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Everything posted by Mehaku-

  1. Yes, we get 5000 G1С, but ... We will lose all our things that go beyond the boundaries of these 5000 several (from 1 to 20) times! Yes, there are players who did not invest money in the game who will receive these 5k ... But it hurts those who have invested more than 5k! For 5k we can buy 1 pack or 3 weapons forever (Although we have 5-20 permanent weapons and packs)
  2. I will not lie. Innova prices were even higher than Gamersfirst! I managed to get data on purchases through customer support, and I checked the prices ... As a result, I could save 4,000 rubles ($ 61.78) if I hadn’t bought it all at Innova !!! So this is all a controversial point ... And I am also outraged that LO decided to pay compensation for the time spent on Innova, since there are a lot of people (including me) who have invested a lot of money and will receive only half of the compensation as they are not played enough for full payout!
  3. Тот факт того, что у тебя есть персонаж с никнеймом ProgaT уже является очень весомым доказательством
  4. Смеешься ? Да у тебя там был лютый арсенал пушек, который обычным игрокам попросту недоступен ! и у моего друга (Бывшего стридхантера) на почте было множество пушек... Таких как Медведь компакт, AAEPD без перков и тд с возможностью продажи и передачи по почте друним игрокам ! Так что ты нам заливаешь то ? Мой друг и спалил, что такое тварится в каждом почтовом ящике стридхантеров...
  5. Well, yes ... you have nothing to fear, because CM_Rina gave you all your weapons ... Personally, I invested money and bought everything, and I don’t want to lose my things or, in the case of full compensation, I can buy everything that I have It was. ..
  6. Good afternoon, I sent innaova purchase data to tech support! Will I also receive compensation, or will you transfer all my inventory? If there is compensation, it will be $ 460.87. And about $ 290 for the second account ... Or will I lose things and not get full compensation for my things?
  7. I don’t know about you, but I have already collected all the purchase data from my account through Innova technical support and sent a file (sent to me by Innova technical support) to gamersfirst technical support. no response from gamersfirst ...
  8. I want to clarify one situation ... Innova had a weapon worth 1299 rubles each, and the maximum price was 1590 (Osmav and Ogle). It is therefore unfair that our weapons are taken away from us, because the Innova prices were even more expensive than at GamesFirst! On GameFirst, the same weapon costs 700-1000 rubles for us! Yes, there were players at Innova who got free weapons through their connections, but these are not all players! This is the smallest group of the population ... All normal players played, and they themselves tried to achieve everything!
  9. After receiving the purchase data (which LO requests), I understood why Innova does not provide this data ... It looks like a large list without nicknames ... It is problematic to give out data where there is no nickname, but a simple shopping list!
  10. Congratulations on your work! If you are a programmer, then why don't you want to work in LO? Like you there are very necessary. Instead of criticizing these posts and writing nonsense, can you still make the game better? As I said above, everyone can be an Internet hero and talk about everything. so maybe you can take it and make it, make the game better? Without many words ...
  11. Tell me, do you earn a lot? Here I am for example for 8 years of the game, I invested some money in the game and gradually bought what I wanted! As a result, in the 8 years of the game I have invested a lot of money ... Well, can you provide all such things with such statements for people like me? Brave people are not very fond of, since they are not responsible for the words spoken! You are just another one of many. I created a new character and play on the citadel, but still I don’t want to lose the second character with full leveling and donat ... If you can throw such statements right and left, so why hasn’t anything changed?
  12. Keeping a server costs 8,100 rubles a year (This is an attractive price) So why don't you take it and do it? Just be prepared for the fact that you will be 1 on your server. Personally, I hook up high online and save all my stuff (Ping is a second-rate business)
  13. Now LO (Little Orbit) tried to contact Innova to obtain information about the purchases of players in the APB, but they did not succeed in it (Although, after personal requests and after the verification procedure, all information is spread by their owners!) So now it is not known when they will transfer it, how will transfer, by what method, etc. ...
  14. No, they have problems with the data on purchases that we made on Innova and now they have postponed the transfer!
  15. I just received this data and wrote to GameFirst technical support ... But for now I can issue forms with questions (Just in case) to confirm whether you are the real owner of the account.
  16. I just wrote to technical support asking for the data of all purchases from Innova (I was given a form to fill out - proof that I am the account holder) and after all these actions I received the data!
  17. Why immediately criticize it? I found a way out of the situation when Innova refused to give data on LO purchases and now every player can get them! Why not?
  18. Indeed, MattScott tried to get this data from Innova, but this is personal data of account holders, and therefore this data was not sent upon his request. But when I wrote about such a request to Innova Technical Support, (after confirming that I am the account holder) gave me all this data! Maybe it will be easier if each player sends a request to the support service and personally receives this data? And LO will just check if you have these things on your account?
  19. This information, which I mentioned above, will soon be given to me You just need to know who to write and what to write! I have already been answered and asked to provide evidence that this is exactly my account (Normal procedure)
  20. Good afternoon, I want to ask one question. If I can get my own information about purchases from Innova technical support myself, will this speed up checking of currently available items from my account?
  21. Many players have bought their costumes, weapons and cars on the Russian server apb. Forgive us for choosing a Russian server and not starting to play from the very beginning on the Citadel server
  22. Thanks for the game, I'm not going to play without all my things! I bought all my clothes in Ru Armas and I don’t want to lose about 200k rubles! Thank you for all these good years =(
  23. Hello, When switching from Innova to Nekrova, I lost some items, but when switching from Nekrova to Citadel, I definitely would not want to lose almost all my inventory! = (I would like to note that you do a little wrong with playing money! Why can't you give out at least some initial money? It’s still not right to completely deprive players of money ... Yes, indeed, we earned a lot on Innova ... But many earned their fortune for very many years and months! P.s. I really love this game project and participate in it for a considerable amount of time. I wish to further increase the players and improve the game
  24. Hello, I have been playing the project "APB Reloaded" for a very long time since the time when it was just "All point bullet" and at the moment I cannot enjoy the game because the servers are empty and there are not enough players to participate in full the war of two factions. I'm really looking forward to the merger of the server "citadel" and "Nekrov"! And the sad thing is that my characters just stand idle on a dead server! Please quickly integrate the server =) Best wishes from a longtime player !
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