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Posts posted by ExoticZ

  1. 9 minutes ago, jimmyneutral said:

    realize that Frosi omits or is somehow completely unaware of the fact that players who 'hackusate everyone better than them' AFK against said players, forcing you to either wait the 5-10 minutes depending on whether youre attacking or defending or restart your game, because they arent.


    why the fuck would you want to sit in an abandoned mission any longer than you have to? so long as there are enough players with the notion of cheater pollution in mind, this is going to happen.

    I'm fairly sure me and Frosi are aware of these issues. 

    I do not like to play against unexperienced silver/bronze players either. We dont need a surrender option to work around this.


    The issue lays in the matchmaking and threat segregation system. This is what needs a rework.

    As of right now the engine upgrade is number one priority though. LO have to take step by step, cant take everything at once.

  2. No, no and NO!


    On 4/26/2020 at 11:52 AM, Frosi said:

    Absolutely not, good players already have a hard enough time getting opposition, giving the people that hackusate everyone better than them a surrender option is just going to ruin more and more missions and make the game even less playable for 4 player groups. 


    In an ideal world there wouldn't be a need for a surrender option because the matchmaking (post 2.1) is good enough to match players of equal skill. A surrender option would be a "bandaid" until District Phasing / Matchmaking improvements that could be exploited and make the game even less enjoyable.


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  3. On 4/21/2020 at 2:40 PM, RealSlimShady said:

    I think active GMs should check dethreat reports frequently and ban them for 1 week or month, so they won't harass new players and gain exp easily

    If you see people dethreat, then simply /report the person. Not much more you can do about it.

    If there is clear evidence of the person dethreating, then I'm sure they will take action or warn the player.


    On another side, you cant really blame them for it. The current threat/matchmaking is bad and needs rework which leads people into dethreating. 

    Hopefully in the future there will be a better system in place.

    • Like 1

  4. 7 hours ago, Kiida said:

    Ban Exoticz and car gameplay will drop by 90%
    Easy fix.



    In all seriousness, I dont think the EMP grenade will change the "car gameplay" meta much. Although, we still dont have any information about how useful this grenade will be.

    I'd prefer a car balance on all cars, health, speed, cargo capacity, etc...


    Not to mention, we desperately need High Burn Fuel nerf. Currently it has no downsides which makes no sense.

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  5. Glad to see you taking action on the Mobile Radar Tower finally. It's been broken for way too long.

    Disabling is just a temp fix, better than nothing though.


    1 hour ago, Ellix said:

    Agree as post above said - Bring the golden ACT to JT

    Fairly certain that the ACT44 GM PR1 is in Joker Store already.

  6. 6 hours ago, Lucesan said:

    I'm wondering, as a fellow streamer (even though I probably stream less than you), whenever you stream on apb, do your ennemies come on your stream and insult you ?

    Last time I witnessed it on my stream, people really can't chill sometimes 😅

    I've experienced that yeah. The easiest way to deal with is to /ban [name] in chat. 

  7. Hello everyone!


    I figured I would make a quick post about my twitch channel.


    I do not have a schedule for my stream, although I try to stream at least 4-6 days a week.

    I usually start my streams around 18:00 on regular week days, meanwhile on weekends I start whenever it suits me the best.

    My timezone is GMT+1.


    I always (try to) post when I go live on my twitter.

    I also have a community discord server, which can be found here.



    Feel free to give me a follow, so you wont miss out on any of my streams! 🐋




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  8. 13 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    The mod is basically free wall hack for 8 seconds, you don't know if you have one on you or not you'll have to guess. To rebalance it the idea is to just up the cool down time on it. Maybe at some point during development allow us to see if we're tagged by the spotter mod like the tagger mod so we at least know we can play around it.

    Cooldown: 45 secs
    Duration: 10 secs

    Rebalance state:
    Cooldown: 120 secs
    Duration: 7 secs

    I agree on everything although I think the duration can stay on 10 seconds. The rest is fine.


    I would also like to add a suggestion for "being spotted". Make it how "Halloween events" were with the remaining survivors. Basically what I mean by that is to make it flash every 3rd seconds or so. Lets say it flashes once every three seconds. Which means you would be "spotted" for three times within 9 seconds total. This would allow for more outplay against your opponent using spotter.


    This is just a suggestion though.


    17 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    Combined with a pioneer or any other car can give you permanent defensive cover, you can really abuse it to car gameplay someone to oblivion without leaving your big hotel once.

    Cooldown: 30 secs
    Duration: 30 secs

    Rebalance state:
    Cooldown: 60 secs
    Duration: 20 secs

    I agree on cooldown nerf, although the duration is not needed to touch, imo.



    19 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:

    Radar Jammer

    This mod currently is just useless, with tagger and spotter being a thing you cannot block those either. All you do with it is block the radar from not showing you but you're only shown when shooting or seen anyway. Would be cool if this mod could counter Spotters/taggers makes it a bit more useful to use. Or increase the duration timer on it.

    Cooldown: 90 secs
    Duration: 15 secs

    Rebalance state:
    Cooldown: 90 secs
    Duration: 20-30 secs

    The duration is fine I think for 15 seconds. The cooldown is also okay.

    It's only missing a little of love and "buff" to it, when it comes being able "jam" other stuff in the game. Such as spotter, tagger, flare gun etc...


    21 minutes ago, KyoukiDotExe said:
    1. Remote Detonator

      This mod is pure annoyance and we all know on why we use it or hate it. The low cool down timer is the issue here mainly, other than Explosives 3 being 45% is also very huge but that's another story/mod.

      Cooldown: 1 secs
      Duration: n/a

      Rebalance state:
      Cooldown: 60-90 secs
      Duration: n/a


    Oh god, where do we start? Spawn car, press 5, spawn car, press 5... <-- This is every remote detonate player in the game currently, simply because it is missing a cooldown.

    I dont mind being able to blow up your own car, but being being able to blow up your own car every single damn second is quite annoying to be honest.


    I think the 90 second cooldown that was suggested would be fine for it.

    • Like 1

  9. On 3/9/2020 at 3:51 AM, Nivo said:

    Is there is reason as to why so many people are generally able to jump and run with this item in a fast paced manner?

    Simply because its possible. 

    This used to be possibly with heavy items too until they added a small animation when picking them up.

  10. On 3/8/2020 at 9:24 AM, Flaws said:

    Nope. It is currently suffering from an unnecessary nerf that should be reverted.

    Out of curiosity, which of the nerfs did you think was bad? Jumpshooting or bloom changes?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Raichu said:

    Only a few of the items in a few of the packs are usable anyway sadly. Majority of all the armas clothing is overly detailed niche clothes that only someone role playing as whatever style the pack is would wear, which is like a handful of people. More basic everyday clothing would be lovely to have.

    Agreed. More basic "everyday" style clothing would be nice.


    On a side note, I think this forum thread belongs in the suggestions section.

  12. 16 hours ago, vantiks said:

    So I am just curious why certain things are being changed when there is other stuff that people actually say need to be fixed but LO wont touch?

    -Nfas/ogre delete bullets

    -nfas basically out ttks everything

    -it feels like ursus kills in a millisecond

    -ntec was nerfed when there was nothing really wrong with it (in comparison to the other assault rifles)

    -the scoped ntec is honestly better than normal ntec now

    -oca was nerfed when pmg was already superior

    -thunder is basically a sniper rifle and a jg combined

    -csg is useless without ir3

    -hvr damage is the problem not the 10 people in the game who knew how to jumpshot it. irl if i jump with a gun and hit my target it does the same amount damage.

    -radar tower mod doesnt work like 75% of the time, they can be standing on the car and it wont show them on minimap.


    removing things like hvr jumpshotting just take away those little moments like landing a super lucky drop shot.



    -threat segregation on NA is NOT sustainable, we are back to 0-0 WF and 20-20 fin for both bronze and silver (example)

    -bounties arent on minimap (unless this was intended)

    -bounties are still unkillable once mission is over


    - Shotguns are currently being balanced.

    - Ursus might have gotten a slight (ninja) buff for its bloom recovery. I think this was the shotgun balance patch from 2018. (needs to be checked)

    - NTEC nerf does not make the gun bad. It's still in meta and allows other Assault Rifles into play.

    - OCA was nerfed due to the rapid fire ttk. PMG could use a slight change.

    - HVR damage should be lower.

    - Radar Tower bug needs fix ASAP.


    The bounty system was changed. Both of the points you made regarding bounty is correct and is intended afaik.

    7 hours ago, vantiks said:

    half the spcts dont even play missions, its great

    Cant speak for others, but I do play the game pretty much everyday myself.

    • Like 1

  13. 7 hours ago, NandoSeee said:

    Hello there, couples months ago i bought and assembled my new fresh pc. Its made up of:

    -CPU i5 9600k

    -GPU RTX 2060 OC 


    - 16GB RAM etc.

    I was rly happy about this config and i tought the game would have finally run as god comands. In the end, game still run a little sh*t. Fps are good and i have no drops at all even when particles take over the screen. The real problem are those stupids micro stutters, half of a second stutters that rly give me cancer. I've tried everything and even with overclock and downclock the game wont run properly. I have tested also other games, like gta 5 or warframe and things run the best u could ask. 

    If some one knows how to fix this crap or if anyone has any fix for this please let me know. 

    I really dont know what to do anymore...

    Despite having a good computer myself, I experience microstutters pretty much everyday.

    Normally they come every now and then when I'm fighting an enemy player. Fairly certain that the "blood" of the character is what causes these microstutters to happen.


    Like mentioned above by the others, advanced apb launcher or a custom config is the best things you could try.

    PS: I've heard removing ragdolls of characters (upon death) fixes microstutters for many people, no idea if that works or does any difference because I've not tried it myself.

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  14. On 1/31/2020 at 7:22 PM, Acornie said:

    What do think about a % decrease to the car's explosion? For example such as -40% explosive dmg and -40% radius, as to just have a little better chance of getting away from the vehicle without being completely safe

    Either that or make it so high burn fuel takes about 20-40% of the vehicles' health. No idea what a good percentage would be considering the difference in health the vehicles have.

    It has to be nerfed to the point where people would consider using other mods. Although, I'd personally just remove the mod completely.

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  15. 3 hours ago, PvE said:

    I'm releasing this post a bit early due to the weapon balancing that seems to be going on in APB. This post isn't a suggestion but a collaboration among veterans to reach an equilibrium with weapon balancing. This document is no where near complete and still needs a lot of work but i feel it can serve as a justification what can be changed to benefit all of the community.



    Alot of interesting things in here for sure.

    Some things I agree on while some things I disagree on.

    Either way, it's a good and clean document which describes each suggestion.


    Something that could be interesting imo, is if you would go more in depth on each suggestion either on stream or a YouTube video.

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