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Posts posted by GhosT

  1. I own all and have played with them all a LOT. So I'll add my thoughts to your quote with a • before each sentence, my post would get way too long otherwise.


    On 4/4/2020 at 5:13 PM, NotTheEnforcer said:



    -Hazardous (Remodel too. Make it the M1 Thompson, so it's different from the Typewriter series. Give it a unique mod or something. It's just a garbage Typewriter with a "special" skin. Perhaps the unique blue mod could be the box mag the M1 came with, 30 rounds but much faster reload time?)

    • Sounds like a good idea. Not much that can be done about this one to make it unique. But removing the garbage mod selection and giving it something unique is a good idea.

    -Anubis (I legitimately have not seen anyone say nice things about this. Also Id love a normal Armas-based WA2000)

    • Pre-G1 nerf it was actually a solid gun and fun to play with, though the crosshair was quite overcomplicated and got into the way a little.

    -Reaper (There's a reason this thing is next to the Hazardous in MP price. Regular Scout is better in pretty much every single way.)

    • Not much to be done about this one unless you'd make it stronger, which would turn it into something pay2win.

    -Hitchhiker/JD. (Although JD is still useful point-blank. Never seen anyone use HH, like ever.)

    • From my tests JD is actually the best UL3, basically or on the same level as the BM. Both can be used to the UL-3s max range, the shot less to kill on the BM barely matters, and the +10% firerate is insane.

    -EOL Series - (This whole series has just been garbage from the beginning. The only useful one is the Kickback and even that becomes obsolete when you get the OPGL or Low Yield normal grenades.

    • Hammer shoots nerfed yields instead of percs. Kickback is basically the same but has one more round per mag and two slots instead of one. Deep Impact shoots buffed concs so that's nice.  Windup time should be removed.

    -Cap40 (Higher fire rate or higher normal damage, it seems pretty lackluster in any performance other than shooting through a dumpster or a glass wall.)
    • Bring back pre-G1-buff OCA stats and it's exactly where it was before, a perfectly fine alternative to the OCA with the exact same output, instead of being worse.

    -Thumper (I guess it applies to all shotguns, but performance with all have been lacking. Constant issue so probably just the overall shotgun balance pass would fix it.)

    • This one has very weird fire rate stats. I have witnessed myself and others that shoot it as fast as the NFAS, or as slow as a JG. Can't say much about the stats because the lo shotgunning doesn't seem to stop and they refuse to revert them.

    -Ursus (Some people say it's damage is too high, or its not really a technical legendary. That'd probably be a finicky one and rely on usage stats.)

    • Damage isn't too high, it has just enough damage to kill in 5 shots. Let a CA3 user heal 1hp and it's a 6 shot to kill. It's fine where it is.

    -Volcano (2 rockets? Skipping the impossible/improbable ballistics behind that, they do far too much damage per rocket. It should still kill in relative vicinity using 2 rockets, but they should only do like 50-60% damage, not the 80-90 per rocket it seems to do currently. That being the most obvious among other things I cant think of right now)

    • Way too weak at close range, way too strong at long range. Also way too much ammo you can carry when compared to the OSMAW.

    -Nano (Outclassed by other automatic sidearms. Cant tell you how many times I've killed someone who was using a Nano when I was using an NFA or a JD. I know G1 nerfed it post-release as with most things, but if I remember correctly it was also OP as hell when it released. Likely as G1 intended to boost sales before nerfing.)

    • Gets outgunned by semi autos too. It's easier due to being full auto for some people. It's fine.

    -Firework Launcher (It just doesn't have a place since you can get the Flare Gun. Maybe make it have an extended detection range but less ammo? Not sure how one could really change this off the bat.)

    • Is perfectly fine. It shoots in a straight line instead of an arc like the Flare Gun, so pocket-OSMAWing is easier. Kills in 3 shots.

    -Duck (Its literally just a Scout with a Duck tagger. Gun skin itself is pretty awful too. Same issue as the Reaper overall, just not much of a place among other Armas weapons.)

    • Just like the Reaper or Hazardous, it came from simpler times where stuff like Tagger was unique to legendaries, and hazardous was just a pay2win grab back then before it got nerfed, and was otherwise only available in the valtines armas sale.

    -Thunder (Likely just another general shotgun issue. Haven't seen anyone use it in recent months.)

    • Can't speak for LO's shotgunning, but its introduction stats are fine. Regular Showstopper was/is a little over the top tho.

    -VBR Huntress (It's good all around. With IR3 it can do damage at mid-range easily, with CJ3 you can spam it in CQC and win relatively often as long as you get the first shot. Perhaps could extend the dropoff range a bit.)

    • Perfectly fine.

    -Ogre (It's speed makes up for the general shotgun issue, still performs well in close quarters. Perhaps when a shotgun buff comes, it might need a bit of a reduction, perhaps in pellet amount or something.)

    • As with all other shotguns, revert the LO shotgunning. It was perfectly fine before that.


    • Quite underwhelming, just like the other variants. Fault of the gun, not the legendary mod.

    -Colby Commander

    • RSA with piercing. It's good.

    -Corsair (Heard this is pretty useless all around. Only seen a few people use it so far, with poor results.)

    • Playable gun, certainly not a good gun. Could use a little more range as it's very useless in most firefights. Easy to lose to many CQC guns.

    -New Glory

    • Playable gun, but basically a inaccurate smg when hipfired, and an LCR when aimed. Could use a tiny buff in MMM fire rate.


    • Very deadly when past the initial burst, better than the regular AMG-556. But the initial extreme recoil gets you killed a lot. I'd say it's fine.

    -FFA R&D III (I think I've only seen a couple people use this before. But there's a reason it's worth what, 15-20 million APB$, if not more? 3 mod slots on that must be pretty good combined with it's rarity.)

    • Just a "special" item. Doesn't need changes.

    -Yukon (I know this got destroyed in the nerf it received. Only seen 1 person use it in the last 3 months and they switched after getting killed a few times in pistol matches.)

    • Absolutely ruined after the bug fix. Adjust the bugged stats and choose something inbetween and give it that.

    -Bloody Mary (Never seen anyone actually use it.)

    • You must not play APB, it's one of the more common sidearms.

    -OSCP Series (I've heard that these are just awful.)

    • Oh yeah. Super accurate for the first two to three shots, but all in all very bad. Could use less shots to kill.


    • Like 1

  2. 8 hours ago, SkittyM said:

    Inb4 the tears for Radar tower being disabled.


    Now the people too incompetent to disable those vehicles will be happy as fuck, lol.

    Never understood how this mod in particular is a problem, when things like car spawner, spotter or blowtorch are way worse.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1

  3. 39 minutes ago, Kevkof said:

    Just as a guideline when looking at the images in the tracking engine thread...


    It's not final, so it's still being worked on and just an intermediate result to give you an idea of what's happening.


    I don't know, they seem to be stuck on lighting for a loooong time.

    The very first G1 leaks already had horrible lighting and it doesn't seem like it's really going forward.

  4. Seriously though, they probably make up at least half of the playerbase, considering there's always a full bronze district with a few golds in them.


    Sometimes I wonder what their idea about the game is.

    But then I remember veterans like Todesklinge and would rather not want to know their input.




    55 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Meta is what its always been... f2p guns.


    Not always.. scout and csg was super common when they had their overpowered phase. Also troublemaker.

    But all that was before you started playing, so I forgive you. :)


    • Like 2

  5. Gold or not, the population is way too low to create an effective matchmaking system. Literally impossible and you should learn to deal with it.


    ... threat doesn't say anything about the player anyway. Gold has 14 of the old ranks inside of it.

  6. 12 hours ago, EvaPooh said:



    It's just an uninspired martyrdom and promotes retardation. This game has a huge skill curve. Pressing a button and launching a torpedo at 20 meters a second that insta kills isn't skill. It's just a stupid gimmick and I hate it. I haaaaate iiiiiiiit. >.>


    It's not hard to get kills with remote detonator, I give you that.


    But it's hard getting kills with remote detonator when your opponent has more than two brain cells because it's actually very easy to avoid.

  7. 1 minute ago, VanilleKeks said:

    What do you want to see balanced?


    The 4x4 vegas. While it's incredibly fun to drive and yeet around in, it's super unrealistic and doesn't fit in with all the other cars.

    That and it being one of the highest HP cars in the game makes car gameplay a lot stronger than it already is. It also makes missions much easier considering how fast you can fuck off, and how many spots you can easily reach by going airborne, especially spots you shouldn't even be in.


    If it has to stay the way it is, take away a lot of its health. Makes the regular vegas have a use again.


    While we're at it, give us the old vegas sounds back!

    • Like 9

  8. 1 minute ago, AlishaAzure said:

    SO.. what's the point on posting these infos online? I mean.. this splash screen could be old as fu*k, also all the other screenshots.


    Well, we rarely get any news so anything new is appreciated, whether it is from officials or players.

  9. 22 minutes ago, AlishaAzure said:

    PS did someone broke the NDA?


    SPCTs always did that.


    Though, if you have the OTW client (not the public one that was a thing once, the SPCT one), you can download all the updates and data mine as long as the file encryption allows you to.

  10. It's a confusing system that doesn't make any sense anymore.

    It was fine the way it was before, except for competitive players. But let's face it, APB isn't a competitive game and was never intended to be one.


    But yes, removing features that were unique to APB will surely revive it. Wonder when we can phase through eachothers cars or everyone simply disappears when we're in missions.

    • Like 2
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