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Posts posted by Jilleroo

  1. 6 hours ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    If you manage to actually fill up your ignore list, maybe the problem is you?

    How can you say that with a straight face?


    Awful themes, pathetic trash talking, and the amount of ego in this game over the course of years? It's no stretch of the imagination to see an ignore list reaching critical mass...

    ... Also, mine is nearly full, so... And I don't really talk to anyone, lmao.

    • Like 1

  2. 21 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    (I'm talking the big names we all recognize here)

    Who are you talking about here? Because, I've never seen you do very good with your Volcano.


    I question the legitimacy of your statements as I have never had a problem with your play style. It's just like any other gimmicky OSMAW/Volcano player... Pretty bad.

    19 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Why are you pretending you play with the golds?
    You are a self admitted dethreater (threat "manipulator" was your wording)... you've said as much on these very forums.

    Though I would LOVE to hear the names of these gold players you "mop the floor with". Cuz I for one don't think Ive ever seen you in a silver district.

    Almost missed your post, Cookie. I always enjoy seeing you calling someone out non-sarcastically.

    • Thanks 1

  3. 17 hours ago, Solamente said:

    if the intent was to fuck up so badly that at any point in the future you could point back to this and say “it could be worse”, then little orbit is doing a bang up job 

    And yet, I still prefer it over G1's stunning development history; I'm still going to give LO slack for quite a while. G1 was nightmare fuel and the Puck bot is finally slain.

    • Like 1

  4. 20 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Mobile cover is incredibly exploitable.

    For good players, it's beyond cheap.

    I laughed when OP said the ammo box was the only good consumable.


    Mobile cover is so stupidly effective...


    7 hours ago, Mercuie said:

    So much this!  People forget the ammo mod for the car is even a thing.

    With how important car spawner is (imho), I just can't afford to run it.

    • Like 1

  5. 11 hours ago, Vnight said:

    Is this your idea of "optimizing" the servers?!

    As if forcing us to play with all those "united yellow intellectuals" isn't enough.

    LO keeps finding ways to experiment on the small lab rat side of the community.


    You bunch keep saying that there were allot of improvements overall, but my overall and surely many others experience isn't very convincing.

    Oh right... i guess the improvements are exclusively for the elite.

    According to the down votes rate section, mostly practiced by the same "protected species," almost every time there is some criticism about the desegregation issues.


    No wonder most of the participants on forums are yellow lobbyists, the newbies don't stick around much to be exploited lab mice.

    Even the left newbies, are probably one of the countless accounts made by them "united bros" that practice playing multiple accounts for a hobby, then throws at others the noob, gitgud and getalife advices on a daily basis.


    No way a solo or a lifer can really enjoy this game, and most of the new players are solo's.

    So cheers for the glorious united guilds, keep those clown cars full and godspeed exploiting everyone and everything this game has to lose.

    Given how insane some people are on this forum, how horrible some people are at writing in English, and the degeneracy of the moderation team, I actually thought "united yellow intellectuals" was some form of actual clan or allusion to oceanic players. Now that I realize this, I don't know what to even say beyond this, lmao.

  6. 2 hours ago, Context said:

    According to your logic, you can banned anyone. I repeat, at the time when the players were blocked, we did not use anything. Support ignores (EAC).

    You also skipped over the part where support is your only avenue for this, which is true.


    Sucks you got banned if you were legitimate, but I don't believe that you were; talk to support.

  7. 4 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    I'd recommend the OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' PR1 over the PR2. That bandolier mod is such a pain in the patootie as its adds 75% to the resupply time, and without it you still get 210 rounds.

    ^ This. I bought the PR2 for the 'Whisper' and CSG when I was first starting out, they're awful to switch and use - especially during a mission.


    I tried asking G1 to literally downgrade them and Puck told me to go puck myself.

  8. I used to recommend the n-tec for new players, but I realized that getting that timing down and learning about positioning make it a bit tricky.


    PMG or the STAR are better, me thinks. 😛

    I used to recommend the n-tec for new players, but I realized that getting that timing down and learning about positioning make it a bit tricky.


    PMG or the STAR are better, me thinks. 😛

  9. On 1/11/2020 at 9:20 PM, Darkzero3802 said:

    The reg Ntec and vas reskin can kill in 5 shots currently. Has always been that way. LO is proposing 6 shots to kill in the future.

    The Ursus is longer range then the basic ntec but with slightly slower fire rate as compensation, it also doesnt have as much recoil. Think of the Ursus as a buffed star LCR.

    Doubled down too, big oof. 😛

  10. 1 hour ago, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    In my opinion I would leave some unique stuff to stay unique for veterans exclusively who earned it years ago via hard effort and dedication, rather than give it away to every new noob  that just came into this game and needs to just start a topic of "can i pls have this or that" to get it  and demand things that were given away like 1-3-4 years ago 


    After I invested  literally TWO years of my life into searching those cursed 300 pumpkins

    I did it on two characters as well, stop being a baby. Other people having these items doesn't take away from your enjoyment of the game unless you're an entitled brat who has way too much free time on their hands and an unhealthy obsession with pixels. You're more focused on denying people some items that they have to pay for than the game itself.


    You guys are delusional.


    You want to punish people for not sticking around a game with one of the worst track records for new content/reasons to even login, by keeping items exclusive for no other reason than to be slightly e-cooler on the Internet and show off? This community is such a dumpster fire.


    No one thinks we're cool because we have devil wings. But, they do think you're pathetic for thinking that actually makes you cooler.

  11. 34 minutes ago, LilPurple said:

    Than why we play event? Not talking about ears, talking about u putting everything from event on armas..

    Get it for free or pay to unlock it - pretty self explanatory, but I guess not.

    • Like 1

  12. On 1/7/2020 at 1:45 PM, Darkzero3802 said:

    If you use a macro your cheating and deserve to be banned. Play the game the right way or dont play at all.

    "But I'll lose, and who will think I'm cool then?" - Every cheater, ever.

    • Like 1

  13. On 1/6/2020 at 1:46 PM, Tumblez said:

    Treating it as anything more than a silly little game would be self-inflicting turbo cancer. 

    That's why all that's left of this "community" is a glorified malignant polyp in the colon of the video gaming industry.


    I've met 2, kind of 3, nice people since I came back a few months ago - the rest have been "turbo cancer" edge lords.

    • Like 2

  14. 2 hours ago, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    imo some items should remain unique. But nobody cares anymore since game is officially dying so give them away, no need for armas either, heck as anyone cares. Why reaping real $ from a dead game. 

    Exclusivity gets in the way of customization.

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