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Everything posted by OfficerKovacs

  1. No more SPPD SCU? Are there any surviving RP Cop/Enforcer class out there?
  2. Well I was bamboozled that's for sure. Thanks for the feedback, I look forward to playing with you guys! Thanks so much! I'll send in an app to SPPD.
  3. The community wanted LtL only enforcers? I am getting such a different reaction in game. Deployable stuns? That sounds cool too, oh man can we get spike traps?
  4. Aw shoot, thanks anyway man!
  5. Wow, it feels huge now, but I never played back then. I'll try and hit back with this next time a criminal "asks" to be killed after an arrest. That is cool, did they arrest just like the enforcers or have their own special move?
  6. 1. I'll try. 2. They'll give us a taste of our own medicine. A successful arrest takes a criminal out of play for longer time than killing them would, so to me it makes it fair for criminals to do the same to enforcers, it can be really powerful if in a small area control mission and you stun and arrest both enemies, they're stuck in timeout while you keep getting points. It was just an idea.
  7. I'm new to stuns and LTL but from what I have experienced with the stun weapons from both using them and seeing them used is I agree that the PIG needs a nerf but only due to the meta of sprinkling some damage on a Criminal then slamming them with a stun. I can never time my stun grenades enough to weigh in on that argument though. My main concern with LTL is that I feel bad for the Criminals that do get arrested. They've either got to sit there and wait in such an embarrassing pose or get humiliatingly killed once arrested. I just want to level up Cop, but I've got to play this way to earn it, I try to be nice, but there just doesn't seem to be a nice way out of the stun-arrest-repeat cycle, at least for the Criminals, I can't go a match without someone getting angry over it. I understand why the wait timer is long, to give the other Criminals a chance to save them, but while I don't have the stats I imagine that saves from arrests are probably quite rare. What I'm trying to say is I'd like to give Criminals access to LTL, or something similar, maybe poison attacks? Instead of getting arrested the Enforcer writhes on the ground vomiting their eyes out their ears or something.
  8. All active members of the SPHP ended up transferring to an allied clan named SPPD, however I think they're also quite dead. SPHP is still a thing, but it's pretty inactive. Nuts, thanks so much for the help! For what it's worth, you guys had a really cool looking clan here.
  9. Hello, is your clan still recruiting?
  10. Clan's pretty much dead, the discord server is now mainly a gaming community instead of SPHP. Aw shoot, you really had me with the videos and the posters, this clan looked awesome. Any chance you'll make a come back or can you recommend another similar clan?
  11. Are you still recruiting? I also threw an application in. I'm new to discord but when I try the various discord links it says they've expired?
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