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Posts posted by VickyFox

  1. 3 hours ago, Raichu said:

    Kinda sad that there is literally nothing new about it this year including no new rewards. I and many others have it all complete from years ago, and I was looking forward to an event but oh well.


    Guess I can do it on a new alt or something.

    The past half a decade has had the same event, are you really that surprised?



    I won't lie in saying this is one of those moments which makes one feel like there is indirect Pay to Win because Valentine Armas guns haven't returned and those who have the guns from previous years have an advantage.

    I'm sure it was an really foolish oversight.

  2. 31 minutes ago, L0pht said:

    What about the valentine weapons on armas ?

    Good point, normally there is permanent valentines guns on armas however...


    4 minutes ago, FriendlyFires said:

    where the hell are valentine weapons on armas?

    ...The Valentines update hasn't come to Armas yet!

  3. Maybe give the APB Advanced Launcher a try.


    Not sure if you know but APB's current game engine (Unreal 3.0) is built to use the single strongest CPU core.

    While other software would run faster as the work load is share across more processing cores, APB does not and in fact may be less optimal than older CPUs.


    The upgrade to Unreal Engine 3.5 onward should rectify this but that is on going by Little Orbit.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    Smart for defending cheaters, I see what you did there. 


    3 minutes ago, Solamente said:

    so i guess it’s just social interaction in general you don’t understand 

    You both undermining very good points in your posts with comments like these.



    Kitty, While I agree in votes to kick and to abandon mission. Democracy is it's own biggest flaw, It can be manipulated by a biased or corrupted majority, you can see this in big scale national politics and small scale local politics.

    I can think of a national level political stories that happened this month which is examples of that but we're not here for real world politics, we take talk further about in private if you wish.


    If a group or clan of trolls or cheaters play together, well it's a strong majority that is going to get away with abusing the voting system in games. Abandoning mission for easier games, Kicking lower threat players from games for higher threat team members is already something has happens.


    It is safeguards meant to help other players, weaponised against them.

    Y2Venom suggested removing /AbandomMission. And while I can't see a reason why it would be done, It's still open for discussion unless a mod or the OP decided this has gone far enough.



    1 hour ago, Solamente said:

    i’m not defending cheaters i’m defending literally anyone who might win against their opposition 


    we both know there’s a significant portion of the population who is only after the easiest missions possible, what do you think those players will do with a system that allows them to quit any mission as soon as they start losing?


    When a majority of the time it is the higher threat players that are likely to win, Your message comes across wrongly than intended.


    Without elaboration or further context, actually I somewhat see that this could be misconstrued as a defense for those who break the rules and it comes across as you're in denial or lying.


    Yes there is every chance that the team wanting to quit, could actually win the game if they continued.


    ...I can recall a time when a player on my team wanted to play with his friends and asked to be kicked, It pissed me off as that left me 2 v 1 and he just drove around hoping I would kick him.

    I ended up having to do the rest of the mission on my own as no backup arrived, fortunately I got lucky that time and did win. But it's was down to dumb luck that my opponents got a bit lost trying to get to the objective, I think their car got stuck or something.


    It's another debate if it's fair on those wanting to leave having to be forced to stay, or if it's fair on those staying in mission as others leave. But again that's also for private or another time.

  5. 3 hours ago, Kitty Yekaterina said:

    You are genius, how did I not think of that! 

    Topic is abandoning a mission.

    Report button wont save me from PLAYING a mission with a player who always bullied me, harassed me and was toxic to me with sabotaging my mission on purpose because he hates me for only his known reasons.  /ABANDONMISSION  however will save me from him! That is if i am quick enough before we got cop opponents. 

    That is why we do need /abandonmission! 

    Not only do we need that,  if I was LO i would even put a system similar to  requesting leadership of a team by democratic voting of abandoning mission with the opponents. 

    If we get "pro"  rank 20's  who go 30 kills 0 deaths, because kids are bored and they cheat in dead game without consequences or active admins with power of ban on sight, it would be nice in that case to abandon a mission and stop wasting our time. In my opinion it would even be a sort of counter measure for hackers / cheaters, because if every opposition would quit to them, they would pretty much either have to leave a game, or eventually stop cheating or hacking.  But that idea is just an utopia sadly. 


    Recently I decided that since i got annual leave, maybe i should revisit and grind away on my criminal character that i've neglect. My crim just got to rank 38.

    For just under a decade I've played APB and despite that, I strugged to get 20 kills in a game unless it's in fightclub.


    There are pro players, there are veteran players and then there are hackers.

    I think you're exaggerating quite a bit.


    A balance is needed as so /AbandonMission isn't going to be abused, for you it's a get out from abusive opponents but those opponents are going to also use the same tool as you to leave evenly matched games to find and select easier opponents.


    I don't always agree with Solamente, I think his "utopia" idealism is along the lines of Les Brown: -“Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss it you will land among the stars.”.

    Normally I would agree with it's principle however we're far from ready to aim for the stars or the moon.


    Lets just fix Matchmaking and Threats which is the core problem before addressing the other symptoms.

    • Like 1

  6. Another thread about a game mechanic there to help, yet the social issues undermine their intended purpose to the point of other players requested such mechanics to be removed.


    A balance is need between allowing players to have the freedom to do as they like but in a way that is not going to disrupt other's game play.


    Everyone can agree that Threats and Matchmaking are broken but the social issue exasperates the game's faults.


    "A fish rots from the head down", Little Orbit has to make a stance to set standards for the community.

  7. 7 hours ago, Y2Venom said:

    Every time i try to play, i am constantly seeing high level golds abandonmission when they have a new player. Essentially leaving pre made teams communicating against ungrouped players not communicating. Players getting trounced time after time. Players leave and play another game. This is not a new issue, its been going on for years. What i mean by this, experienced players refusing to team with new players.


    5 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    This is a poor matchmaking issue I think. Not an issue with /abandonmission.

    Removing this ability won't fix the main problem.


    My thoughts exact Cookie, The game may remove players before there is opposition...


    ...Why? I don't really know, I'd hazard a guess it's meant to be a game auto-balancing feature that was long forgotton or maybe it's a bug which people dismissed as being /AbandonMission.

  8. 15 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    for those saying  " my ignore list is full"

    An honest question : did you accuse someone then block them so they could not reply? I see that A LOT more often than any trash talking like posted in this thread.

    If so then that is your fault for your ignore list being full , not to mention hackusations then , but that is somewhat of a different topic.

    Acutally... This made me chuckle a little bit because I've been accused 3 or 4 times in Asylum of hacking and then when I thank them for the compliment and explain myself, I got blocked!


    I try not to throw accusations around, I may ask other's opinion of a player first but one tries not to confront. Just report, If you don't send the first message accusing them then there's no need to block their replies.


    Thank you for reminding me, I'm sorry if I made them feel bad but they were genuinely outplayed and they did overreact.

  9. On 2/1/2020 at 4:05 PM, Mystical said:

    Reading the comments im starting to get why this game is so toxic.

    It may be the internet but online anonymity shouldn't be an excuse to treat other people like this, It's a game and while it should have to be taken seriously, likewise it shouldn't have to come to personal attacks.


    People ask what makes APB toxic, It's one of those things which is best observed happening rather than trying to explain the complexities.


    On 2/1/2020 at 4:20 PM, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    If you ignore everyone that says something slightly negative towards you of course you're gonna fill it up.

    I admit I am lazy and will empty my ignore box later when I log on.


    I don't know if you just have a double standard and act differently online than you do in person, or if you have thing mentality in everyday life. What you consider mild behavior shouldn't be the standard for the community because you don't give a toss about what other's say.


    23 hours ago, Solamente said:

    i’m curious as to what in this screenshot indicates little orbit is okay with this behavior


    as a side note, if this person is whispering hexerin because he’s stomping on new players in the bronze district i feel like it’s justified

    I too am curious to know what LO would think of this, Whispers are obviously intended to be direct but I would of argued that such a flurry of insults is getting close to harassment.


    If this person is really that upset about another player to type out such insults then he should go in another district or take 5 minutes to calm down, but it comes across as an attempt to bully someone out of rage.


    If lower threat player is being dominated by higher threat veteran... Yeah... that's another contentious issue but while it is infuriating, there is a limit and a should be a line in the sand.

    Some coaching on gameplay and guidance on how to improve a player's outlook of APB may help, but that's whole is a separate social issue with APB and it's core game mechanics that is on going.


    16 hours ago, Iosono said:

    You must see all the obscenities and racism that go on in district chat. 

    That should be actionable.

    This is just trash talk. Are you a gamer? If you’re a gamer you should be used to trash talk.


    I agree that at fair bit of the time, some people in district chat are worse but often I just pass them off as trolls...

    The way I look at Trolls are just people that are seeking attention which they can't get at home and I pity.

    Just ignore and maybe report them but just don't give them the attention.


    If you're a gamer then you should be used to competitiveness, yes it may get heated and I hold my hands up to getting frustrated as like anyone else at times, but you can still show a bit of sportsmanship.




    Just because it is normal now and has been a long while, it does not mean that it should be.

  10. 22 minutes ago, Fortune Runner said:

    a simple solution is those who are repeat offenders to have their chat privileges removed and  let them play.

    no whispers no team chat nothing + an icon by their name that shows they can not

    that means no inbound whispers of any kind either

    I can agree with that.


    Personally I think Social Justice Warriors are hypocrites, and snowflakes are just raised in a way of having immaturity and thin skin. But while I play APB mostly to vent frustration from work, I am there also to have fun like everyone else. A balance is needed and there should be some limits on how far insults go.


    I guess what I'm saying to ZombieBiscuit is I'd like to see just some level of sportsmanship, being on the internet or in a game isn't an excuse to be a pleasant fellow to others.

    • Like 1

  11. 1 minute ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Sure there is no need. And it shows a lot about the person who says such a thing. But when it is something quite minor it is more on the one that received the whisper here. This is something that really shouldn't be handled by LO unless it gets out of control. It is something that should be handled socially on a micro and macro level; micro being the singular person, macro being the APB community as a whole.

    Any suggestions on how we can imrpove the situation on a community level, telling us that maybe we're the problem and to turn chat off is one option but isn't doing anything on a macro level.

    At what point do you consider it out of control, what do consider moderate or severe then if the OP was a example of minor abuse.

    The only things worse I can think of is resorting to using racial slurs and suggesting physical threats.

    • Like 1

  12. 4 minutes ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    Cmon. You really think the person in the OP should be banned for that? They are some pretty low tier bad words.

    It's not about the words used, It's a direct verbal attack.

    The odd insult is not uncommon, just be an adult about it, you can state your opinion suggesting they quit but there's no need to call someone fucking trash.

    6 whispers in 6 minutes. It is a judgement call in what quantifies harassment but I'd say that is an example to consider.


    1 minute ago, HawtGirl said:

    Not of first offence but if they are like this all the time, few days ban/mute won't be a bad idea.

    I'd agree to a temp mute in chat or a few days ban.


    1 minute ago, NotZombieBiscuit said:

    If you are filling your ignore box the constant is YOU. The ignore box is not small in size, but sure if you are someone who has thin skin and is unable to turn the other cheek at even the most mild of things, leading to mass ignoring anyone for a tiny little thing, then yeah maybe.

    Sometime unfortunately I add someone to my ignore list and they'll still be active for a week or so.

    Admittedly I do need to clear our my ignore list as most are inactive, but maybe you'd like to join me for a few games of FC sometime.

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  13. Rank doesn't equate to skill or threat.



    Some people have complained on the forum that they've played for years but just can't reach gold threat level, They feel the gold threat veterans are just too good and they can't get fair opponents to practice against.

    I just say stop with the excuse of not having a fair opponent, learn from mistakes made in missions. Asking yourself would it of been better to do this instead of what I did and dying is how you improve.


    See where things could of been done differently for a better outcome.

    There's practice and then there's learning.


    I once met a legitimate new person who just started APB for the first time the day before, and they ABSOLUTELY SLAYED. Although they got lost and was confused by some gun's and vehicle's handling, they took full control of the mission. But after multiple years playing I was highly impressed.

    After a couple of games I just had to ask "How are you so good without experience of APB and knowledge of the maps". Their response was that they've played Call of Duty games for years and practicing with First Person Shooters helped them perfect their aim. When it came to the gun fights, the only things that were different was the gun's behavior and shooting over the shoulder of character.



    Rank in APB is just a measurement for in game progress through contacts.


    In a opposed mission / gun fight, the only thing useful information that ranks can give you is a hint of what guns, vehicles and mod this character can use... although that doesn't mean still that they'll have them unlocked or equipped:

    Rank 200: Regardless of threat colour, this player may start to consider the use of a car bomb, they may have a tagger in their primary weapon... Also if they're cocky then they may attempt using half bricks or 8 balls.

    Rank 35: Will have all primary weapons unlocked except explosives, all stock cars, about a quarter of preset ingame items... They won't have many weapon mod slots unlocked as weapon skills are required to unlock and can't use level 3 mods.

    That's only information Rank if worth... Nothing to do with a player's threat, skills or time spent in game


    Even then you play in Fightclub and get all weapons skill roles maxed out without getting a higher threat level or rank!

  14. 3 hours ago, IS2APBR said:

    I've always thought it meant you wouldn't show up in the radar but recently I found out that's not the case.


    The Raptor 45 'Condor' (Joker Mystery Box 17) is a he legendary assault rifle has a one of a kind mod call "XTD-7s Silencer", At this time it is the only gun in game that will not show up on radar... However this only applies to the first 3 bullets fired.


    Not the greatest benefit to the user, but the first 3 bullets being masked may just give enough of a delayed reaction from the target.

  15. 22 hours ago, N66 said:

    - This isn't a road map, I support LO but this had no effort put into it, what sort of road map doesn't mention order of events and when to expect them, or any events for the matter, balance was last year's news which people were hoping you would abandon, engine upgrade is being delayed forever it's not a new event, and there is no mention of a date..

    Is what I thought when I read the entire blog post.


    There isn't really any news that we didn't know already other devs are nor 100% committed to the Engine now.



    One criticism we’ve heard from the community is that you’d like to see our engineers’ talents focused on things like our Engine Upgrade and gameplay improvements. We’ve been listening...

    This part made me feel a bit insulted of all things!

    GamersFirst put up a poll asking the community what we considered the priorities should be with APB back in like 2016 / 2017... After waiting SO LONG for the engine upgrade with very vocal displeasure over it...




    Is this criticism only just being picked up now?

    Is this meant to be reassurance?

    It a criticism that has gone on for half a decade, What are you only listening now as a new year's resolution?!



    I realise it was meant to come from a genuinely open and transparent place of acknowledgement. But sometimes in customer service, it is actually detrimental to state the obvious if the complaint is still not going to be resolved any time soon.


    I know LO isn't dragging their heels but it feels like it is after so long




    Thank you for all the hard work you've done so far but... JESUS CHRIST IT'S LIKE BREXIT... 

    Sorry I shouldn't bring politics into this but regardless of your view, How sh-t are we having delays upon delays on something already delayed! 


    It's painful waiting year are year, please just get it over done with.

    F-CK! 😣

  16. One tries not to come across as racist but yeah when every line in district chat is in not only a language you don't understand but every letter is completely foreign, It does seem a bit like same and it feels like I'm the outsider.


    But it is just sometimes the time of day with time zones, Europe is too multicultural with multiple languages for just 1 channel.

    • Like 1

  17. 22 hours ago, Context said:

    According to your logic, you can banned anyone. I repeat, at the time when the players were blocked, we did not use anything. Support ignores (EAC).

    While none of us know the details of what happened to your account, technically yes.

    Read the Terms of Service and you'll see that Little Orbit does reserve the right to terminate your account without prior warning or needing to give a reason for it. They are also under no obligation to give or even consider giving refunds.


    It's easier to say It's at our digression what you can and can't do and when, rather than writing an entire legal contract which defines every little detail should layers and courts have to get involved over a computer game account.


    1 hour ago, Context said:

    The fact is that support ignores 4 months, no matter how much I write. And they can't do anything in support of little orbit.

    MattScott admits that they are backlogged by months, a 4 month delay sounds about right. 

    It's not laziness, ignoring tickets or just not caring... They're working to maximum capacity and are trying catch up with the vast number of tickets coming in constantly.

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