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Posts posted by HighSociety

  1. 9 hours ago, Fortune Runner said:

    its one thing for someone to randomly go gold in bronze who does not normally go gold

    Thats a good point cuz so many people are still ignorant af... they don't understand MY (and some others problem) > stuck between silver 9 and gold 2... so poppin up to gold and down to silver every week or sometimes every day.

    And idc about "normally go gold"... 

    I join the district where i got a space... so basically when i'm silver i also join bronce districts and yea blame me cuz i know i'll turn gold there.

    I'm just not willing to spend 30min of spamming "join district" to get to the silver districts!


    Phasing will help a lot but i also think they should rework threat level like: 


    Everyone below gold 5 is silver than

    Everyone below silver 5 will get bronce

    Everyone below bronce 5 will get green


    So we would have 15 ranks in green (cuz i never see green people), 10 ranks bronce, 10 ranks silver and just the top 5 ranks gold... 


    My 2 cent 🙂

  2. 11 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Have you tried lowering settings?

    I only get the RTX OOM error if running at max. 

    I realize how crazy it is to have to turn down graphics with suck powerful cards, but it has helped. 

    Yea after ~4000h of lag spikes, disconnects, rubberbanding and so on (or short APB) and because i'm addicted i found out that playing on low is helping.

    APB doesn't even look good with max settings but much more enjoyable 🙃


    It's more about the "new" players... there are still some ppl out there willing to put some time into a game to get better but if a game crashes for no reason they won't take a look how to solve it > delete APB. 


    thank u for trying to help! 

  3. Can we please stop to "balance" things till we get the friggin engine upgrade?

    LO u know that ppl with actual (new) PC can't play (cuz of RTX bug)...

    Also there are times where i can't play at all cuz of too low population. logged out after i get gold > loggin in > ah nice just a bronce district > go play anything else and don't touch APB for the next 2 weeks. 

    Ah and can we also disable hieroglyphs (kyrill) in chat or make it possible to disable if we wan't to?

    Yea that's just my 2 cent...





  4. @MattScott i still got the same issue.

    Is there a fix planned for RTX cards or do we have to wait till engine upgrade?

    And do we get any kind of compensation for our unusable premium days? (I only can play on my brothers PC with gtx980 but cant use it everytime i wanna play)

  5. 12 minutes ago, MattScott said:

    Hi everyone,


    We discovered an issue with IR data and that has been corrected in last night’s patch.





    12 minutes ago, CookiePuss said:

    Check the patch notes... its been fixed.

    Oh well i missed that point in the new patchnotes.


    Ty for the fast fix!

  6. 7 minutes ago, Onadan said:

    Oh right my bad. Well you can try it out for 30 mins, or 7 days for 700 joker tickets. spoilet: it's not worth it.

    Granted, it's been buffed so it's not as terrible as it used to be,  but even after trying it post-buff on the test servers it didn't seem anywhere near viable to me.

    and ya there are more guns not really viable.

    what i tryed to say is that we had the chance for a viable LCR with the RoF increase but they won't let us try

  7. 1 hour ago, Onadan said:

    Have you considered that the weapon is viable, just not the way you're using it?


    1) Use it's range to your advantage and outrange other people

    2) The accuracy is top notch during sustained fire, use supression fire and not pop in pop out techniques

    3) don't go solo, give cover to your teamates, take cover and don't let your enemies close in, temporise

    4) don't use it close quarter unless desperate, prioritise the use of a close-ranged secondary

    5) use the high damage per mag to your advantage; while lower than some other AR, it's higher than the rifles by over a thousand (which are its main competitors at this range)

    6) it's good for supressing snipers when you're not outnumbered, just don't take needless risks you just need to pin them down

    To sum it up: use your brain, not your index. Only then it becomes a viable weapon.


    And if you really ``think'' the LCR is bad, I'd suggest you try the ISSR-a or ISBR lmao.


    But hey, I guess that "One man's trash is another man's treasure" as old guy Arlon Benjamin would say...

    I'd buy it from you.

    Granted, the locked slots kinda suck hard, I'll give you that; this restriction doesn't make sense in current meta.

    oh sorry maybe everytime when i was using LCR and decided i'll better switch to n-tec, obeya, obir or to issr-b (depending on range) because all of them are better than LCR... i was wrong.

    only got 4.5k hours in APB don't judge me that hard

  8. On 10/27/2018 at 12:13 PM, TrashCan said:


    Than tell my why every streamer using the cop fraction? 

    because it's more fun? (of course it makes more fun if one side has so much advantages) + you pick the mission witch are good for the COP side.

    You see I'm just trying to balance the game a little bit but fuck it, I will play cop and make the same no-skill garbage lame shit.

    We will see at the end how much crimes are left in the game.


    And again very slowly extra for you.. So Keep in my mind Just do your no-skill lame garbage Text edit bulls-h-i-t. 


    yes please do that so i got 1/600 better chance to get a free spot for my crim on districts ✌

  9. 5 minutes ago, Frosi said:

    It's something that should be in the game by default and is more or less a bandaid to quickly be able to check and abandon a mission if it's one of the bad end stages such as VIP, Bomb or our all-time favorite the Bank truck hold.


    In either case, most of the long time players know the end stages to each mission by heart anyway so it's technically just a quick way of learning them, and even without configs people can just use things such as the Steam overlay and sit on apbvault searching for the mission and end-stage while they're respawning.

    u can find the descriptions of all missions online and simply open them on second monitor... not bannable!


    u'r welcome 

  10. 26 minutes ago, Similarities said:

    If he actually attached cheat engine to the game, rather than just opening it and having it in the background, no it shouldn't and it won't.

    Try with BF1 just run cheatengine don't attach it, u will be kicked from the game instant (not banned in first term) BF is using Fairfight. 

    But u can be right dunno

  11. 10 minutes ago, Nite said:

    I'd like to just point out that the same anti-cheat software can be configured differently for different games and have different degrees of effectiveness

    but every anticheat should ban if u are running cheatengine... if its doin something or not.

    And the Rainbow 6 devs like... ah let's allow cheatengine what can happen or what?

  12. 5 minutes ago, Halelulia said:

    No, you already said it by yourself.

    First case only 1 is affected (the scrub friend) and this guy can always go back to bronze district.

    Second case mutliple are affected who could leave the game.

    Well u are right here

  13. 3 minutes ago, Halelulia said:

    They should get temp/perm banned.
    If they want to play together the scrub can join the higher district and get shit on.

    And not the veteran claps the scrubs and fks the playerbase.

    i'm against dethreating too...

    but it makes no difference scrubs get shit on and leave or friend of scrub shits on another scrub who leaves, just to say it in ur words.

    Playerbase fked in both cases.

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