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Posts posted by Seedy

  1. 1 hour ago, AgentWatson said:

    Banning cheaters isn't going to improve the game all that much, not sure why people keep hyping up BattleEye. The actual biggest addition for preventing cheaters isn't even BattleEye itself, it's the addition of a new engine upgrade. You implement BattleEye and the hack websites only need to create a new bypass. You upgrade the engine however and the hack websites need to take down their cheat and re-code everything and on a low population game like APB, it's going to be hard for those websites to find the financial incentive to continue to support the cheat any longer. 

    this is actually a good point if it is correct.

  2. 7 hours ago, SuperToaster said:

    3.5 is going to come with a plethora of visual/rendering changes and it can just get better with there


    RTW had terrible bloom which you only see in of course older games nowadays bloom is much higher quality and not much of an eyesore. What people are probably misunderstanding as “better” bloom then is the cross shape to the lights. Now we just had big blobs. Imo RTW was insanely too bright as night. I’d you’ve ever been in an actual city you’d know it can be fairly dark


    Aside from some minor color palette changes there’s not that much of a difference between G1’s “style” and RTW’s. When we finally get our hands on 3.5 and can see the changes live with our own eyes then people won’t be so eager to get that RTW look back

    when the game was first released there was no night time so the game was made for day time light only (to begin with)

  3. 15 hours ago, CookiePuss said:

    Even if it is, players caught know they will get their accounts back with BE. Might as well go full blatant til then.

    lol I was playing against a few people last night I though were up to no good (but also was thinking I have not played for years so my skills are pretty crap right now). I was thinking if these dudes are cheating then they arnt really giving a shit because they will not be banned when BattleEye comes to play. Looking forward to that. Until then I will just have to remember that right now I am a sub par Silver.

  4. 35 minutes ago, Dopefish said:

    Less bright surfaces means less bloom by default. More bloom isn't necessarily better, but it does make sense for glowing objects. There was an earlier G1 version where they made everything have more bloom, so your character would be glowing when walking around, which did not look good.

    pretty sure i remember that.. Wasnt that just before revomag turned everything blue then left g1 ?

  5. On 5/27/2018 at 3:22 AM, Dopefish said:

    The main reason why the lights aren't as bright, were because MonteCristo went through and lowered all the emissive textures for them. If that's a change we'd like to see in the future is mainly subjective, but it would make sense to increase them for certain materials.

    isnt it also because bloom has been pretty much removed as well? The screenies from way back are very bloomy (which makes things look better)

  6. Favourite weapon:Joker Carbine. Purchased it right back at the very beginning and very very rarely use anything else.. Favourite car. My Mini (Charger). Got it way back at the start and still using it to this day..


    Why change ?




    BTW I have a Scotland flag on my Kilt ( OCH EYE THE NOO ). I hope its not offending English people 😛 I know some people are getting a wee bit hyped about offensive flags right now (my sarcasm is strong)

  7. 2 minutes ago, RunicDeath said:

    This post is really going in wrong direction. 

    It's becoming more and more like civil war post... 


    Please guys, thanks for the help and explainings, but come on guys... stop fighting who's better or worse than other. 

    Just print the avatar picture of the person you hate here and stab it with a knife or a d*ldo, idc.. but come on.. 


    The more you insult others the more you look like sh*t to others.  

    I +1 your comment


    Will read again 🙂


    Lets add some fun back to the online world! Who wants a chocolate biscuit ? I have one here and a cup of tea.. Im sharing cause im caring 🌻

  8. 2 hours ago, Puffdragon said:

    There is no such thing as a vpn program, there is such a thing as bloatware that edit's your ethernet settings.


    All you need to do to vpn is create a new connection in control panel, punch in vpn ip and password.


    That vpn program is spyware designed for old people.




  9. 7 hours ago, BXNNXD said:

    sweet christmas, are we going to go through everything anyone has ever found offensive?


    when do we ban american flags because the US bombed hiroshima and nagasaki? 

    when do we ban japanese rising sun flags because the Allies banned it after ww2?


    and on and on and on and on

    think the OP is maybe an attention seeker and looking to raise his post count.. 


    More importantly though, when do we ban Avatars of Donald Trump because he has a huge comb over? I'm offended by that comb over as I have very little hair so I find it very offensive! #banthecombover

  10. 4 hours ago, Puffdragon said:


    This is the flag the pro russian side of used in the ukrainian war, there was no slaves there. The reports of neo-nazis actually were to do with pro e.u. forces backed by the nato alliance.



    This is the russian navel flag, it's also the flag of scotland, as well as various scottish clans.


    Get the picture yet?


    Edit: but what does it mean, it's called the st. andrews cross it's not racist. Back to history class.


    " According to legend, the Christian apostle and martyr Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on an X-shaped cross.[6] Use of the familiar iconography of his martyrdom, showing the apostle bound to an X-shaped cross, first appears in the Kingdom of Scotland in 1180 during the reign of William I. It was again depicted on seals used during the late 13th century, including on one used by the Guardians of Scotland, dated 1286.[6] "



    Oh wait.. nm im scottish 😛


  11. 7 hours ago, iMiss said:


    I'm aware there's already discussion about this next suggestion but i'll state it again here since it's appropriate. Please make it a legitimate thing to turn down, or off, all game music or themes. I play with my own music going almost all the time and its one of my peeves when i run past a car blaring some song i have already heard a hundred times in my thousands of hours, drowning out my own music. The same goes for Themes, i couldn't stand hearing something designed to grief my ears when it wouldn't be worth the effort of complaining about all the players who have them to support, and it was almost as annoying as the ingame music to hear someones theme when i'm trying to listen to my own music. I ended up removing the instrument files and i'm glad i made the sacrifice of not being able to hear my own to negate the nuisance of hearing others. 

    On the topic of removing sound files for personal convenience, i hope and pray little orbit changes some of the emitter files to be less obnoxious or gives some option to change the volume level of those seperate to other game sounds. I want to hear guns shoot, grenades tick, osmaws spool up and all these useful tidbits but i DO NOT want to hear the boiler room of Asylum hammer away, ruining the vibe i'm trying to grasp from my music as i protect the objective in there. It's been extremely blissful without many of the emitter sounds i can't do anything to other than remove them entirely. 


    These are just a few small quality of life improvements i noticed that have gained popularity that are not difficult fixes, and aren't very difficult to fix properly. Things like the custom text color selector, a proper variety of volume scales for Music, Themes, Emitters and other sounds can bring a much needed customizable experience to how the game plays and feels without much difficulty

    Apart from the music you are trying to take away the atmosphere in the game.. You are looking to have your cake and eat it as they say.

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