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About tedix

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  1. tedix

    X Y Z Criminal Clan

    Greetings, Ah a new clan is coming up in San Paro. that's interesting! I prepare my stabba and display banner to take some evidence xD. We hope for you the "best" for your clan. See you soon in the street of San Paro. The Sheriff.
  2. observe in your car mirror at the rear :
  3. But i have a dolton broadwing with lightbar working
  4. Greetings, After the update i received the mirage boomer raptor III equipment by mail, but i encounter a new problem. These police lights don't work, the siren flash pattern don't work : Sorry for the inconvenience, but without light, I cannot do my duty correctly have a nice day in San Paro The Sheriff
  5. Greetings, Do you intend to create a kit for the mirage? Some new weapons "Stabba" type in project ? That's all The Sheriff
  6. Greetings, I have seen a little difference for the police lights type "ARS" for the mirage cars. A "ars" police light on the dolton broadwing : a "ars" police light on the mirage : It seems that the police light don't have the glasses protection like the dolton Broadwing. I let you studying this case, The Sheriff.
  7. Greetings, I cannot resist... I'm addicted to handcuff them... I'm too gentle! xD Some advice: - We have between 10 or 15 seconds to put the scene during the arrest, with some training we will become "Pro" ! - Be aware of the criminals around or it will break the immersion for the screenshot ! So i think the message has been sent now... xD Have a nice day in San Paro. The Sheriff.
  8. Greetings, It is time to communicate with the display banner. This is an advertising item when you need to send a clear message! And this message is for the "Handcuffed" ! Now you have the power to act ! The Sheriff Department of San Paro get a message for you the criminals... Display banner example Display banner in the action Thanks for your support for the security of San Paro. The Sheriff.
  9. Greetings, Not a difficult question. Do the siren and police light will be functional on the mirage vehicle one day? do you wait to implement a kit for this vehicle to make them work ? have a nice day.
  10. Greetings, Do you have seen a mirage in All Point Bulletin: Reloaded ? I'm not in the desert ! One month ago, i posted a message about this new vehicle, i have seen a little progress but i wait another things and it will be perfect... The police lights are here but it miss something yet... I will ask a question with this little video link: A mirage in APB:R 1,2,3,... the answer was: "the animated lights" and "the unlocking of these items" As always my consideration for the developers, finish this and you'll be free and experienced for some new creations. Have a nice day! The Sheriff of San Paro.
  11. Hi, I bought this car in december 2023 with some expectations, a complete car of enforcer. but it miss one item to be official? no ? I will help you to find it with an image: https://1drv.ms/i/s!ArfvDsI-a90pg_VcKTY8b4QWXO599g?e=LYIoYz I waited one month and i think it is maybe time to finish the work, i said nothing if it is in progress but maybe an information for the progress will be appreciate. The answer was the "Enforcer light"! All my consideration for the developers, have a nice work too.
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