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Everything posted by sleepbrain

  1. yeah same rip theres like 3 districts online rn that's it
  2. nah definitely didn't i only have 4 email accounts, one for europe, and the other is my closed beta account. the last one has nothing on it bc i just made it today trying to figure out if gmail was bugged when i wasnt getting pw reset
  3. heres the vid i can go in game and theres no characters made on that account. but trying to register with my old name says its taken when it isn't
  4. i would post pictures here but it doesnt keep the original size for me, so ill make a quick video showing the 2 accounts on one email 1 sec
  5. but my point is the email that's attached to that "banned" account is now apparently 2 different accounts. I made a 2nd account on an email that already have a registration email sent to it. so now i have two registration emails on one account basically the "ban" seems to have deleted my old account because I just made a new account on that same email. Unless it's the wrong email, but I'm pretty certain it isn't
  6. OK so this is super interesting and I'm sure if I made a ticket support would be like uhhhhh what do you mean. I also encourage people who were banned BEFORE the merge to try and do what I am going to discuss as well and see what it is. I didn't know what my email was for the account until today, and got super excited and tried to login. Apparently, none of my passwords worked but I have a registration email from 12/30/12. So i tried resetting my pw and wasn't getting an email. Apart of me decided to even SEE if my account name existed, so I got on my main and tried adding it as a friend. The name does NOT exist apparently. My friend can say the same. BUT I made a new account with the email I ALREADY had registered on (somehow) and tried making a character on Jericho (my original character was on Colby, but was never merged because I was banned before that) and guess what? The name is already apparently taken, and I know for a fact no one has the name currently (and remember, I can't add it as a friend because it apparently does not exist....) My friend is having the same problem, and I believe some other people might as well if they were banned before the merge. I'm super confused because that account apparently doesn't exist but it does at the same time. I encourage people to try and add yourself as a friend on whatever account you're using and see if it exists (if you were banned before the server merge). If it doesn't try making a new account with the same name and see what happens. If it says it's taken then idk I feel like a few people are gonna be in the same boat as us i can make a video if that would b easier
  7. yeah i think i figured it out it was a reply to my original ticket but my new one hasn't been processed/replied to yet. just was confused because gmail wasn't show it as a reply to anything
  8. yeah i pmed you cuz i did that and got a confirmation (ticket number 102) BEFORE getting the one that said I caught them during transition. Unless that was a response to the original one, it doesn't show for some reason on gmail
  9. oh i was under the impression they went live with it already my bad lol
  10. I made my ticket this morning and got this. I made it through the link Selali provided. Anyone else get this? my ticket number request was apparently #102 *removed private conversation* idk why the picture is so small, but it basically says I've contacted them during the transition time which obviously isn't the case
  11. i'm super stoked now he seemed like a really nice guy as well
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