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Posts posted by Jilleroo

  1. 6 hours ago, RespectThis said:

    Gee, you really think I made that post to scold dethreaters? No... I was making a point to the OP as to the reason the gold servers are dead. Because people dethreat and go to bronze districts. Therefore golds HAVE to go to silver districts to actually get any sort of opposition at all.


    Also winning is the satisfaction in every pvp game like apb? League of Legends what do you get out of winning the game? There is no trophy or prize pool. Its the satisfaction of winning. So not sure what you think people who play pvp games are playing for.

    Uhm, the satisfaction of playing a balanced game against a wide variety of players? Also, you get a ranked skin for doing well at the end of a season and there's objectives with rewards (orbs, skins, etc.) You don't get anything in APB except 3 tickets and a fistful of APB dollars, yet I feel APB is a more fatiguing game to play.


    6 hours ago, RespectThis said:

    Never said removing threat would solve anything. Ya no one likes going 0-12. You know what else people don't like? Joining a game and getting curb stopped by people who dethreat to avoid vets in gold district by fleeing to bronze districts.


    Oh sorry didn't realize this was a private forum my mistake lol... I wasn't ranting either bud. I was stating that dethreaters is one of the issues/reasons we have empty districts and low population. 


    I don't care if you care or not I was just making a observational statement based off my extensive apb experience. It was removed because it was "bugged" as they claimed. That's the reason. As I said, I really dont think its as bad as you're making out to be. 

    Ya, you did. You said it would be a good thing for the game and then talked about dethreating. I said it wouldn't do anything.


    Wasn't that it was a private convo, it was that you came in and just wrote a snide and facetious comment that could've easily been applied to any of us, not sure why you can't see that.

  2. 6 hours ago, RespectThis said:

    If you don't understand what I'm "blathering about" i'll simplify it for you.

    Gee, you really scolded those dethreaters into playing in their proper bracket, they'll listen for sure! You quoted my thread and sniped at me, so I'm going to presume you have the common courtesy to have actually read it, in which I explain why you verbally spanking their butts isn't going to solve it. You can't tell them to "man up" and have it happen; the game has no intrinsic value for playing-to-win other than satisfaction, which doesn't mean a whole lot if the cost of victory is a sweatband and a broken keyboard.


    Removing visible threat is meaningless. It doesn't solve anything. The community is so small and the districts sizes are so limited that I know 90% of the people I play against, their play style, and how good they are. It won't take someone long to figure it out and more importantly, they're still going to hate themselves and the game when they go 0 - 12. They don't care what color of threat the guy or gal has that did it to them, all they know is that APB is garbage and uninstall it. I've gotten a few whispers already from people asking for advice and venting their frustration. Threat colours don't even play into it.


    The issue wasn't complexity... It was the textual medium itself and you using it to try and convey nasty looking 'sarcasm' about something we were talking about between us out of nowhere. Then basically ranted about how people don't like having to try so hard to win in a PvP game with other players.


    I don't care if you think I'm exaggerating, it was absolutely annoying - that's my view. I used to solo queue a lot (I have a few max level characters) and premades using scouts obliterated my random teams. Getting tagged as soon as we spawn and them being able to jump around a corner at 60m and do the damage that a scout does with such precision and mobility isn't good for the game. I had my jump scouting phase too, but it was removed for a reason. It was a lot of fun, and I'm glad it's gone.

  3. 1 hour ago, Nagletz said:

    Let the devs work on numero uno objective: APB 2.1.



    APB's engine upgrade has taken so damn long it's a joke and point of contention for just about everyone who is familiar with the game. Full speed ahead on that as it has been a prelude of biblical proportions to an absolute mountain of suggested changes and constructive feedback for and by the community. I can't imagine any other change taking precedence over it, if it costs time on its development.

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  4. On 7/27/2020 at 8:05 AM, florian325 said:

    I can send e-mails, but no attachments.

    I can not buy/sell auctions nor can I do trading with other players.

    I can only receive e-mails with attachments.

    Meaning there is no trading possible of any sorts so I can not buy anything from the Marketplace either.

    I haven't done anything, which makes this trade-lock infuriating. According to LO there has been a payment on my APB-account that was cancelled but never paid (they are very vague about this part).

    I do not know about any payment like this, nevertheless after three months of back and forth I even offered to pay whatever amount is open. As I have spent over 2000 euros on my APB account I like to keep it...


    (I tried, not knowing this and got an official warning, I don't want to test the rules again).

    That's really lame. I bet they f***ed something up and are too incompetent to figure it out or fix it themselves.

  5. 19 hours ago, florian325 said:

    You understand my frustration... Especially after nearly 1 year of this going on...

    I don't think you should sue. It's not worth it.

    We can't really help you, but I hope LO sees it and tries to fix it. I'm just thankful you can still play the game at least.


    How does a trade lock work? Can you send mail? Buy/sell auctions? Is it just the trading between players that's disabled? I've never really asked or had it happen to me. 😮

  6. 6 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    much love for the OBIR but it seems like it lost its strength, it could just be me and who I play against, but earlier it was easier-than-not to get 3 bursts off, because 1+2 wouldn't red-screen them - but lately it seems like they disappear after that 2nd burst way too often, whereas the huge Ursus seems to be able to plink away without causing anyone to go into "OMG red screen" mode.


    or that's just me.

    I manage to at least 2-burst most people with my FFA all the time, but you need to not be afraid to get your hands dirty.

    Burst them once or twice and then pull out your FBW and hunt them down. ^^

  7. 4 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    Ursus. Stupid ugly big weapon stole the OBIR's glory. OBIR used to be such a sleeper weapon, people wouldn't even know they were taking damage until it was too late, and then along comes the Ursus doing the same but even better and the stupid thing is even bigger (but not longer, OBIR loooooooong) but it's model is so huge and I get that IRL there are like 40,000 weapons that look like an AK but aren't but huge AK is still lame it fires so fast when it out sleepers the sleeper.


    What's next, a Lewis gun that you roll around on the bipod? Wait. That would be awesome. Do that.


    Anyway Ursus and New Glory are fugly (u cant accuracy with folded stock no). del this.

    idk, I still like the OBIR and I own both.

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  8. On 4/22/2020 at 3:59 AM, MotokoHutt said:

    it's about how unreliable shotgun's are now post nerf.

    Shotguns have always been a riskier gun to run with a weird niche corner hump role. SMGs are way more forgiving, shotguns just aren't and never will be.


    Shotguns in APB are for masochists.

  9. 14 hours ago, Vnight said:

    Something that you haven't discussed much at all lately.

    Productive discussions filled with hope amount to nothing changing.

    Unhelpful criticism filled with cynicism do nothing for any change either.

    Been that way for many moons now, nothing really changes here.

    I can't even max out my character I was working on cause the districts are dead.


    People are playing games with actual progress and development cycles while they wait for the Engine Update to answer their prayers and signal the new golden age of post-Tiggs.

  10. 32 minutes ago, R3ACT3M said:

    There was a team deathmatch mode I had played, but I didn't play gta for pvp so I sucked at it. So in regards to gameplay APB is different than GTA which is a good thing

    It would be like two gas stations right next to each other, except one sells diesel so both stations are relevant 

    Yeah, I played the same, but it would like... Switch playlists or something. One moment I'm doing really well in TDM and then the next minute we're driving tanks on top of skyscrapers, lol.


    I hated it, tbh.

  11. 1 hour ago, R3ACT3M said:

    Better or be good and different than GTA 6, what APB definitely has over GTA 5 is character customization and that is part of what makes it great. Another thing I think APB does better than GTA is PVP, GTA 5 is definitely more of a coop-pve game than pvp (not to say it doesn't have its pvp modes.

    But APB probably wont reach a level of triple A, comparing APB to other titles it definitely sits at indie level.

    The PvP in GTA 5 was and still is stupid and confusing. There's no game mode where you just run around on foot and shoot each other. At least, that I could find.


    This was when it first came out, so idk if it's better now.

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