo the fuse time AND their count absolutely need to be brought back in line with the other nades. Make their explosion radius like a cong and leave the faster flying speed and flatter throw curve as is and their balance will be perfect. A much more precise and easy nade to throw exactly where you want but because of that it has lower explosion radius. 

    • Thanks 1

  8. 9 hours ago, Kempington said:

    If you know what you're doing, the n-tec is rather potent.


    Yes, it IS better than every other AR, but not necessarily by a massive amount.


    Furthermore, the n-tec has plenty of slight weaknesses that can be exploited to get you the upper hand.


    I'll list examples if people want them

    Yes please do. Maybe then I will be able to stop getting shat on by that gun.

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