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Mack da Maniak

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About Mack da Maniak

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  1. Ty and done... I hope they can help me... It's a little of money and hours of farming losted... OMG
  2. What happened?? I dindt play since a week... I 've been hacked or somenthing?
  3. Any suggestions for purchase a weapon? Wich weapon is more reliable? Chúchú.
  4. I can`t login with Steam and Gamersfirst account since 2 days. Anyone knows any fix? I uninstalled and re-installed the game and nothing. The game stills throws me the same error 10004. I'm asking here because the support doesn't answer me yet, if anyone knows any trick or fix. Thanks guys!
  5. No one's using the voice chat in-game? I Try somentimes but nobody responds me.
  6. Like the player who in your opinion has very good skillz, i guess your favorite player. Merged. I choosed that people only for example, with a bit of trolling (FilmV is a old cheater, for example). Merged. Which is your fav player? What player do you think is more stable?
  7. Who do you think is the "most complete player"? Flvws, Huntorax, Dopefish or FilmV999?
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