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Posts posted by ElectroStingz

  1. On 3/28/2021 at 10:40 PM, R3ACT3M said:

    I thought the video would provide insight...just seems like silver stupidity...


    In the now 3 years of me playing this game. I realized that just because you played for 9 years doesn't automatically make you right, or wiser than everyone else.


    The new engine isn't supposed to be APB Reloaded: Remastered,remake, what ever.


    There are people who have to mess with game files just to play due to crashing. This engine takes apb from 32bit -> 64bit effectively letting those who got RTX cards to once again play normally.


    The byproduct of this is also supposed to be better performance. Which hopefully LO is dialing in. Because if you knew anything about this game. You would know RTW did a lot of "cheating" in the code department. And a lot of this code went initially unnoticed. Stuff that provided graphical effects we see with little performance hit. I mean LO found out that the Ambient occlusion in APB is mapped. And not rendered real-time like SSAO.


    Plus there just comes the part where with this new engine LO can easily import new content. AND AGAIN if you followed twitch streams etc. YOU WOULD KNOW new content is coming in the final launch of the new engine.


    Weapon balance is not an issue in APB. Something will always be broken players will always find the best gun in the game. In every game. Every gun in apb can kill everyone it's just a matter of learning. I still suck with the ntec...but I play weapons that I'm good with and I usually hold my own.


    Cheating is bad in apb, but I'm gonna go on a whim and say no anti-cheat is going to fix the BIG cheats. Or most common ones. More common cheats need to be delt with on a game redesign level/change something in the game to make cheating hard and more annoying than playing without cheats.


    That's my two cents


    No one actually said 9 years vs X years is to suggest said person is right, the statement highlights that said player is still loyal to the game and this is even mentioned at the end.

    However what is does show is that the said player has seen a lot of changes and the question is, why have certain aspects of the game only been changed now when it never used to be a problem back then?


    It is questioning the introduction of new content and if you look deeply at what has happened over the course of APB you will see a pattern, for example.

    A new weapon gets introduced, the gun / gameplay meta is changed.

    Something happens, oh no we broke the game by introducing 1 new weapon.

    Oh, OK, lets re-balance everything to make it work.

    Cycle repeats, new weapon, something happens, re-balance.

    Nobody likes this and I could talk about a time when the OCA Silverado was a decent gun compared to what it is right now.

    Who decided these changes? Who was complaining?

    The video is highlighting a serious issue with the game management and development, that is, WHO IS IN CONTROL OF THE GAME? WHO IS SETTING THE DIRECTION?

    Think about that, the players or the developers? I am by no means suggesting that players should simply put up with things that are game breaking but at the same time there needs to be decent direction and control by the developers to know what is right.


    And this is where the 9 year player can truely say the game play and gun mechanics at a certain point in APB's history were actually not bad compared to what is happening right now.


    No one is against content if the circumstances are right and it is done correctly, everyone knows the engine upgrade will help achieve this but as stated above the issue is the balancing act, It is not about using the best gun and or "learning" to use a broken one, that is the illogical thought process which simply ignores the true nature of the problem.

  2. Hello,


    The game requires an older version of PhysX which probably didnt install due to a newer version being present.

    Go to your APB folder and find the older PhysX installer.


    C:\APB Reloaded\TPI\PhysX

    Install this >PhysX_9.10.0129_SystemSoftware


    If steam look in your steam folder

    C:\Steam\steamapps\common\APB Reloaded\TPI\PhysX


    Not sure where to look for it?

    Right mouse on the APB icon, Open file location

    Then go back one folder.

  3. I would say re-work Kevlar mod instead.


    When equipped the player will have the ability to take a hit without losing HP, only for the first shot.

    However when hit, you cannot shoot for a duration and you slow down.

    It is a consumable therefore when damaged it is useless. (re-purchase)


    Kevlar 1

    You can take 1 hit

    When hit 2 second delay before you can fire (you are in pain)

    Reduce speed by 30%


    Kevlar 2

    You can take 2 hits

    When hit 4 second delay before you can fire (you are in pain)

    Reduce speed by 40%


    Kevlar 3

    You can take 3 hits

    When hit 6 second delay before you can fire (you are in pain)

    Reduce speed by 50%


    The above is just an example and I have no idea how this woould work in a game environment, maybe useful for VIP or area where this is no cover / open space to get to cover.

    Once the timer starts follow up shots don't stack, so if you take a hit, the timer starts that is it, you are now back to normal HP and can be killed as normal.

    For Kevlar 2 and Kevlar 3, if you do not take any further hits during the timer your plates are still useful so after the timer you are back to having the ability to take 1 hit but obviuosly your armour life is consumed.


    EG, Kevlar 2.

    You got shot once and the 4 seconds is up.

    The armour now has 1 life left, next hit will destroy armour.

  4. The PIG and Perc issue?


    There are people that do not use this combo and go full LTL, you just made LTL worse for them.

    Furthermore now promoting the use of PIG+PERC when really all that needed to be done is modify PERCS.


    Option B: Remove stamina damage from PERCS or delete PERCS instead.

  5. They need to be more violent, when you take a hit the player needs to have limbs coming off, more blood and a little screaming would be nice as you are in the process of dying.


    Also a sacrafice mod.

    When enabled your player primes all expolsives and charges (nade in each hand) at the enemy with a 200%  health boost. In this time you can only run in a straightline and weapons disable.

    Then boom, massive explosion, lots of blood and parts everywhere in the hope that you save the team or die knowing you went off with a bang.



  6. Using the most effective weapons and loadout / cars that are known to achieve results does not create a tryhard.


    Tryhard is a mindset, a way of life for some.


    They are the people that are above their own team, if it goes wrong you are to blame not them and in fact they cannot lose as it's never their fault.

    Helping you is not how it works, you either help them or get told to go to a bronze server.


    When a tryhard wins it really is a great achievement, they are so proud to have slaughtered a weaker team and like to tell you about it.

    If however they lose there will always be a backup excuse such as you were using op weapons or they were having connection issues hence the sudden disconnect prior to losing the mission.

    A bad loser, a bad winner and someone that you can rely on to give up half way during a mission when things start to fall apart.

    This is the Tryhard of APB, spitting on you since RTW.

  7. 12 hours ago, blockblack said:

    I have a BIG problem... I hate being bronze threat because it makes me feel bad about myself and it also makes everyone call me a "noob" or "ez player", My treat is currently High-end silver (one more win and then gold)

    So the problem is that I get really mad and insult everyone when I am losing a mission because of my team because it is not my mistake... and because I want to keep my threat or upgrade it I really hate losing...

    The actual problem: how can I chill and keep calm when losing? because I really really (keeps saying really for an hour) don't want to get a threat downgrade...

    So do you have any solution for my problem?


    You need to consider the truth, it has nothing to do with threat.

    Even if you were gold you would still lose, you would still be called a noob or fake gold and there are people that will trash talk no matter what.

    Losing is the end result of others being better at that given time.


    Realistically are you ever going to win every single time? - no

    Are you the best player in the game? - no

    Can other people out play you? - yes


    You need to change your way of thinking, even the best team in the game can lose because they did the wrong thing at a given moment in time.

    What would you do differently next time?

    How can you improve?

    Do you know why you are not a better player? (PC, internet, other factors?) Try to identify you weaknessees


    Once you know yourself and understand what it is you need to change you will start to improve.

    Excuses and blaming others is the first thing you need to shift away from.


    "I want to get better"

    "My efforts effect my team"

    "Others are not as good as me, what can I do to help them"


    The solution is clear, stop playing in a bronze district and push yourself to become better.

    Play in a higher threat district and start training against higher skilled players, keep losing and eventually you will understand it.



    • Like 1

  8. On 7/8/2019 at 8:42 PM, Seedy said:

    Seriously I see no hackers and I’m currently playing every single day. Is it possible your just a crap player and you don’t understand the game mechanics? You also don’t speak for me.

    Some players also never see anything despite it being plain obvious to someone else.


    On 7/10/2019 at 6:22 PM, Seedy said:

    I play EU and never see hackers or cheaters of pretty much any kind. I have been here since 2010 so I know what to look for.

    People shouting hack this cheater that are simply not seeing what they claim to be seeing. Or if they are seeing hackers running about all over the place, then why the hell am I not seeing them?


    Same as above, not everyone has the ability to understand what is going on.


    If you are going to make a statement and suggest that others are lacking your level of perception, understand that you automatically open yourself up to the same concept.

    Your ignorance has answered your own question.


    The fact of the matter is quite simple, APB has a cheating history, the game was plagued at launch back in the RTW days, various methods have been used to discourage cheating, every single developer knows this is a massive issue in online gaming and if it wasnt, why else are they implementing and continuously trying to improve the level of cheat detection.  Why do paid cheat sites exist, how do they make their money...


    For the players, it is not about what is involved in making a game, it is about the game developers understanding their playerbase and listening to feedback. Those that wish to share a view do not need people like yourself trash talking and trying to intimidate or put them down. Why have you choosen to go down this route? What is your purpose and goal because from what I can see your standards are not holding true especially when you see yourself as an "observer".

    • Like 1

  9. It depends on the reason why the person started cheating in the first place and what people don't realise is that cheating is not just about downloading the software and using it.


    The drive to cheat is psychological, it's all about the person's state of mind.
    - Would you cheat?
    - Why would you cheat?

    - Can't stand losing
    - Aggressive player
    - Always complaining and blaming team mates
    - not willing to improve
    - no patience

    - lack of understanding
    - feel humiliated by losing
    - pressure to look good by others
    - pressure to fit it
    - finding a group of friends
    - being someone
    ... endless list of reasons


    Trauma based cheating

    Those that start off as genuine players but constantly fail and believe they are not good enough to get better and need to impress to feel better about themselves are the ones that will have a hard time quitting. Once the cheating starts it is a way to relive stress and help that person deal with their "problems". They will have a very hard time quitting as pulling the plug is going to take them back to the low point which initially triggered the cheating mind. You might have even seen this yourself, those players that start out with enthusiasm but eventually it turns to constant moans and groans, always beating themselves up and looking / sounding depressed. If they stream you'll see the change from start to end, once they start cheating the enthusiasm goes, instead they just play the game, still complaining but that excitement about them is lost. Like most trauma based minds, a sense of numbness becomes normal.


    Cheating to make friends
    Similar to trauma based, some players use the internet as a social ground to be someone. If you cannot fit in with the crowd you might be a lonely soul. So if these people start cheating to get noticed and become part of a bigger community, it is to them a form of comfort. It will also be hard for them to stop cheating if it means losing friends.


    Cheating due to mental age
    Young players / immature minds often do not understand the reasons why cheating is wrong. The whole sense of responsibility and respect is non existent and why should it exist online? These people are still growing up and cheating is a form of experimentation. They can stop if they mature but the path of cheating can lead them to a life of cheating if they are effected by any of the above.


    Cheating to make a point / cheat crusader
    The people that are out there to provoke cheaters. They feel the need to cheat and further ruin the experience for others because the game is invested with cheaters. They want things to improve but no one is listening, they know how to help and fully understand the issues but for whatever reason they hate the developers and whole community. To them their actions are doing some kind of justice but at the expense of the ones that genuinely do not cheat. These type of players are open in everything they do and are not trying to hide the cheating, it is not about the winning but causing maximum disruption to make a point. They can stop cheating quite easily.


    Cheating to try it out
    There are people that wonder what it is like to start cheating and will try it.
    They will mess around for a bit and eventually see that the cheating kills all form of excitement for the game. These people will stop without issues and never go back.


    Genuine players
    Effected by all the above but truly decent people would never consider cheating.

    It can be difficult to stop cheating and at the same time a lot of people choose the easy path or fail to deal with their issues. To quit cheating means changing yourself and a lot of people out there do not have the drive / courage to do so.


    A drive to win doesn't make you more prone to cheating.

    - I want to win so I am going to get better. <ask yourself, what type of people fall into this category.
    - I want to win so I am going to cheat. <ask yourself, what type of people fall into this category.


    It all comes down to the persons state of mind. (mental capacity, reasoning, morales, ethics, beliefs...)

    Can cheaters go legit? Yes.

    • Like 1

  10. 2 hours ago, GhosT said:

    This stuff should be tested for longer than a week, and feedback should be recognized.

    I agree, what happened to acting on the feedback and tweaking for further adjustments?

    8 hours ago, LO_Beastie said:

    ISSR-a - Lower recovery delay to 0.335 (from 0.35)

    I'm not sure how many players gave this one a go but the gun is showing no real world improvement. (I left feedback in the other threads too)
    0.015s on paper translates to nothing.

  11. ISSR-a
    Lowering recovery time for accuracy loss, requiring you to wait less time after taking a shot to fire again.

    Test A
    Lower recovery delay to 0.335 (from 0.35)

    The difference is negligible, always after 2 shots the 3 is slightly off and 4th completely inaccurate, the changes do not make the weapon any more functional than the current live version.

    Suggestion for A phase 2 = 0.300
    Suggestion for B phase 2 = 0.280

  12. ISSR-a
    Lowering recovery time for accuracy loss, requiring you to wait less time after taking a shot to fire again.

    Test B  
    Lower recovery delay to 0.32 (from 0.35)

    The difference is negligible, always after 2 shots the 3 is slightly off and 4th completely inaccurate, the changes do not make the weapon any more functional than the current live version.

    Suggestion for A phase 2 = 0.300
    Suggestion for B phase 2 = 0.280

    • Thanks 1

  13. 18 hours ago, SurvivalDistrict said:

    balance this silly person of a coward shit, its freaking cancerous....... i am not saying remove it, just freaking balance it..... 

    The better player will lead by example and not complain about minor issues with the intention of making others feel like they have done something wrong. It is a choice others take, no one forces you how to play, what to do and when to do it. The rule book you are reading only exists in your mind so stop limiting yourself and see beyond otherwise you will never improve and will always let others influence your choices.

    Are you a better player? Catch up, take the item, show them how it's done and win or fail knowing you showed them your willingness to fight no matter what the situation.

    5 minutes ago, SandyBitch said:
    17 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    The worst is when you are playing solo and one of your teamnates starts running and then you have to get in chat and try to convince people that it wasnt your call and no you dont condone running. 

    If it is my random teammate, i first tell him to stop, if he doesnt, i usually kill this silly ant, i rather lose before running away

    Think about that rule book, you wouldn't like to be TK'ed for no reason other than a personal view.
    • Like 1

  14. 10 hours ago, Rolpack said:

    Oh also not even talking about the fact that G1 never managed to fix waterfronts nort region, where crims couldnt be witnessed at all, and their band aid fix was to move britney to the middle of waterfront...

    The area might be fixed now, I went recently just to try it out with my enf friend.

  15. And the part showing all the yellow folders?


    With the current update if you delete the Gamersfirst folder in the Registry it will be added back by the installer after it does the install again, plus battleye should be added.

    Delete the Gamersfirst registry entry and see what happens,



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