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Posts posted by Jilleroo

  1. 1 hour ago, dieltdaan said:

    Okay, cheating is a problem in every game, even APB has its little underground forum where cheaters come together and discuss their stuff (its funny
    And yes i do believe NA has more problems than EU due to the fact that NA servers in other games also have higher cheating populations.

    But guys, in reality the cheating community in apb is tiny, and are always the same people.

    And if u wanna complain about battle eye, well than give APB a million dollar/euro and let them buy a better anticheat lol.

    I find APB support very good, they provide reasonable fast response and are clear in their actions.

    U cant blame them for not banning every single person u report, because i am 100 percent sure that for every 100 people u report, there might be 1-5 cheaters

    I adore how you just float above substantiating any of this and just keep talking. You soar like an eagle above it all with no self consciousness and hold nothing back.


    It's truly majestic!

  2. 1 hour ago, Fortune Runner said:

    if the bountys could be killed out of mission and could not enter into missions until handled one way or another (death or paying bounty etc ) then i would have no problem with this change.


    i miss hunting bountys as do others. it was our thing

    I was going to suggest the same thing, but wanted to keep my post short. My issue was it happening during missions and critical moments.


    So ya, works for me. ^.^

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  3. 6 hours ago, Moosh N Twist said:

    I doubt the difference in work load would have been so drastically different when you could still use assets and any ideas you want. And its notboike they haven't basically Redone nearly every single part of the game just to get it to fit into the 3.5 version of UE.

    Truly stated like someone who has no idea what they're talking about.

  4. 19 minutes ago, FakeBungo said:

    there are literally zero cheaters in apb nobody has ever cheated and they are just ex-cheaters but never actually cheated they got false banned by tiggs 20 times even though there is footage of them aimbotting on stream and they continue to aimbot on stream today but dont get banned because they are just legit and they no longer cheat, they simply learned how to aim after requiring aimbot for years and so basically they aimbotted so much that now their legit aim looks like an aimbot but you are just a silver bronze noob if you think anybody cheats and even if there was a single cheater in apb we shouldnt ever want them banned because then we would have slightly fewer players even though more people would play if there weren't cheaters playing.

    Why even bother using a period at that point, I mean really... LOL

  5. 5 hours ago, Vnight said:

    Why do you even use steam for apb lol? I only use it for VR cuz i am forced to, but normal games should never be launched through a money grinder dump like steam.

    Cause unlike you, I have friends I like to talk to as I play APB on Steam.

  6. 1 hour ago, Matsutake said:

    My threat level is preventing me from playing in Mission Districts--these Districts, Silver and Gold instances, are consistently empty in NA-West... and I'd rather not take the chance of playing on Eastside servers. The Lag, especially on APB servers (I don't get why this game isn't even in Guiness World Records yet, for the strangest, lasting server latency spikes and attacks) makes for some... latent interactions. I will not dethreat.

    Leveling from R220-255 was absolutely dreadful. Somedays I just wasn't allowed to progress because Waterfront was the chosen district for NA pop. to play on that day.


    I can't wait for region selection, I'll take the insane ping if I can actually get standing.

    53 minutes ago, Matsutake said:

    P.S. Don't /abandonmission because "this teammate sucked" and are not as "good" as you.

    What about if their patootie is too big to fit in their pants but they wear them anyway cause they're delusional and dumb and then try to convince me the whole match that they really do look good in them but I know it's just bullcrap and on some deeper level they know it too, right?


    Y'know, like the poster above me.

    • Like 1

  7. 2 hours ago, 404 said:

    this is one thing that the pmg is not imo


    despite its large mag:stk ratio and low rof giving plenty of time to adjust aim, that same low rof punishes users pretty heavily for missed shots - just 2 whiffs puts a pmg into fbw ttk territory

    Hmm, good point. I'll dwell on this, but I think you're right.

  8. 1 minute ago, Kevkof said:

    As long as there is an option to freely customize anything they would need to spend an insane amount of time to check everything.

    It's just not something they'll ever be able to do unless they get a near infinite amount of staff/time.


    I've already accepted they'll probably never be able to properly deal with fully as it should, so these kind of somewhat okay measures are what we'll have to settle for. At least for now.

    Just to be clear, I'm talking about a /ignore function that JUST disables a user's theme of your choice right there on the scoreboard permanently. There's an ignore button on the scoreboard already and it disables a user's theme, so I'm just saying make another ignore button to specifically block their theme out.


    Boom! Griefers dealt with as they can't rupture your eardrum anymore.

  9. 3 hours ago, ReaperTheButcher said:

    This weapon is annoying by that you can get RNjesus 5 shot registration, and someone can empty the whole mag on you

    That's kinda my problem with it too. It's really easy for just about any user to min-ttk with it and it feels so dirty when it happens.


    Too much range, super reliable, and very forgiving if you miss a lot.

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