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Posts posted by Lixil

  1. Heya artists!

    Do you want your art to be featured on our social media channels? You can submit your artwork to us!
    After reviewing it, it may just make an appearance for everyone to see! (We'll credit you, don't worry)

    Simply by replying to this thread with your art, you are given a chance for your art to get a shoutout. The art will be promoted once a week.
    Please make sure not to spam this thread. Keep in mind that these forums are PG13 so the art as well has to fit that.

    Only post the art that is made by you. 
    You can submit one art per week.

    • Like 6

  2. patch-update.jpg

    Hello everyone!

    A new patch is going up onto the Live servers for PC. This patch includes a number of fixes and some added features. We are having a patch on Wednesday 10/3/2018. Maintenance will start at 9 AM UTC and will last for 6 hours.

    • Removed the 3 day trade lock when an item is traded.
    • Players will now always spawn with ammo fully resupplied for equipped weapons. If they don't have enough bullets in their locker, the rest will be automatically purchased.
    • Removed the Weapon Prototype districts until we have further balance changes ready for testing.

    • Fixed an issue with Showstopper "Thunder" not being able to be traded.
    • Improved the reliability of Mobile Radar Tower.
    • Bullets will now correctly pass through your vehicle while leaning out the window.

    • Fixed an issue related to district server stability
    • Like 19
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  3. Hello everyone,

    After some time of the forums being open, we have decided some rules needed to be added to the existing Terms of Service. These rule changes and additions will help clarify  why some warnings have been given out.

    The changes made to the rules are following:

    • Changed some of the existing Terms of Service wording
    • No Spam Refrain from posting nonsensical, one word or non-contributory posts, or double posting.  Additionally, animated pictures (.gifs) are only allowed in replies if pertinent to the thread you’re replying to. Using them in your signature, banner, or avatar is not allowed.
    • No Sharing PMs/DMs and/or Bans Posting the content of private messages is not permitted, as those should remain private (unless given approval - for PMs/DMs).
      No Sharing Support tickets The conversation you had with the supporter agent should remain private. If you have a complaint regarding your ticket, contact Selali.
    • No Backseat Modding Help is always welcome, but do not attempt to influence a moderator’s decision by suggesting punishments or starting witch hunts on your own. Our team fully capable of dealing with any and all issues that might arise.
    • Ban Discussion While you are allowed to discuss the events that lead to your ban (or somebody else’s), refrain from sharing private details and conversation between any part involved, including our support system.
    • Flagging Posts We rely on our community to flag posts, topics or members that break the rules using the Report system. Please note that the this system is not an “advanced dislike button”, and using it as such will count as harassment.

    The rules have been updated as of this announcement and you will be able to find them above the Forums (Big red *Forum rules* button) or below the forum (Privacy Policy | Forum Rules | Code Of Conduct)
    • Like 7
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  4. On 9/26/2018 at 1:15 PM, Zolerox said:
    In that case Is it possible to get my OBT title? (never got into the CBT) Lost my first account years ago. And you can imagine how helpfull support was when it comes to things like this. (played under the name Raxxis i think it was)

    OBT titles were granted to players who logged in  during a certain period of time. If you do not have this title then you were not online during this event. Unfortunately we can not grant OBT titles anymore.

    This post does not mean names will be freed nor become available(as they do not have a nickname yet). It just means players who did not do migration/log-in should or can do it within the time period that has been given.

  5. It was one of the players I met in Germany among many others. The picture that was taken was simply as a fun picture, no meaning behind it.

    Another explanation: Whoever added me on steam got accepted, I did not pick among the players who gets on that list. However, I do agree it can be looked at as favoritism therefore I will be removing all the players from there.

    Also I have removed the image as that is my photo. And locking the thread as I have explained the situation. If anyone needs more information you can DM me directly.

    • Like 1

  6. Hello everyone,

    A new patch is going up onto the OTW server. This patch included a number of fixes and some added features.

    Bug Fixes:

    Improved the reliability of Mobile Radar Tower.
    Bullets will now correctly pass through your vehicle while leaning out the window.

    Changes to existing features and added new features:

    Removed the 3 day trade lock when an item is traded.
    Players will now always spawn with ammo fully resupplied for equipped weapons. If they don't have enough bullets in their locker, the rest will be automatically purchased.
    Removed the Weapon Prototype districts.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 4

  7. Hello everyone,

    we will be retiring the Fallen Earth Icarus migrations in two weeks, on Tuesday 10/9. This means that any characters who have not yet been migrated over will be unable to complete the migration process after this date. 

    Edit: Removed the link.

  8. Hello everyone,

    we will be retiring the APB Realtime Worlds character migrations in two weeks, on Tuesday 10/9. This means that any characters who have not yet been migrated over will be unable to complete the migration process after this date. 

    Edit: Removed the link.

    • Like 3

  9. Hello everyone,

    Today I have two awesome annoucements for you guys!

    "Beard Hunter" (for those that killed the clones) and "Beard Master" (for those that killed the real Matt)titles have been granted to the players that killed fake/real Matt! We would like to once more thank the players that participated in the event and we hope you had fun!

    We have also fixed the issue with Fight Club not correctly awarding Joker Tickets and we will be granting the Joker Tickets to all of the players who should have been awarded.

    • Like 11
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  10. new-trade-system.png

    Hello everyone,

    We are having a patch on Wednesday 9/19/2018, 2AM PDT/9AM UTC!


    •    Introducing the NEW Trade System
    We are excited to bring you a new tool to swap what you got. Have too much of something and want to lighten your load? Have a friend in need? Trade! The trading system will allow you to take your items and swap them with others.

    •    The Prototype A shotgun changes are now active in live districts.
    •    There is now an additional way to extend the lease of items in the edit item menu in the locker and item selection screens.

    •    Updated the handling, timing and performance on shotguns
    •    Optimized /ignore functionality
    •    Improved hit notifications to properly display when targets are being hit
    •    Improved the reliability of Spotter character modification
    •    Disabled Open PvP in Weapon Prototype Districts

    •    Addressed an issue where players, in some cases, could fall through the floor
    •    Fixed an issue where using /unstick while holding a task item would incorrectly end the mission
    •    Fixed an issue related to being able to use fences and hydrants to see players through walls
    •    Fixed issues related to falling through the floor when standing on a task item
    •    Fixed a bug related to ammo not removing the correct amount of APB$ when being refilled
    •    Fixed a bug that accidentally regressed NCR buffs
    •    Fixed a client crash related to logging into the game on accounts with different numbers of characters without completely relogging

    • Like 28
    • Thanks 16

  11. Hello everyone,

    We patched OTW server today! These are the changes:

    ·         The Prototype A shotgun changes are now active in live districts.
    ·         Fixed a bug that accidentally regressed NCR buffs.
    ·         Fixed a client crash related to logging into the game on accounts with different numbers of characters without completely relogging.

    • Like 2
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  12. Hello everyone,

    We are going to have another 'Play with the devs' event on Sunday September 16th, 12PM PDT.  This will be the last test before we patch the weapon balances to the live districts. This time the event will be happening on Jericho, in the prototype A district!

    Hope to see you all there!

    edit: changed prototype district to the stats we are looking to move forward with.

    • Like 6
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  13. Hello everyone,

    Today we put out a patch on OTW server. This patch included bug fixes.

    Patch notes are the following:
    •    Fixed a bug that allowed players to trade with players on their ignore list
    •    Fixed a bug that prevented the ‘Accept’ button from working in the Trade window
    •    Fixed a bug that caused a client crash when trying to extend the lease on expired weapons

    • Like 2
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  14. Hello everyone!

    Since many of you want to have your own title and it's really hard to change them one by one, I will be having the 'Change your title' day in the week.
    I will basically be enabling the option to change your title every Friday and it will be disabled somewhere during Saturday.

    Keep in mind that your title must be PG13 (these boards are PG13). Also must follow our forum rules and Terms of Service.

    Please do not put your title as Admin/Administrator/ForumMod/GM or something that can be associated with our company/team.

    Titles are the same as posting, if they are not according to our rules we will be removing your title and give you the warning.

    Happy titleing! 


    • Like 10
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  15. This is a case for support... also I should remind you that account sharing is against our Terms of Service.

    The details have also been removed from the post. Please in future try not to post emails and only share those with the support team.

    • Like 1
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  16. Hello everyone,

    We had a patch on OTW. Down below you will find the changes that were made:

    •    Fixed an issue where using /unstick while holding a task item would incorrectly end the mission
    •    Fixed an issue related to being able to use fences and hydrants to see players through walls
    •    Fixed a number of issues related to falling through the floor when standing on a task item
    •    Fixed a bug related to ammo not removing the correct amount of APB$ when being refilled
    •    Improved hit notifications to properly display when targets are being hit
    •    Improved the reliability of Spotter character modification
    •    Disabled Open PvP in Weapon Prototype Districts

    Known Issues

    •    Using the Extend Lease button in the Edit menu for a weapon will crash the client
    •    Accept button to accept a trade is currently not working as intended 

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