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Everything posted by HelplessBaby

  1. awww ty so much on it!
  2. Riot may have a cool eeery vibe to it and the riot devices deffinetly have tons of personality, however there are many things that ruin the experience and dont fully show what makes Apb bright. Clumsy weapon picking The weapon picking is as clunky as the mystery gift boxes, which always felt chunky and half implemented, specially when you swap your weapon and it just akwardly falls. >< Buy your secondary This makes the mode unwelcoming to new players, a perfect opportunity of trying new guns for a brief change is gone and the perceived advantage of legendaries, 3 slot guns and armas items makes an akward comeback, leaving the mode in a strange middle ground. If you get money what you can buy is restricted to what you have unlocked and equipped so far? Not to meantion the way you equip weapons is one of the weirdest things for a new player, the opportunity to simplify such things is missed No Respawn Dying and having to wait in spectate mode, you can make a new match by joining a new instance, but don't you feel this isn't fun, this aww I died have to join another instance wait in a lobby of people running around and shooting the air for one minute or more only to die at the begggining and repeat? This means the game is only enjoyable for those expierenced enough to survive for a meaningful time. You know the players who stress the most about winning and shape the current meta, those players >< Hazmat Suit When you equip hazmat suit your character turns into a generic model. Having your own character design was an advantage over the current battle royale kings and here is obscured by the necessity of equiping a hazmat suit. The customization aspect is hampered by this. No cars A thing that could really make apb stand out as an hypothetical battle royale was bringing cars into the mix, here the map is instead filled with exploded wrecks so you can take cover and there is not a single car in the street to drive In summary.. Reason BR's are so famous is because they are one step ahead the winner vs looser dynamic and instead is more of race with more sides and outcomes, the player doesn't expect to win as much and instead focuses on how far can they can get this time. Don't you feel like there are other ways of implementing things like riot devices and new pvp dynamics without resorting to generic battle royale gameplay? The problem of apb is not its gameplay, its gameplay is what needs the least change, there is nothing like it!
  3. Still happening , if a gm would kick my character I could log in, but GM aren't ez to find.
  4. Noeeeh I didnt it keeps happening, I need a gm to kick my char so I can log in again
  5. So noone knows a way to force a log out? that is so sad , everytime I remember about apb I check if it still happens and it is still happening :(
  6. Maybe we jinxed it, since Apb is so unique many of us dont want it to be turned into another <insert name> royale ><
  7. Live version! No Apb process going on under "details"
  8. Sadly no I turned off my laptop completely and went to sleep next day turned it on still happening >< ty for trying though
  9. But ya password change didn't do, anyone got more ideas of how can I force a logout? I can enter armas marketplace from browser but I don't thinks that's 2 helpful
  10. Sorry Im just sad it keeps happening. Not any mods fault>< I did change the password, logged in with new pass and it kept saying error 1004 is so annoying!
  11. Thats so mean, moving my thread to a less visible place without telling a human first! Is there any human I can talk to about this ! >< to this date keeps happening!
  12. It feels so bum bums that I cannot talk to a human about this, and the thing keeps happening and I can't do anything about it, is so frustrating
  13. Apb is already a world of its own in the 4th dimension, you can walk inside it as if it was VR but it is not vr. U could actually be in this world as conciouness. This already happened since time is relative , that is why Lo can't make a battle royale just like that, Im from the future I know its hard 2 believe sorry >< but again what Einstein said about time being relative to the observer hasn't been assimilated fully by humans. >< U can think is a joke and pretend nothing happened, it will be ok
  14. HelplessBaby

    Error 10004 T_T

    I was playing Apb when suddenly it got stuck and froze and after that it disconnected me . Then I tried to log in and it thought I was still in, to this time friends can still see me online! When I try to log in it says the account is in use by another client but is not ! is so frustrating its been 4 hrs or more and I made a ticket but mattscott says they cant keep up with the thousands of tickets so I dont think thats 2 helpful. Did one of you ever get this error? what did u do to solve it PLz help >< thanks
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