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Posts posted by Jilleroo

  1. 6 hours ago, CaptainSloth2Guns said:

    Is GTFO any good? Is it playable at the moment. This is a game I'm really looking forward to but wasn't sure if I was better off waiting for the final release. 

    It needs a lot of work, tbh.


    It's in a playable state, but with these factors: asking price + no in-game voice chat + no matchmaking + in-game issues, it's pretty rough. The actual game play needs a lot of polish as well. Shots don't register, guns feel unsatisfactory to fire, enemies hit you randomly, strange lag, etc.


    Hope they improve it a lot, cause the game itself is super immersive and will be super good upon release, tbh.

    • Thanks 1

  2. 5 hours ago, Jobs2k said:

    Do you think it will change when the population increases, or will the server list show 2 empty gold servers, 6 full silver servers and three full bronze ones?

    Currently I forsee the latter.

    I can only speak based on what I've seen many years ago; when the NA servers had dozens of districts available, I played in the gold district as did many other people and I was against new people all the time. They were full, just like the silver ones from what I remember.


    The game's population has atrophied big time and our current situation is of an extreme nature and super unusual, not really a good basis as a population forecast, lol.

  3. 4 minutes ago, yood said:

    I've been reading these answers for eight years . you just want to legitimize your abuse .

    I don't really care what you think. Your borderline gibberish posts about this are so hilariously riddled with spite no one is going to take you seriously. This game isn't my whole life (unlike yours) and I don't have that much time to play it outside of university, so I'm not going to sit in a district with literally 0 players. End of story.


    Game's fault for adding visible segregation in the first place. Was heavy handed and poorly implemented to this very day. Get over it, nerd.

    • Thanks 1

  4. 5 minutes ago, illgot said:

    Not sorry that your one sided fight was interrupted because you were given opposition well below your skill level.  If you only lost a mission or objective because YOU were killed while being bounty it says something about the mission.  That you were probably carrying the team against an opposition that stood very little chance at defeating you.  /fake tears.


  5. LO is the greatest thing to happen to this degenerate game  - this alone is a good thing. If G1 was still in charge, instead of LO's communication and actual progress we'd have about 4 ARMAS sales and maybe a new sniper rifle or two.


    If the Engine Update is, yet again, not released next year then it will be a worse year due to false hope.

    • Like 2

  6. 9 hours ago, KnifuWaifu said:

    Edit - Srsly there should be a "I gotta work bs" mode in games, all we have to do to qualify is send in a picture of our tired already-dead-on-the-inside eyes and we get a reprieve from any event timers and premium only counts down when we're logged in. 

    That's why I was happy we could just buy the Halloween crap.


    Between school, work, and hours of driving every week I'm tapped; no time at all. 😕

  7. 5 hours ago, CaptainSloth2Guns said:

    "cheat hacker"


    Lol, was about as interesting to read as any other hyperbolic anecdote. 17 yr old kid telling some old dude he makes thousands by being a leet "cheat hacker" and he's like, "omg no way" and does a magical "survey" saying 1/3 of every player is using cheats in some way to gain advantage.

  8. 5 hours ago, FDLM said:

    Why not implement the most logical that has existed since digital is digital? a verification email !!! If an intruder enters my account, they could delete the character. More important is that, than being able to buy or not. It is annoying, for not being able to take advantage of sales at the moment. Please think things through before taking action. Sometimes what they believe is a help, it is totally a nuisance.

    You're wrong.

  9. 14 minutes ago, MartinPL said:

    My initial idea was to encourage people to start looking for the correct answers themselves after they've done the quiz — but I understand that some people might not know where to start (or outright not want to go through the effort. Can't blame 'em, I'm also a lazy person 😛 )

    If more people want the quiz to give out correct answers after the fact, I can change the quiz's settings to make it do that.

    Some of them are very vague and there's almost no information on some of the subjects online. Not about being lazy, just more convenient to see them right there instead of digging through websites and in-game to find the answer anyway (if you even can).

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